From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 45 What is iron beating?

Opening ceremonies are boring, even in the magical world.

During the fifteen minutes of the opening ceremony, William deeply realized this true meaning of life.

The only people in the world who would be happy about the opening ceremony are the parents who don't have to be there.

No, we probably have to add the underage wizards who have been holding back all summer vacation - William saw with his own eyes that on the four dining tables below, some students secretly took out their wands and tried to cast spells on the tables. They must have been holding back all summer vacation.

"If you think about it carefully, is it possible that part of the reason for banning magic during summer vacation is to prevent students from resisting the start of school?"

It's scary to think about it.

William glanced at the students boredly - this was not because he was unsociable, but because Lockhart wanted to express himself so much that he was implicitly excluded by the professors after he was pulled over by Lockhart.

It would be better to be a student who graduated from Hogwarts. Reminiscing about the past time can always stir up common topics, but does William want to share the daily life of Azkaban with these professors?

As for Lockhart, he didn't realize that he was being disliked. He just pulled Professor Pomona Sproul, the Head of Hufflepuff, next to him and kept bragging about the unique plants he had seen in the United States. Hearing this, The enthusiastic professor's face turned sulky, but Lockhart kept talking eloquently.

While William was idle watching the students' drama, a professor suddenly left her chair. She pulled the chair as gently as possible, and then moved her position next to William.

"Professor William, excuse me for a moment."

The middle-aged witch had an apologetic expression on her face, but her eyes were stubborn and told William that if she didn't get the answer this time, she would come back next time.

"Please sit down. Who are you?"

"Caredi Bubbaji, Professor of Muggle Studies."

She introduced herself in a gentle tone - it was a course that William didn't know about.

"Sorry, I know my question is a bit presumptuous, especially to a stranger, but this question has bothered me long enough that I want an answer right away."

She took out her wand and slid it quietly.

"I guarantee that none of the wizards present, including Dumbledore, will be able to hear the conversation that follows."

"Professor William, I'm sorry, but what do the people in Azkaban think of Muggles?"

The question was indeed as acute as she had said in advance.

"Sorry, Professor Bubaji, I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone about what happened there."

William decisively rejected her - such a response was obviously not within the professor's consideration, and her eyes instantly became confused.

"I'm sorry, I was too anxious -" Professor Bubaji came back to his senses, apologized hastily, and almost hurriedly moved his chair back to its original position.

William knew that the other party's actions were mostly out of good intentions - new professors had to have someone to help them integrate into the circle of old people. After her exchange with William, it was estimated that most professors would naturally accept William, instead of like now In this way, because Lockhart liked to show off too much, William, who was brought together by him, was ostracized.

It's a pity that doing research on others always gives William a strange feeling - probably a sequelae of Azkaban, he always feels like having others research him is like being surrounded by dementors and eating buffet in a cell.

He could easily joke about Azkaban with Old Tom, or complain about that damn place to Hagrid, but when others took the initiative to ask, he immediately felt extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at this time, the freshmen finally began to sort into different schools under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, which made the professors present become more interested and at the same time the awkward atmosphere was swept away.


Rows of first-year freshmen lined up stupidly. Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, they stood in front of all the senior students. Their expressions were stiff and their faces were pale. They didn't look like they were here to branch, but rather to fight. .

William was stunned for a moment - what, did Hogwarts students have to put down their wands and fight with each other during the sorting process?

In this way, according to the chain of discrimination between the four houses of Hogwarts in the prison, those who beat them violently should go to Gryffindor, and those who hide and wait until the beating is over go to Ravenclaw and use money to bribe their opponents. Go to Slytherin and the rest go to Hufflepuff?

Thinking of this, William couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Then, the laughter seemed to be contagious, and all the professors at the table couldn't hold back their laughter.

Lockhart showed his teeth again.

"Haha, after all these years, the school's rules still haven't changed?"

No professor answered his question.

Lockhart had no choice but to find William and said with a showy face: "There is a rule at Hogwarts that matters related to sorting are not allowed to be disclosed to children who are not enrolled in school. Everyone will make up all kinds of excuses to deceive the children. , I guess most of the students below think that the branches need to fight."

Who came up with such boring rules?

Also, have you persisted for generations just to see first-year students frightened?

Well, it was indeed pretty—William had to admit it.

Especially after Lockhart explained it, this matter became even more disgusting.

While Lockhart was explaining, Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year students, then picked up a pointed wizard hat and placed it on the stool.

The old, patched hat was of unknown style, and was in tatters, and seemed to have lost even the value of cleaning.

While William was waiting for Lockhart's illustrious explanation, the old hat suddenly started singing at the top of his lungs.

The singing was unpleasant and out of tune. After William frowned and listened, he realized that many professors had blocked their ears with magic.

I was careless.

When William saw that Lockhart beside him had not forgotten to plug his ears, he immediately regretted his stupidity.

He doesn't understand the routines of Hogwarts, but the professors around him do. When encountering new things, just watch them follow the rules, and basically nothing will go wrong.

The audience burst into applause after the Sorting Hat's song ended, as if they were using this method to celebrate that their ears were finally freed, and the singing hat also bowed to the surroundings after the applause.

After the applause, Professor McGonagall walked to where the Sorting Hat was with a piece of parchment.

"Whoever's name I call now will put on his hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting."

The professor said loudly, then raised the parchment and read out the first name:

"Hannah Abbott!"

The whole place fell silent, and William saw that everyone at the Hufflepuff table turned their necks towards someone on the table.

Even Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, holding the parchment and looking at it carefully.

"Sorry, I brought last year's list here because something happened today."

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