From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 76 New Cards and Scheduled Tests

[Dark Magic Creator Snape (SR); Very few sixth-grade students can create a kind of magic alone when they are minors, let alone difficult black magic.

Skill Epiphany: Tear this card, and your inspiration will burst out in the next twenty-four hours. ——Blessing Elixir? That thing relies on luck, and I trust everything I have accumulated. 】

[Occlumency Master Snape (SR); Magic directed at memory is the most terrifying witchcraft, while Occlumency is the strongest shield.

Skill Imprint (automatic): Automatically destroy the card when any memory magic takes effect, and defend against all magic targeting memory within the next twenty-four hours. ——The Imperius Curse? If you remember who you are, it's just someone else's murmuring. 】

Finally there is the same card as before, the Death Eater card.

There is no doubt that the first card was abandoned - if the second card did not have an automatic activation option, William might have gambled on the effect of the first card, but the defense card that could automatically activate would still be black. The most difficult to resist memory spell in magic, it is so delicious.

Studying black magic is the most dangerous thing, and there are a lot of dangers in just those books that record black magic - most of the books about black magic have extremely evil effects.

Some books will make people forget who they are unknowingly when reading them, some books will attract the souls of those who are weak-willed, some will absorb the blood of the readers, and some can tamper with the reader's life. Memory - Unless you are a top black magic master, no one can guarantee that you will not overturn when reading those books.

You can still prepare for other things, but for memory, no matter how you defend yourself, you won't be able to defend yourself enough, otherwise you will be waiting to become crazy.

It was a rare opportunity, so he simply opened the other two boxes.

[Herbal Expert·Rescue Adams (SR): Herbal medicine is the most miraculous output in the entire magic world. Perhaps herbal medicine is far less effective than spells in killing people, but when it comes to saving people, there is nothing more reassuring than herbal medicine.

Skills to survive; tear up this card, and within the next hour, you will have special perception, and you can select from enough herbs to effectively remove a series of negative conditions such as current injuries/curses/toxins. ——I’m thinking, this, this, and this. 】

[Escape Adams (R); When Adams was in school, whenever students in the academy secretly dueled, he could always find a safe corner.

Skill Escape: Tear this card, and within the next half hour, you can find a hiding place in the shortest possible time. ——If you can’t beat him, just run away. 】

[Professor of Herbal Medicine Adams (R); There are many herbal medicines in the world, and we may not be able to recognize them all in our lifetime, but inferring the unknown based on the known is effective in most cases.

Skill Knowledge: Tear up this card, and within the next hour, you can guess the efficacy of unknown herbs in the shortest possible time. ——Although I haven't seen it, it should be like this. 】

There is no doubt that the first one, although I thought it looked unreliable, but its effect is obviously the best among the cards.

[Alchemy expert·Casting Singed (SR): Alchemy, this profession with the highest achievement of turning stones into gold, has always been admired by people, and Singed is the best among them.

Skill creation; prepare sufficient materials, a good working environment, and then tear up this card to form an excellent alchemical experiment. ——For alchemy, success is the most amazing thing. 】

[Poison Maker Singed (R): Compared with simple herbs and refined potions, the poison obtained through alchemy reaction is even more terrifying because of its unpredictability.

Skill Chaos; if this card is torn apart, the target potion will be refining successfully, but the effect of the potion will be severely mutated. 】

Then a meal coupon.

No matter how you look at it, the second card is a card suitable for assassination - but the effect is too uncertain. If you have the time, you might as well use Iron Armor Curse and shoot Avatar.

So, get the first card.

‘Unconsciously, I have accumulated a lot of cards at once? ’

William clicked on the warehouse and found that there were more than one page of cards, and there were even some meal coupons that allowed the cards to be reused.

Because most of them were one-time card effects, he wasn't even willing to use them - it was too luxurious to waste things like meal coupons on low-level cards.

‘Next card, just next card. If you get the next meal coupon, no matter how extravagant you are, you have to experiment with the effect of a card - otherwise if something goes wrong, it will be your first try, and the risk will be too great. ’

In the library, William, who was borrowing books to open a box, silently set a deadline for himself.

The incident at noon is over - no matter how angry Professor Snape is, he can't tell the truth in public. Besides, can you really put a student in solitary confinement because of why you wear a hat?

‘Wait, solitary confinement? ’

William suddenly realized something was wrong.

If he remembered correctly, it was at the Hog's Head that he personally announced the two students' confinement - over the weekend.

‘Do you want to confine them or me? I had plans for this weekend! ’

If there were no conflicts in schedules, William originally planned to go to Hagrid on Saturday, and then the two of them would team up to have a drink at the Leaky Cauldron, and he happened to take advantage of the opportunity to see Old Tom.

On Sunday, he originally planned to buy some things - although he had packed a lot of luggage before, but after arriving at Hogwarts, he had to make up for it no matter how little he planned - he planned to make up for it on Sunday. Those who hold the position of professor for a long period of time are obviously not able to cope with it in one go.

But now, all these plans have come to nothing. The confinement he ordered outside the Pig Head Bar, crying, has to be completed. Speaking of which, this is the first time he has detained a student. If he cancels it easily, how can he take care of it later? student?

'I hope those two students don't cause any trouble - they're just copying History of Magic, and having to stay at school on weekends is tiring enough. ’

William, who had gained a lot from reading books, now completely lost the joy of gaining knowledge, and even stopped reading books.

‘Forget it, it’s almost time for dinner. Let’s go to the restaurant. I won’t read any more books. I won’t borrow them today. ’


However, after William came to sit down at the table, Professor McGonagall magically came over again.

"Well, good evening, Professor McGonagall."

"Good evening, Professor William."

Professor McGonagall had a troubled expression - speaking of it, this was not the first time William had seen this expression on the professor's face.

‘Being the vice-principal in charge of executive affairs is really tiring. ’

So, William took the initiative to hand over the ladder,

"Professor McGonagall, how can I help?"

Professor McGonagall showed rare embarrassment on her face, "Sorry, Professor William, can we talk about the Weasley brothers' confinement?"

ps; There will be a card library post in the near future, and you are welcome to design cards by the way.

Also, Chapter 2 In the Daytime

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