The nights over the Arctic Ocean in summer are short.

Only three hours after the party, the sea of clouds where the fortress was hidden was already illuminated by the sun.

When Leon turned on his super vision and flew in the sunlight that came through the window, he thought he would see Tony on the deck with his two-handed cluster guns shining brightly, confronting a group of Widow agents with guns.

But the scene was shocking.

"What's going on?"Leon muttered, speeding up.

On the deck.

Tony was blocked by seven or eight Widow agents.

The other thirty or so girls were looking at Tony and whispering a few meters away.

They even smelled of alcohol on their faces, and from time to time they stretched out their hands to gesture, as if comparing something.

But the strangest thing was Tony.

He was wearing the Mark III armor, neither flying in the air nor using the weapon system.

Instead, he crossed his hands in front of his lower abdomen, took a step to the right with his left leg, and took a step to the left with his right leg.

That movement was even more enchanting than the models on the Victoria's Secret show that Leon had seen in the past two years.

"Tony, there's no danger here, why is it an emergency?"Leon looked strange.

"And what is he doing? Catwalk? No, that's stupid.

Tony is still arguing with the Widow agents.

His visor popped open, and his expression was inexplicably embarrassed.

"I've already told you that your new boss and I are brothers, do you understand, brother?"

"I'm his brother! If you don't let me in, I'll transfer you to the company to be Pepper's secretary!"

The girl who was talking to him was in a relaxed posture, with the gun at her waist and her hands behind her back.

She looked a little troubled:"Mr. Stark, I can't let you in without Superman's permission!"

"Since you have already asked the AI to notify him, there will probably be a reply soon. Just wait."

"But about what you just said, if Superman agrees, I am willing to work for Stark Group."

She even started chatting,"Your group's salary is very high, I haven't received my salary yet, I heard that the coastal scenery in Los Angeles is also good.……"

"Are you serious? Talking to me about salary now, huh?"Tony stared,"Nicole Parsons, if you let me in, I'll give you a monthly salary of 100,000!"

"Sorry, no, and my name is not Nicole Parsons, my name is Mary……"

"That's the name of a female agent in The Bourne Supremacy. Tony gave you a nickname, Mary."Leon, who was observing the situation on the side, finally showed up.

After landing, he patted the Widow Agent on the shoulder.

"Well done, I didn't invite you to drink for nothing. Now let our Uncle Tony in."

Mary and the widows finally made way for him, smiling,"Then you can't run away again at the next party."

The drinking and talking at the party made the girls familiar with Leon.

They behaved more casually, but the respect in their eyes was not reduced at all, but more trusting.

"Next time I will make sure to get you all drunk before I leave."

Leon smiled, turned around and opened his arms to Tony,"Tony! How did you find this place! Look at your face, you look like……"

"Please, why are you coming out now? Get out of the way, I want to go in!"Tony pushed Leon away.

His face was flushed, as if he had been holding his breath in the water for three minutes.

"Jarvis, show me the way, and then turn the propulsion power of the armor to the maximum!"

All the thrusters of Mark 3 sprayed fire at the same time, and shot into the interior of the fortress like a cannonball.

Natasha, who had just come out, almost collided head-on, and hurriedly jumped aside, cursing.

Leon was stunned in place, and then he finished the second half of the sentence:"Like a drowning frog."

When the girls heard this metaphor, they looked at each other and expressed their agreement.

"Is that your brother Tony Stark? What's wrong with him?" Natasha came over, patting the dust off her hands.

Leon shrugged:"I don't know, Jarvis, what's wrong with him... No, did he go into the bathroom?" He took a casual look with his perspective ability.

He saw Tony taking off his armor in the bathroom, fiddling with it for a while, and then he let out a long sigh.

Leon's face became strange:"Jarvis, how long has Tony been on the road?"

"Three hours. Mr. Stark has been very busy today and has not had time to solve physiological problems."Jarvis said

""Haha!" Leon laughed out loud,"So he couldn't hold it back anymore. I was wondering why his feet kept twisting back and forth."

The girls present also realized why Tony Stark was so strange just now.

For a moment, there was laughter on the deck, and everyone had a deep understanding of the Stark brothers.

"I'll go see what Tony wants to do, you guys keep busy." Leon flew up and returned to the fortress.


"Tony, do you still think the fluid circulation system is disgusting now?"

The first thing Tony saw when he walked out of the bathroom was Leon leaning against the wall and asking him

"……"Tony's expression froze for a moment.

After a few seconds, he turned his head away as if nothing had happened."Sometimes you have to admit that it's the function that matters, not the appearance."

"So you don't feel sick now?" Leon put his index finger on his forehead,"I remember someone said a few days ago……"

"Okay, I admit that you are more far-sighted. The armor does need a liquid circulation system."

Tony's face changed and he quickly changed his words.

He grabbed Leon and ended the topic:"I'll install more functions when I go back. Now why don't you take me around your fairy tale castle?"

Tony surrendered.

Leon gained a lot of emotional value.

He stopped while he was ahead and said to Tony:"Okay, let's go this way first. By the way, how did you find me here?"

"Jarvis told me that a girl ran away with my brother while I was away."

"I was worried that he would be cheated and lost his way, so I rushed here overnight to protect him."

Tony spread his hands:"Are you moved by this story?"

"However, this brother was so aggressive when I made a fool of myself. Is that too much?"

Leon couldn't help laughing:"It was you who was shot in the knee by your own boomerang. Who said that you would never use a fluid circulation system?"

"Besides, your lies can only fool Pepper, why did you come here?"

Tony shrugged:"Jarvis said that a little princess built a huge fairy tale castle for me, so I came here to see how it is."

"Jarvis told you? Well, I didn't ask it to be kept secret."

Leon stepped forward to lead the way:"Come this way, I'll show you the functions of this fortress. Also, this is your 40th birthday present, it's still early."

The two walked from the command room on the upper floor of the fortress to the engine at the bottom.

Tony was analyzing it non-stop throughout the whole process.

"Invisible coating, radar absorbing materials, and optical stealth... They are really rich, worthy of being the legacy of a superpower."

"Look over here! This fighter's power system is pretty good, but it's still twenty years behind my suit."

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