Six and a half hours later,

Leon rubbed his forehead and returned to the lobby of the east area of the institute.

Marvin and others immediately surrounded him.

It was already 7 o'clock in the morning on September 29th.

"Brother Leon, do you need to take a break for a while?"Little Shirley asked, holding a box.

In the box was Anne Birkin's ashes, which everyone helped to cremate a few hours ago.

It was also mixed with some of William Birkin's carbon ashes.

"No, I'm just a little upset," Leon waved his hand.

In the past five hours, he combined the information of the ancestral virus with the T virus and the G virus to develop a new virus.

With the super brain computing power fully open, although he did not conduct research for a long time, the results are better than those of William and others in decades combined.

The prototype of the S-type virus.

This is the name he gave to the new virus.

This virus has the widest transmission and lethality.

It can spread in the air, has extremely strong vitality, and will not lose its activity within six hours after exposure.

Once infected, he initially predicted that the patient would have a chance of turning into a zombie of more than 90%.

And they would become super zombies that are extremely powerful and difficult to kill.

But as long as they survive, the infected can retain their sanity intact, gain absolute physical enhancement, and regenerative ability.

However, in terms of the efficiency of airborne transmission, it is still much worse than ordinary pneumonia infectious diseases.

The breathing, or droplets, of the infected person will not directly cause the virus to spread.

Only when the body fluids and blood of the infected person are exposed and a large amount of virus is enriched, will the virus spread. Spread under transpiration.

But even so, there are still certain limitations.

As long as the effect of this virus is known by Spencer, Wesker and others.

They will definitely shout that this is the ladder of human evolution and immediately begin to promote the global evolution plan.

Even when the virus was successfully synthesized, Leon felt the joy from the world consciousness.

But unfortunately, he doesn't need such a virus.

What he needs is a medicine that is 100% successful and can enhance the regenerative ability of the human body.

After all, this is to be used to treat Tony's body. It would be bad if Tony was turned into a zombie.

Considering the problem of excessive mutation probability.

Perhaps after solving the crisis in Raccoon City, he will have to go to Europe again.

I believe that after combining the characteristics of the Plaka parasite and the E mold.

The S virus prototype will be able to evolve more perfectly.

But before that, he may have to go back to Marvel first.

At least to see how big the difference in the speed of time in the two worlds is.

The last time.

Leon took advantage of the perfect opportunity.

He also took out a drop of his own blood and tried to infect Kryptonian blood with the S virus prototype.

Since awakening his ability, his blood, which was originally no different from that of ordinary people, has a Kryptonian factor.

In other words, it has transformed into a fusion of Kryptonians and earthlings.

So there is nothing wrong with calling his blood Kryptonian blood.

However, the experimental results were not good.

When the two came into contact in the container.

The Kryptonian blood instantly swallowed up. The prototype of the S virus.

And it also carries a will to reproduce crazily.

It only took a few breaths.

The Kryptonian blood that swallowed the prototype of the S virus seemed to have life. It began to corrode the container and wanted to escape into the air.

If it was really allowed to escape, with the airborne characteristics of the S virus prototype and the super activity of Kryptonian blood.

Leon didn't dare to think about what the final outcome would be.

Anyway, at that second, the world consciousness was like crazy, constantly sending him emotions of fear and despair.

He could only destroy it immediately with heat rays.

In the end, the glass container that turned into ashes on the test bench let Leon know.

I'm afraid he still has a long way to go in blood research.

So when he walked out of the laboratory, he rubbed his forehead in frustration.

"Bud, how are the production results and experimental results of the vaccine and serum?"Leon turned his head and asked Bud.

He handed the syringe containing the golden S virus prototype to Jarvis and asked him to keep it.

All other traces of the S virus prototype in the laboratory were destroyed by him.

Even after leaving the laboratory, he deliberately destroyed the entire room to ensure that no one would break in.

Now the only S virus stock solution is the one in his hand.

"The experiment of G virus serum went smoothly. At least for now, all organisms infected within five hours can be cured after being injected with serum."

Director Bud took the report and said,"The new T virus vaccine and serum have also been produced in sufficient quantities to cover the entire Raccoon City."

"Moreover, anti-virus bombs transformed with the new serum were also produced with the help of Mr. Jarvis, with the number exceeding 500."

Lyon nodded:"That's enough!"

"Now we can start taking action and launching a city-wide vaccination campaign."

"I believe that in a few hours, Raccoon City will be able to return to its original state!"

Marvin and Elliot stood straight at this moment.

It seemed that they even wanted to give a standard salute.

"We will move the bomb right away, Mr. Lyon!" Marvin saluted and left with Elliot.

"Remember to bring Jarvis with you!"

Leon asked Jarvis to control the armor to help.

He looked at Ada Wang who was leaning against the wall and said,"I thought you had left. Are you not in a hurry to hand over the G virus to your boss?"

After a few hours, Ada seemed to have taken a shower in the institute and even changed her clothes.

At this time, she was wearing a red jacket and black slim pants, which was very stylish.

"That was the last boss." Ada put on a pair of sunglasses,"Now I find that I have found a better boss."

She walked towards Leon with her steps crossed, her waist and hips swaying gracefully.

"Do you want to establish a long-term employment relationship with me? Boss Leon?"Ada raised her chin slightly.

In the past nine hours, she has witnessed the excellence of the big boy in front of her.

Not only does he have unimaginable power, but he also has an astonishing brain, and most importantly, a heart of justice.

Such a person is like a dazzling sun wherever he goes.

Ada must admit that she has a vague idea in her heart to get close to this sun, preferably to bask in the sun every day.

In layman's terms, she has a strong curiosity about this man.

Ada decided to stay with Leon for the time being and observe the savior found by this world consciousness.

"Is this considered an application?"Leon raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He thought that a free agent like Ada would not be willing to be inferior to others.

"If you are applying for a job, do you think you are qualified?"Ada said

"Just barely passed. Congratulations, you are now accepted. Remember to call me boss from now on."

"You can raise your salary yourself." Leon smiled happily,"Only if I can earn some legal income in this world.""

"Does that mean I'm a free employee now?" Ada raised her lips,"Or do you want to pay me with something else?"

"Sorry, we don’t pay interns in our company. Leon won’t take the bait.

He has already been hooked by Natasha.

"Come on, Shirley, I'll carry you, we should leave this place soon." Leon turned around and picked up Shirley.

Ada behind him was not angry, but the expression on her face became more meaningful, and she followed slowly.


Half an hour later, everyone was ready to go and took the cable car back again.

After returning to the sewer, it was another difficult trek.

But this time, Leon had Shirley on his back, Ada Wong hung around his neck, and he was holding a bunch of wooden boxes filled with bombs in his hands.

Not only him, but Marvin and his men also had their hands full of wooden boxes.

When they returned to the police station, the fat police officer thought that this group of people had returned from purchasing goods.

At some point, there were more than a dozen survivors in the police station.

After hearing that the boxes were full of antiviral bombs and vaccines, the survivors were extremely excited.

At this time, the old father Kendo also brought his daughter Emma to find Leon, bowing and thanking him, with inexpressible gratitude.

"Kendo, thank you too much, just do your part when dropping the bomb later."

Leon touched Emma's head and said,"Marvin said you are the best gunsmith here, remember to protect yourself and your daughter."

"Then, what about me?"Shirley, who had been standing behind Leon, grabbed the corner of his clothes.

The girl hugged the urn with her shoulders hunched together, looking a little anxious.

Shirley's appearance made Leon a little dazed.

He remembered himself when he was one year old and had just awakened his memory. At that time, he was as uneasy as little Shirley.

It's just that he still has Tony, but little Shirley has nothing.

No one present was known to Shirley before today, they were all strangers.

This world is not friendly to her at all.

But she is very brave, at least she dares to find support.

Leon bent down and touched Shirley's head again:"Okay, okay, I will protect Shirley."

Shirley smiled happily, hugged the urn and wiped away her tears while laughing.

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