October 31st afternoon.

Raccoon City Police Department meeting room

"You said that you have researched a virus that has only a one in a thousand chance of mutation after infection?"

Jill stood up in disbelief,"Are you serious, Leon?"

Not only her.

Everyone in the conference room stood up.

All kinds of surprised and nervous eyes turned to Leon and Tony on the main seat.

The virus that made scientists all over the world helpless.

It took only two days for this pair of brothers to successfully conquer it.

Now even if someone shouted that Stark was God, they would probably believe it.

"There's no need to get so excited, guys. I know you must be thinking, wow, did God play a joke on me when I woke up today?

Tony pushed Leon aside and performed alone.

"But this is the fact. I promise in the name of Iron Man that the end of the world is over, starting today!"

He opened his arms exaggeratedly, as if to embrace the whole world.

But no one in the world responded to him, because everyone's head was hit by the pie that came out of nowhere.

"Well, you guys...shouldn't you do something now?" Tony posed for a few seconds, waving his fingers awkwardly,"For example, cheering, screaming, and partying?"

Everyone in the conference room suddenly woke up, shouting to fulfill Tony's wish, rushing up to throw him into the air, shouting"Iron Man" over and over again.

Leon quietly retreated to the corner, helplessly watching the brother who was being tossed up and down, smiling and shouting to be lifted higher.

"Your brother and you have different styles.

"That's how he is, he has a strong desire to perform." Lyon said

"That's not what I'm talking about. Don't you realize that you have a strong desire to show off?"

Ada couldn't help laughing.

"I mean he's more flamboyant, while you prefer to keep a low profile and then show off your skills when everyone is surprised."

Leon raised his eyebrows:"Thank you for helping me find the common ground between us brothers."

"You're welcome." Ada used her little finger to hook Leon's palm,"They are going to party again, so today……"

"The old place." Lyon replied

""Okay, BOSS." Ada blinked.

However, the carnival that Tony had been thinking about was not held in the end.

In the doomsday environment, there are not so many resources and time to waste.

Besides, no one is willing to relax at this moment after hearing the news that the new virus has been successfully developed.

Everyone is full of energy, with hope burning in their hearts. They can't wait to get the new virus now and rush out of the city to regain lost territory.

The first batch of volunteers participating in the experiment was recruited on the spot.

When asked, no one in the conference room hesitated for even a second.

They are not afraid of dying in the laboratory, but they are afraid that the experimental results will not be satisfactory.

These civil servants recruited by Jill are indeed warriors who dare to sacrifice and have great righteousness.

The order of the experiment was finally determined by drawing lots.


This new police officer, who had just received the noble nickname"Sanguang" from the savior at the cocktail party the day before yesterday, had the honor of being the first in line.

Half an hour later.

In front of a closed laboratory in the underground research institute.

Dozens of people stared at Kennedy on the other side of the high-strength glass.

He was tied to the test table, with tubes of nutrient solution inserted into his body. Leon, who was wearing protective clothing, injected the final form of the S virus.

Watching the golden virus fluid being injected into Kennedy's body.

The volunteers queuing outside clenched their fists:"Sanguang, come on, hold on, you can do it!"

"Three Lights! You can’t fail to be given such a title by Mr. Lyon!"

At the cocktail party the day before yesterday, Kennedy shyly asked Lyon to give him a nickname.

After"serious" thinking, Lyon said that Kennedy combined highlights, sunshine and glimmers, so he must be called"Three Lights".

So Kennedy's nickname was decided.

After the cocktail party, he has been proudly calling himself"Three Lights" Kennedy.

This nickname also makes everyone in the police station envious.

Now every day when they see Kennedy, they have to hug his neck and say a few sour words.

In the laboratory, Kenny, who was injected with the virus concentrate Kennedy, after a brief calm, suddenly had veins all over his body tense, muscles swelled, and he let out a shrill howl.

His waist and back were still trying to lift up under the restraint of the steel shackles, and he was about to break free from the shackles. Leon quickly pressed him back to the test bench, and no matter how he screamed and yelled, he remained calm.

Kennedy screamed for seven minutes, and the people outside the laboratory were also worried for seven minutes.

After Kennedy calmed down, Leon observed him again with his X-ray eyes, and then pinched his bones and muscles.

"It's OK, the experiment was successful, the virus enhancement went smoothly, and there was no sign of mutation. Next one!"

Lyon made a summary, then carried the much heavier Kennedy and put him on the bed outside the laboratory. At this moment, everyone couldn't help but jump up and scream and cheer.

The next experiment went much more smoothly.

With the precedent of Sanguang Kennedy, everyone was mentally prepared.

Soon, Marvin, Elliot, Fatty, Carlos and others were injected with the final version of the S virus one by one.

And all the enhancements were successful, and no one mutated.

In order to improve efficiency, they also joined Lyon's work and helped inject the virus.

At night, all the personnel in the temporary official of the Republic of Colorado completed the virus injection.

Among more than 1,700 people, only one person was infected and mutated, but he also recovered after being injected with antiviral serum.

For the poor man who happened to be in this situation, Lyon could only say good luck to him.

Because those who escaped the mutation ending by injecting antiviral serum.

Antibodies have been generated in their bodies.

They will no longer be able to undergo a second virus enhancement.

So when receiving In this era of global evolution, these people are destined to become abandoned by the times.

If we really want to find a culprit, we can only let them blame the world consciousness.

Arrange all those who have been strengthened by the virus to stay in the institute for isolation and observation.

Lyon took Ada, Jill and Shirley back to the laboratory again.

This time he injected the three with SS2 serum that combines the characteristics of the desperate virus.

After the serum injection.

All three have super regeneration ability.

Except for Shirley who is still growing.

Jill and Ada have become little supermen with a strength of more than 40 tons and a running speed close to the speed of sound.

And in the next period of time, their physical fitness will continue to improve.

But what surprised Lyon was that after hearing the world consciousness’s choice of evolutionary potions, the three expressed their understanding.

They actually felt that the possibility of the world’s continued evolution should not be stifled.

This made Lyon reflect on whether he had misunderstood the world consciousness too deeply, or perhaps the other party was not that radical?


In the following days, after the Stark brothers observed and confirmed that no abnormalities occurred in all those who had been successfully enhanced.

The temporary official formed by Jill began to popularize the final version of the S virus throughout the city.

Anyone who is willing to accept virus enhancement will be provided with a complete set of services.

The people in this city obviously trust the temporary official.

As soon as the announcement was released, the registration site was crowded with people.

Some people even called Jill the goddess of victory, shouting that they were willing to do anything for the goddess of victory.

In the past month, Jill has always been at the forefront, blocking the deadly attacks from super zombies for everyone.

In this country, she has done what people want.

On the other side.

While the virus enhancement work in Raccoon City is in full swing.

Leon and Tony have also completed the injection experiment of SS3 serum.

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