Time flies in the war.

Five months passed in a flash.

The entire world of Resident Evil has undergone earth-shaking changes in just five months.

November 15.

Jill led his troops to recapture the entire state of Colorado, and the zombies in the territory were basically cleared.

November 30.

Jill's troops successfully recaptured four states south of Colorado, including Texas.

The number of new humans who successfully received virus enhancement in the territory increased to millions.

December 25.

Except for the old official and the seven states under its rule.

The rest of the territory of Eagle Sauce was under Jill's command.

The number of new humans reached tens of millions.

December 26.

After the last Christmas of the old official, it surrendered to the Republic of Colorado.

The whole territory of Eagle Sauce was unified.

January 1, 1999.

The Republic of Seville, also known as the Republic of Survivors, was established and reformed into a republic with Raccoon City as its capital.

Lyon was hailed as the founding father and served as the first chairman.

January 2.

Lyon resigned from the parliament, and the second chairman, Jill Valentine, took office.

January 31.

All of North America was under the rule of the Republic of Seville.

All the remnants of the Umbrella Company, as well as informal organizations such as the HCF organization and the family organization, were all eliminated by the new human warriors.

Among them, Wesker, the leader of the Umbrella Company, was punched into the wall by Jill and could not be pulled out.

February 26.

Zombies were eliminated in most parts of the world.

The number of new humans exceeded 300 million.

Lyon led the remaining forces in the world to form an international joint organization.

After that, the entire America was governed by the Republic of Seville. The entire Asia, the entire Australia, and the entire Africa were governed by the Rabbit Country, whose remaining population was still nearly 1 billion. The remaining tens of millions of people in countries such as the White Bear and the Gallic Rooster jointly governed Europe.

In the future, the International Joint Organization will be responsible for coordinating the conflicts among the three major forces and promoting the integration of the world's nations when necessary.

Lyon will serve as the co-chairman.

The vice-chairmen are Jill and Mr. Zhou from the Rabbit Country.

So far, the months-long doomsday came to an end.

This day was later designated as the new International Christmas.

Celebrating the birth of the new world and new humans.

It also celebrates the coming of the God of the Human World to save the doomsday and promote the integration of the world. On

March 30, the new human joint forces sent by the International United Organization successfully flattened all the remaining infected areas on the earth.

Even the experimental base secretly built by Umbrella on the seabed and the base in Antarctica were blown open and the zombies inside were pulled out, and they were humanely destroyed together with the base.

The earth turned back to its former blue on this day.

And on the second day,

Leon finally waited for the reward promised by the world consciousness.

He was suspended between the earth and the sun, and the golden sunlight hit his face. All the cells in his body were running in comfort.

After five months of sun exposure, his single-arm strength has increased to more than 1.7 million tons, gradually approaching the limit.

Now that he is sunbathing again, the growth rate of strength has slowed down a lot.

At a certain moment, invisible fluctuations suddenly came.

The world consciousness connected to Leon's brain waves, conveying emotions of joy and gratitude.

At the same time, it also handed over half of the authority to him.

Leon felt that something unspeakable quickly merged into his body.

Suddenly, the world in his eyes changed.

It was no longer the sunlight, air, and dew that the naked eye could see.

It was no longer the microscopic world that super vision could see.

It was a mixture of red, cyan, black, white, and other colored airflows and light spots.

He felt that his power was infinitely rising at this moment, as if he had a fulcrum, and one force could produce a hundred times and a thousand times the effect.

He just slid his fingers in the void of the universe, and a hundred-meter-long wave was set off on the vast surface of the Pacific Ocean below.

Not only that, he could also consume his own vitality, or things like lifespan.

To change the fate of anyone in this world.

Or to fabricate something that did not exist out of thin air.

Just like the enhancement given to him by the world consciousness before, and the special physique integrated into Tony's body.

Those were all rubbed out by the world consciousness consuming its own upper limit.

No wonder the other party couldn't give good things before.

It feels like those good things are all cut from its flesh.

Leon understood.

The so-called authority is a fulcrum that can pry the entire world, and the ability to control a world. He looked around the universe, and the super vision with a limited distance, after being blessed by authority, the range was infinitely extended.

He saw outside the solar system and the truth of the world of Resident Evil.

Countless information naturally flowed into his eyes and into his brain.

It was as if he was born to know these things and understand these information.

"So that's how it is. This world is only ten times the size of the solar system. It can only be considered a small world as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges."

"The theme of the world is evolution, mutation and survival. When these three concepts cannot be extended further, the world will be destroyed."

"No wonder the world consciousness is always obsessed with promoting evolution, now everything makes sense."

But it didn't end there.

Soon the world consciousness"rewarded" another gift.

——Genetic self-locking ability

This ability turned into a light spot that appeared out of thin air and merged into Leon's body like water, automatically becoming his innate skill.

Fortunately, the final form of the S virus has evolved the global human race and promoted the improvement of world consciousness.

Otherwise, it really couldn't give this final gift.

This ability can be used actively or as a passive constant.

Leon tried to pull out a hair and used the authority to bless his super vision, and found that the DNA chain in the hair had completely turned into what he looked like before he was eighteen years old, without any trace of Krypton.

"What a great ability."

Lyon smiled with satisfaction and communicated with his mind:"I have received your reward. It's a pleasure to work with you. Remember to come to me next time you need help."

The world consciousness does not understand the evil of human hearts.

It just thinks that Leon is pretty good. It immediately conveys joy and peace of mind.

Then it automatically leaves, and the invisible waves recede like a tide, spreading to every corner of the world.

"We have taken all the benefits we should have, fought all the battles we needed to fight, and even completed the task of saving Tony in excess."

Leon floated outside the Earth, silently looking at the blue planet.

"It's time to leave."

He appeared in Raccoon City as if he had teleported.

Now in this world, with the blessing of authority, his strength has reached the level of a weak single universe.

It can be said that he is no different from a real god.

Leon quickly found Ada and Jill and explained his intention to leave.

The two were reluctant to leave, but they couldn't give up everything in their native world now.

Especially Jill, she is now the chairman, shouldering the responsibility of the survival of hundreds of millions of people, and it is impossible for her to leave.

"Wait for me, Leon, and wait until this country returns to peace, then I will leave with you." Jill said sincerely

"I'll go with her. She can't manage such a big place by herself." Ada crossed her arms and said,"But before you go, you still have to do some things well enough."

"It's not like I won't come back. Time flows faster here, and I will come back often to bask in the sun."

Leon has already told the two of them about his ability,"And Shirley, let her leave with me. It's inconvenient for anyone to take care of her here."

"You can say whatever you want, but now, just do what you need to do." Ada grabbed Leon's collar and said,"You owe me a lot of wages!"


Lyon found Tony the next morning and explained his intention to leave.

Tony was extremely happy during this period.

Not only did he become a hero that everyone admired, the name Iron Man was known to the world. He also made remarkable progress in the development of the Iron Man armor.

However, he still kept the specific results a secret, and vowed to give Lyon a big shock. Tony was a little reluctant to hear that he was leaving. He had already developed feelings for the"fans" in this world. As soon as he went out, the admiring eyes of Bud, Elliot and other little fans made him feel full of accomplishment. But he also wanted to go home. He still missed Pepper and the big bed at home.

"Let's go, destroy the data that needs to be destroyed, and then go and say goodbye to everyone."

To avoid a crisis like the one a few months ago.

Leon used heat rays to destroy all the products and data of the experiments of the two brothers.

After that, the two said goodbye to their friends one by one.

In the central square of the center of Raccoon City, where there were statues of Leon, Jill, and Tony,

Leon and Tony waved to the people who were crying.

They stood on both sides, holding the jumping Shirley Birkin.

They disappeared into the world of biochemical crisis.

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