After getting to know each other for a while, the two of them also learned about the topic that Natsume Yuu and the other two had just discussed.

"Oh! Are you going to prepare a house for us? That's great!"

Chris raised his eyebrows and looked happy.

"Indeed, the hotel is not very convenient after all."

"But we don't have much money now...."

Although she is a noble lady, Darkness is a runaway and does not have much money.

Chris does not care about money at all. Most of the money is left in the homes of poorer believers except for his own use.

So a lady and a god are in an embarrassing situation of being penniless.

"Then I'll leave the high-risk missions to you, Darkness."

Natsume Yuu ate the crispy frog meat and said these cruel words with a smile on her face.

The two Crimson Demon girls looked at Natsume Yuu with a different look.

""Ah~ You’re so cruel to let me face danger without hesitation just to get money!"

To their surprise, Darkness twisted her body with her hands, and her face quickly turned red.

The two girls were shocked by Darkness’s appearance and their eyes widened.

Seeing that Natsume Yuu and Chris didn’t care at all,

"I feel like there's something wrong with the team we're in!"

The red eyes looked at each other, revealing the same meaning.

But they didn't realize that they seemed to be one of the problem children.

"What's going on over there? You said you were going to fight the devil, but you're back so soon?"

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Natsume Yuu looked at Chris who was enjoying his food.

"Thanks to Tokris's [Perception], we soon found traces of the demon when we entered the forest."

"Chris and I attacked it together and soon injured it, but it still flew away."

"If we kill it, the guild will surely offer a lot of bounty."

Darkness said with regret.

Originally, she only needed to defeat the demon, and she didn't care about other situations.

But now that she wants to buy a house and knows that a large amount of bounty has slipped away, she feels a bit of a loss.

"The strange thing is that the demon seemed to say that he smelled the scent of Lord Wolbach on us."

Chris frowned and scratched the small scar on her face subconsciously. She knew the identity of Wolbach. He was identified and promoted as an evil god by Aqua's predecessors. As a result, Wolbach's faith in humans gradually disappeared, and he gave up on himself and turned into an evil god.


Huihui muttered the familiar words, and then suddenly remembered something and her face froze.

""Ms. Chris, how is that demon?"

Huihui asked dryly, hoping for a lucky break.


Chris looked at Hui Hui curiously, and after recalling for a while, he began to describe it.

"Black skin with a metallic sheen, huge wings like a bat, a body strong enough to fight head-on, and sharp horns on the head and chin."

"Huihui, isn't this the guy who was looking for Heidouzi in the Crimson Devil Village?"

Youyou subconsciously looked at Huihui beside her, her eyes became anxious.

"I didn't expect that guy would find this place from the Crimson Devil Village!"

"What should I do? If I don't tell them, it might hurt You and the others!"

The two girls looked at each other and communicated silently.


After a fierce struggle in her mind, Huihui gritted her teeth and finally decided to tell her what happened before.

When she looked up, she saw three people sitting opposite her, looking at her, each holding a glass of juice and a piece of food.

They looked like they were listening to a story.

With her cheeks twitching slightly, Huihui decided to ignore them.

"In fact, when we were in the Red Devil Village, my sister Mimi picked up a black cat as a backup food."

"But later I found that many demons were looking for it, and even a high-ranking demon named Ennis called it Lord Wobak."

"He followed me from the Crimson Devil Village to Alcanretia, and attacked me when I was heading to Axel."

"Of course, that high-ranking demon was defeated by my [Explosion Magic] in the end!"

At the end, Huihui's face was full of pride.

"Putting aside the fact that your sister used the cat as prepared food, are you sure that cat is called Wobak?"

Ignoring the words full of loopholes, Chris looked solemn.

"Of course, that's my proud familiar!"

The more powerful Chomusuke is, the more proud Huihui is at this moment.

After all, who wouldn't admit that she is a powerful magician if she could subdue such a powerful thing as a familiar?

"I just said that it was for preparing food......."

Darkness couldn't help but complain.

"Yu, you must not let that demon get Huihui's familiar."

Ignoring the two people's words, Chris looked at Natsume Yu who was eating melons beside him and said seriously

"Warbucks is a goddess of both human and animal form who controls violence and laziness. Later, for some unknown reason, she split her power into two halves."

"Human form controls laziness, while animal nature controls violence"

"It's okay that the violent nature hasn't awakened yet in Huihui, but if the devil brings him back to the Demon King's army, he will definitely be a powerful enemy!"

In order to prevent Huihui and others from hearing the rest of the words, Chris chose to explain Wobak's identity to Natsume Yuu's ear.

The fragrance that flowed out during the conversation made Natsume Yuu's body soften and his scalp tingle when he touched his ear. ps: Let's see if we can get three more chapters tonight

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