"This is Alcanretia~"

Alice, wearing lightly armed clothes, looked at the town in front of her with excitement.

It has been a while since Alice joined the team.

After having a good time in the royal city,

Darkness thought of the high-level hot spring coupons, so he proposed to go to Alcanretia.

With the strength of the royal family, it is not difficult to find a great magician with a teleportation point in Alcanretia.

However, Alice proposed to take the mission to go there on the grounds that adventure should be done in an adventurous manner.

Natsume Yuu and others, who had enough time, naturally did not care and found a mission to escort a caravan.

"I'm back here again."

Huihui looked around the streets and suddenly felt a little nostalgic.

""Has Huihui been here before?"

Alice looked at Huihui curiously and asked with a cheerful smile.

"Of course I have been here, this is where I started."

Thinking of the past, in order not to be looked down upon by the newcomers, Huihui said with a nonchalant expression.

When she first came out of the Crimson Devil Village, the first place she went to was this town.

Although she almost starved to death on the street because she couldn't find a job, it was Cecily who took her to the church in the end.

"Speaking of which, we haven't paid back the money that Sister Cecily gave us before."

After Huihui finished speaking, Youyou suddenly made a hammer with one hand and hit the center of her palm.

While talking, Natsume You and Darkness also said goodbye to the caravan and walked over.

"It's getting late, let's go find a hotel first and take a bath."

Looking up at the burning clouds in the sky, Natsume Yu said to the others.

"Oh~ Hot spring, here I come!"

Alice raised her hands and ran forward quickly

""Yu, hurry up, hurry up."

Huihui followed the princess and looked back at Natsume Yu and the others anxiously.

Although they could use magic to boil water for bathing during the journey, it was just a casual bath after all. Now when they heard Natsume Yu talking about taking a bath, they suddenly felt as if their bodies were itchy.

"Lady Alice is really amazing. She didn't even complain about the hard work.

Darkness looked at the girl with long golden hair and smiled gently.

He thought it was just a whim, but he didn't expect that he sat in the hardwood carriage for several days without complaining.

Moreover, they didn't attack any monsters they encountered on the way. They were all repelled by Alice alone.

"Darkness looks just like her mother.

Natsume Yuu said with a smile while looking at Darkness.

"I am a girl after all, so it's too much to say that! But mom, could it be that you like someone else?..."


""Brother Yu~"

Just as Darkness blushed and was about to say something outrageous, she heard two girls screaming in front of her.

She looked up and saw Huihui and Alice running back with sad faces.

Behind them was a group of residents holding papers with red eyes like the Crimson Demons.

The two ran over quickly and hid behind Natsume Yu.

From the waist, one little head stuck out from the left and right, trembling and looking at

"This is trouble...."

Looking at the residents with strange smiles, Natsume Yuu's mouth twitched.

Alcanretia, the headquarters of the Axis Cult, has fewer followers than the Eris Cult, but they are all fanatics.

They will use all kinds of despicable means to get people to join the Axis Cult.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Confused, Darkness stood in front of the crowd and stretched out his hand in front of him and asked loudly.

"Join the Axis Cult! You will eat well and sleep well if you join the Axis Cult!"

"Ah~ I'm about to die, can you please sign here!!!"

"Oh~ My beautiful lady, as long as you join the Axis Cult, your skin will become very moisturized. Look at me, I don’t look like I’m forty years old at all!"

"Goddess Aqua is merciful and great. As long as you join the Axis Cult, you will become versatile!"......

Noisy conversations continued to be heard among the residents, and the light in their eyes, like seeing prey, became brighter and brighter.

There was even a big sister holding a basket, saying that if you join, you can get soap, and she wanted to take Darkness's hand to sign.

A strong magical power surged out like a tide, turning into an invisible wall to block all the residents. The originally noisy scene suddenly became silent, and the exaggerated expressions on their faces froze.

Looking at the young man with flying hair behind the beautiful knight.

This magic power came from him.

But they are able to make the Demon King's army retreat, and they can survive even in areas destroyed by the Destroyer.

After the initial surprise, they began to move again.

"Sorry, I am a believer of the Church of Eris!"

Giving a grateful look to Natsume Yuu, Darkness quickly took out the token of the Church of Eris hanging on his chest.


"whispering sound!!!"


The crowd dispersed, watching Darkness spit, then walked away a few steps and turned back to spit.


Chris looked at the residents who left and scratched the fine lines on his face helplessly.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to envy or admire Aqua for making believers believe in her.

From the perspective of God, having such fanatics around means that at least they won't disappear.


Alice poked her head out from behind Natsume Yuu and looked at Darkness, whose shoulders kept shaking.

She thought she was frightened by the appearance and attitude of the residents, so she called out in concern.


Behind the young princess's eyes, Darkness's face turned red.

His breathing became rapid, a faint white breath came out of his mouth, and his eyes became moist.

In the palace, because he had to maintain the reputation of the Dustinis family,���She had always played the role of an orthodox knight.

But now that she was suddenly despised by so many people, she felt excited for the first time in a long time.

"Alice...I'm fine, don't come over here!"

Darkness said loudly, reaching behind her to stop Alice's actions.

The princess was behind her. If people knew that the eldest daughter of Dustinis had such a personality, then the reputation of the Dustinis family would be ruined by her.

"but...This feeling is so exciting!"

Darkness murmured in his heart, and a silly smile appeared on his face.


Alice still said worriedly, and Natsume Yuu beside her shook her head helplessly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, she's fine."

I've been patient for so long, so let her go wild for a while....

"Huihui, have you ever lived in such a horrible city before!! ?"

With Natsume Yuu's assurance, Alice didn't say anything else, and turned to look at Huihui with admiration in her eyes. The way the residents looked at their prey really shocked her.

In terms of strength, she could easily deal with them.

But these were just residents of her country, and they didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so she naturally couldn't take action.

"ah...Of course!"

Hui Hui put her hands on her hips and laughed dryly.

The strange look on You You's face made her even more embarrassed. After all, she had seen how she almost starved to death on the street.

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