From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 252 What is Surprise?

The next day, there was a light rain in Jiangcheng.

The rainy weather has faded away the last trace of summer.

In the afternoon, a minibus arrived from the provincial capital airport under the guard of a police car.

The minibus drove into the city and stopped at the gate of the Jiangcheng Hotel.

Seeing the two door god-like stand-in mechas at the door, the six passengers who got off couldn't help but smile, and quickly walked into the elevator.


Although Boss Zhang at the aviation side said that it was no joke, don't do anything to meet and send, but if you don't go downstairs to pick up, if you don't even come out of the conference room, it would be too much.

So, the engine experts from the Kuafu team waited for a while at the elevator exit at the right time, and made a simple reception.

Boss Zhang studied high-energy density materials and explosive mechanics when he was a student, which is similar to the majors of the professors who are currently staying at Kuafudui.

However, with a technical background, even if he is in a high position now, he can appreciate how attractive the technical achievements of the Kuafu group are—otherwise, he would not have brought the aerodynamic and propulsion department of the Aviation General Department with him when he heard the news yesterday. The engineers are here.

"Why didn't you see Lao Luo?" After Zhang Ju entered the office, he sat down at the left hand position of Ye Ming, the conference leader, without being too polite, and then asked with a smile.

"Mr. Luo is guarding the reactor."

Zhang Ju was startled for a moment, then realized: "Have you started generating electricity?"

The people in the Kuafu group laughed.

"Bull!" Zhang Ju gave a thumbs up, and then looked at Ye Ming with burning eyes: "Professor Xiaoye, come on, we are all ears."


"It's like this. From the perspective of energy and resources, we should speed up our expansion into space."

Ye Ming is the first time to formally preside over a meeting today, and the standard of this meeting is extremely high.

——Mainly because Gao is on the chapter bureau side.

The chapter bureau almost brought over all the backbone technical leaders of the entire aerospace system, and it is said that the planes are divided into two shifts...

But he didn't panic at all.

Because today is his home field.

Zhang Bureau nodded slightly: "This is confirmed. Don't listen to the saying 'one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind', but have we been on the International Space Station in the past few decades?"

Zhang Ju shook his head: "No, guarding against us is the same as guarding against thieves. Also, when we and Lao Ou engaged in Galileo, we gave them all the money. What happened? Well, we still have to rely on ourselves to engage in Beidou."

"This space, there is no international morality, only first come, first served."

Hearing Zhang Ju's nonsense, everyone smiled and remained silent.

In the past, when the skills were inferior to others, it was indeed not less angry or excluded.

Ye Ming also smiled.

He didn't know that Zhang Ju's sentimental post was really to his liking.

But...he wants to go to heaven earlier, and another important reason is that he can't be sure whether the super simulation is a leak of the light cone event or just a "random" event.

If it is the former, it is indeed necessary to go up early, and then find the "unknown gravitational source" early - whether it is a black hole or a dark star, it is a big step for human beings to understand the universe.

"Well, so we started the fusion engine at the same time we started the helium-3 fusion, and so far, we've just completed the demonstration."

Zhang Ju and the people around him looked at each other, nodded at the same time and then looked at Ye Ming expectantly.

Aerospace has always been engaged in fuel rockets, and now the country does not have the strength to support two major projects to develop fusion engines, and even to say this... Except for the Kuafu group, other fusion research groups are actually at a standstill. .

Once successful, ten thousand bones will die, and the same is true in the field of scientific research.

Yesterday they received news that the Kuafu team had completed the fusion engine, and there was a surprise...

Well, that's how people are. After being warned of surprises, even the fusion engine's realization of this becomes a bit "tasteless".

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Zhang Ju and his team have already done a good job of psychological construction - when they first received the news, they were not so calm.

"What about the surprise?" Zhang Ju looked at Ye Ming without hiding the heat in his eyes.

Ye Ming smiled slightly and exhaled lightly.

Then he stood up and walked over to the big wall TV.

"The surprise is..."

"Ita, call up the design plan for the gravity field and anti-gravity field."


As Ita's voice fell, two blueprints appeared on the monitor.

There was silence in the meeting room, and after a while, with a bang, all the experts on the aerospace side stood up.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, full of disbelief.

The heavy breathing sounded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, one question after another rose like a cannonball.

"Really...really or not?"

"How did you do it?"

"What is the design idea?"

"Has it been confirmed that the YE field wave is a gravitational wave?"


Facing the excited chief engineers, Ye Ming smiled and remained silent.

He had to wait for everyone to calm down.

——At yesterday's meeting, when he said that he had touched the gate of the gravitational field, the reaction of Mr. Luo and others was the same.

After all...the topic of artificial gravity is familiar.

But to achieve it, anyone with a little scientific literacy knows that it must involve gravity and the mutual conversion with other basic forces-you can’t say that you can create a compact celestial body with the same mass as the earth to resist the gravity of the earth Bar?

And the completion of gravitational conversion means that the four forces can almost be unified.

Gradually, when Ye Ming saw that the experts at the Aerospace Port had finally regained their composure and returned to their positions, he smiled and pointed to the screen.

"It's actually not complicated."

"We have not been sure that the wave generated by the YE field is a gravitational wave, because it does not meet the definition of a massive celestial body disturbing space-time."

"However, after conducting in-depth research on the Hilbert space in the past few months, and using Ata to do some exhaustive calculations, I found that introducing the Hippocracian space into the relative space-time concept, and then expanding it with Fourier, can After obtaining a relatively smooth surface solution, and introducing the solution into that... equation, a perfect closed-loop field can be obtained..."

Following Ye Ming's introduction, the conference room became silent.

Everyone is watching and thinking seriously.

Leaving aside the complicated transformation formulas - in just a few minutes, they certainly couldn't understand it clearly, but it didn't prevent them from seeing the output and input terminals clearly.

If the last perfect closed-loop field is a gravitational field, then...

"It's a bit of a pity that I still can't unify it with the current Standard Particle Model."

In the silence, Zhang Ju applauded first.

After a while, there was loud applause.

Amidst the applause, Ye Ming exhaled lightly, a look of regret rose in his eyes.

Can artificial gravity.

He even pushes the super simulation to the limit.

But it has been impossible to complete the unification of the four forces.

Sorry indeed.


"Can you verify it?"

After the applause paused, Zhang Ju immediately looked at Ye Ming.

"It is definitely possible. It is not born in theory, but based on the simulation of realizable engineering."

As Ye Ming's voice fell, the screen flashed again.

A 3D modeled spaceship stops quietly in the dark night sky.

"This is a spacecraft designed to meet the gravitational field generation device—because the gravitational closed loop must be satisfied, the gravitational area must be designed first."

Ye Ming paused as he said that, feeling a little embarrassed: "After a rough calculation, it should conform to aerodynamics."

Zhangju finally couldn't bear it, and blurted out a foul word.


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