This year, the early spring in Jiangcheng came earlier than before. Maybe it's because they really don't care about electricity bills, or maybe it's because Jiangcheng is just trying to make fun of the "energy advantages" of the world's first fusion city. Just after seven o'clock, the downtown area of ​​Jiangcheng is lit up neon.

Ye Ming, Li Dongsheng, Peng Xiaofei and others sat by a barbecue stall, sipping barbecue and drinking beer comfortably.

Not far away, He Mo, Zhong Lei, and Zhou Bo sat at another table.

This time they went out, they did not bring a stand-in mecha.

When the construction first started last year, the relevant departments arrested several groups of people, and the one who followed... can only be said to be staggering. However, following the convening of the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Conference and the launch of international controllable nuclear fusion cooperation, it finally stopped.

The silence has stopped, but the relevant departments have not been idle. Instead, they have strengthened their deployment. Not to mention, Jiangcheng also vigorously embraced "high technology", and took the lead in introducing "robot" police.

Coupled with the ubiquitous Skynet and Aita's focus...

Let's put it this way, as long as you dare to make trouble in public, or steal a battery car... In less than three seconds, Aita will name and name you to calm you down—if you don't listen, the drone or even It will arrive within 1 minute at the fastest, and directly hit the light on your face.

Yes, being so close to the provincial capital, Aita can definitely "call the police" in seconds. And she relies on the complete system of Skynet cameras, and the drone can fly out at a limit speed of 150 kilometers per hour as if there is no one in it.

Therefore, there have been no public security cases in Jiangcheng for several months—now people’s mantra for persuading fights is "Forget it, and Aita will come if you continue to quarrel."

"It seems that the BOSS is indeed a little panicked."

Although Zhong Lei turned his head, he still kept an eye on Ye Ming's position from the corner of his eye.

Ye Ming and his teammates are talking and drinking.

He Mo pursed his lips and smiled: "These are all teammates of his former robot competition team, and he led the team to win the championship at that time."

"Isn't that hanging and beating?"

"It's really a slap." He Mo nodded with a smile: "At that time, he also wrote an open source vision solution, and now he has created a YM5D image recognition forum."

Although Zhong Lei didn't quite understand these things, it didn't prevent him from being emotional: "It's such an awesome life that doesn't need to be explained..."


"To be honest, Jiang Cheng's behavior is a bit too flamboyant."

Although it has been nearly two years since they had a serious dinner outside, everyone kept restraint and did not try to persuade them to drink—tasting beer as carefully as red wine.

Shaking the wine glass, Li Dongsheng looked away from the feasting lights in the distance and the sky-high headlights, and smiled at Ye Ming: "You said this will show the wood-burning people in Europe to see such a waste of electricity, will they cry? ?”

"No, they feel like they're back to nature."

Peng Xiaofei continued: "But burning firewood is not environmentally friendly."

Everyone laughed loudly.

Now there is indeed no environmental protection, but animal protection and personal privacy - of course, this has been shouted all the time, but recently the voice has become louder.

In particular, privacy is one of the main excuses they use to attack Aita, saying that centralized computing will completely destroy personal privacy.

In this regard, the tap water of Jizhi Technology said that there is no essential difference between centralized computing and cloud data storage. To resist Aita, it is better to resist Microsoft + Apple, which has essentially moved towards a joint monopoly...

"Have you eaten well? How about we just have one last drink?" Ye Ming looked at the time and raised his glass with a haha.

Everyone raised their glasses together.


Half an hour later, a group of people returned to the Jiangcheng Hotel talking and laughing.

Ye Ming prepared a standard room for them—it's not that he was stingy, but that there were indeed no suites and single double rooms.

"Captain Li, go and sit with me for a while." Ye Ming stood at the door of the group of people and called Li Dongsheng with a smile.

Peng Xiaofei immediately stood up: "Come on, I heard that you live in a presidential suite? I have never seen what a presidential suite looks like in my life..."

Ye Ming kicked him falsely, and scolded with a smile: "Get out of here, I'm just an ordinary suite, I originally booked the same for you...but you are late."

Peng Xiaofei chuckled: "Then we have to see it."

"Well...tomorrow, I'll talk to Captain Li about something." After speaking, Ye Ming looked at Li Dongsheng.

Li Dongsheng was slightly taken aback, but he didn't think too much - after all, he was the person in charge of the assembly, and then nodded with a smile.

Back in the room, He Mo closed the door for the two of them from the outside.

Li Dongsheng didn't take it seriously, and sat directly on the sofa, looking at Ita who was charging next to him, he laughed a lot: "I heard from Xiao Qi that he wants to change the battery for Ita? Haven't you changed it yet?"

Aita nodded to him politely: "It's been changed, and it's in regular care. Hello Li Dongsheng."

Li Dongsheng laughed aloud: "Aita, you are fine too."

After saying hello, he looked at Ye Ming.

He was two years older than Ye Ming, and had already graduated the year before last, and then directly joined Boss Tang as a graduate student—naturally, he also joined Jizhi Technology.

After all, his main direction is intelligent mechanical systems and manufacturing, and in this direction, there is no place where he is better at and trains people better than Jizhi Technology.

In just two years, he relied on the spirit and experience of "repeated defeats and repeated battles" in the original RC team, and the "small stove" that Ye Ming gave him, allowing him to call more Aita auxiliary authority, This made him a "big hand" in the design and assembly of robotic arms in the company.

Especially in the signal processing of the robotic arm, he is indeed the No. 1 figure - this is also where Li Dongsheng's talent lies.

Nowadays, Li Dongsheng led the team to do the more important work. As for his subordinates, many of them were members of the original team.

"Captain Li, do you know what assembly workshop this time is for?"

Ye Ming brought two cups of tea and sat down in front of Li Dongsheng.

Li Dongsheng straightened his expression when he heard the words: "Well, although the non-disclosure agreement didn't specify it, I can definitely guess something—is it controllable nuclear fusion?"

After a pause, Li Dongsheng asked again: "Helium 3, right?"

Ye Ming nodded with a smile: "Yes, not right."

Li Dongsheng: "...What black technology is that? Schrödinger's fusion reactor?"

Ye Ming laughed: "Haha! It's actually an engine based on a helium-3 fusion reactor."

Li Dongsheng's eyes popped out in an instant, and it took him a long time before he took a deep breath.

"Fuck! Is that the engine I thought it was?"

"Hmm..." Ye Ming hummed lightly, then lowered his eyes, and laughed again after a few seconds of silence: "Captain Li, do you have a younger brother?"

"He's in the third year of high school. According to his grades, the provincial exam is probably a bit hanging." Li Dongsheng replied casually, all his attention was on the "engine", and he asked hurriedly: "Is that engine going to the sky? How powerful is the thrust?" How big is it?"

Ye Ming smiled again: "Well——and, I will go to heaven in a year and a half."

"Not only do we want to go to the sky, we also need to build an automated lunar soil processing and helium 3 refining plant on the moon..."

Hearing this, Li Dongsheng stopped talking for an instant.

He held his breath and stared at Ye Ming.

——No matter how stupid he is, he can still hear what it means, and what Ye Ming's words mean.

After a brief suffocation, Li Dongsheng stood up vigorously!

"I'm willing, I'm going, I have to go!" As he said tremblingly, he stared and breathed heavily: "Damn! Fuck! Fuck! Is there still one year left?"

"calm down."

"Can't calm down!" Li Dongsheng stared at Ye Ming: "You try?"

Ye Ming was dumb, and then laughed.

Yes, frankly speaking... He couldn't calm down even if he changed his position - don't you see that Professor Huo has been successful like that before?

"Okay, take a deep breath and listen to me."

Li Dongsheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then sat down again.

But judging from his clenched fists and trembling body, it is really difficult to calm him down...

"First of all, you have to quit smoking." Ye Ming pointed at his pocket and smiled.

Ye Ming knew that Li Dongsheng was going to smoke.

"I can quit being poisonous!" Li Dongsheng boasted, and immediately took out the cigarette case and threw it into the trash can. In the end, he didn't give up, grabbed it, pinched it a few times, and threw it back in again.

"Secondly, the body has to pass the test."

"Seven times a night is enough to pass the level?"

"...Get out..." Ye Ming scolded with a smile: "Finally, the family needs absolute support."

Hearing this, Li Dongsheng took a deep breath: "My mother's old man is out of her mind for such a glorious thing, will they support it?"

Ye Ming: "..."

But indeed, Li Dongsheng was right.

This kind of glorious ancestors... It is hard for parents not to support it-especially this time the principle does not have a rigid requirement that you must be married and have children, but has been relaxed to "two cents get one".

This policy is essentially "customized" for the people.

According to the plan, the crew of the entire ship is at least 50 people - including a ten-member weapon maintenance team, a three-person medical team, and a logistics team, engine room team, power team, electric power team, control team, and communication team. ...

But this time, there are also the construction team and construction team of Jizhi Technology.

It can be said that this time is going straight to pioneering!

Therefore, if we still choose only from the military and strictly follow the standard of being married and having children...

Frankly speaking, it really doesn't work.

After all, this is a spacecraft with a length of 100 meters and a load of more than 2,000 tons. It needs a certain self-maintenance ability, as well as extremely professional theories and technologies.

"So are you sure?"


"Well, then you have a rest." Ye Ming pointed to the trash can, hehe said with a smile: "You can pick it up and take a couple of sips to calm down - keep it strictly confidential, and don't let Peng Xiaofei and the others know."

"Understood, the only child is not eligible, right?"

"The first time, always be careful."

"Well, so I'll take care of this danger for you!" Li Dongsheng laughed, glanced at the trash can, but in the end he didn't pick it up, but picked up the teacup.

"From now on, I will not smoke, drink, or use DY, and I will do my best...tonight...every night!"

Ye Ming laughed loudly.


Li Dongsheng really lived up to expectations, and he didn't show any special emotions in the next few days-of course, being able to see the controllable nuclear fusion engine with his own eyes, everyone can understand even if he is a little excited.

Ye Ming was not idle either. Apart from the meeting, he squatted in the warehouse with a group of professors and others to check and accept the parts, and assisted Li Dongsheng and the others to assemble the robotic arm by the way.

During the period, Peng Xiaofei guessed that it was an engine, and secretly asked him if he was going to go to the moon. Of course——Peng Xiaofei patted his chest and said that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement and would keep his mouth shut.

Hmm... It's not that Ye Ming didn't believe him, but that Peng Xiaofei was not qualified to go up, so he didn't want to disappoint Peng Xiaofei, so he used "I'm also tight-lipped" to prevaricate.

A week later, all the equipment and components were fully accepted and the assembly process began.

Then Ye Ming took the high-speed rail and went straight to the capital.

The energy storage system is indeed the most important thing, and there is no room for carelessness.

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