From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 484: Immature Thoughts

In the brilliant galaxy, a small blue ball with a star ring appeared on the screen, and then it was automatically enlarged.

Aita's voice sounded at the right time.

"The system has been retaken and communication has been restored."

Hearing her voice, Mo Gu took a deep breath instantly, she immediately pulled off the oxygen mask and sat up.

The rest of the cabin got up almost at the same time.

Everyone stood in front of the big screen and looked at the magnified star ring and blue star. Immediately afterwards, applause and cheers erupted.


"It's Canglan Star!"


After a brief cheer, Captain Zheng took the lead in pressing the call button.

"Xichang, I have successfully arrived in the Andromeda galaxy."

In the command cabin, there was Ye Ming's smiling voice and deafening cheers in the background: "Congratulations, please continue the mission."



A small conference room next to the command center.

Ye Ming and Mr. Zhang were shoulder to shoulder, and the two walked into the conference room laughing and holding each other's arms.

Seeing the two of them enter the room, the heads of various departments and representatives of international organizations who had already been waiting in the meeting room stood up and applauded in unison.

"Boss Ye, come here."

"Zhang Bureau, you come."

"Come here." Director Zhang pulled him and pushed him directly to the chairman's seat to sit down. His strength was so great that he didn't look like a sixty-year-old man at all.

Ye Ming had no choice but to sit down for a while, then stood up again, applauded with everyone, and then sat down again.

The rest of the people sat down one after another and looked at him with smiles on their faces.

"Let's not talk about the official words." Ye Ming smiled and looked around the crowd. Most of the participants today are familiar with him, and the rest of the unfamiliar people have met or know each other—— For example, the director of the Russian Aviation Agency, the director of the European Aviation Agency, and the new director of aviation in the old United States.

Although mankind has now established a community declaration, it is just the beginning, and it will definitely focus on the technology and basic strength of each country-you can't form a country with 9.1 billion people...

Among them, the most worthy of cooperation and gradual integration is the space program.

"The successful traversal of the wormhole proved that the high-dimensional space membrane solution is feasible, stable and effective on medium and large spacecraft, and it also laid the foundation for our next blue star defense project and artificial wormhole project .”

"Now we know that some extraterrestrial civilizations have issued warnings to Earth. This means that in the next space program, we will mainly focus on interstellar defense."

As Ye Ming spoke, he looked at the representative of "Taifang"—it turned out to be General Qin, the representative of "Taiyue". The latter was unsmiling, but nodded slightly at this time.

"However, the responsibility for interstellar defense is mainly on the defense side. As a space center, the space city is mainly focused on scientific research and exploration. Therefore, under the premise of ensuring safety, it is necessary to design and manufacture a spaceship that crosses the wormhole of the galaxy where the blue star is located." It must be done."

"According to the security requirements, the spaceship crossing the unknown wormhole will carry weapons with certain defense and counterattack capabilities... This requires that we need to design a set of attacks based on the high-dimensional space membrane mechanism without realizing the grain of rice." means, and we also need to design a propulsion system that can be used for conventional deceleration."

Ye Ming slowly stated the key points of this meeting.

At present, human spaceships are still using controlled nuclear fusion jets for navigation. I have to say... this is indeed a bit "that".

Hmm... It just doesn't fit the symbol of the third-level civilization of human beings.

It stands to reason that humans have already created artificial wormholes, and the antimatter engine must have been done long ago.

Well, it is true that the idea of ​​antimatter engine has come out a long time ago—it is to use the hybrid engine solution, use fusion engine to provide the initial confinement energy of the antimatter engine and the power supply of the spacecraft, and do low-speed cruise when necessary. Antimatter can be used as an acceleration engine due to its huge energy release.

Since antimatter is not available, it can only be optimized and perfected on the existing basis.

A common sense that is difficult for ordinary people to understand is that materials are important, but it does not mean that technology cannot make a revolutionary leap if the material revolution does not take off. The simplest example is that transistor technology has led human beings to the era of information explosion for fifty years.

But is the transistor a material revolution? No, that is just a technological revolution, and the premise of a technological revolution is a theoretical revolution.

It can be said that all achievements today are born from the "dimensional wave" theoretical revolution derived from the YE field and Ye's equation.

Whether it is artificial gravity, long-distance communication, or cross-dimension, it is all the use of "dimensional wave".

After Ye Ming's voice fell, someone immediately proposed an idea: "Then design a front and rear dual engine?"

"Dual engine is one of the solutions." Ye Ming nodded slightly: "Actually, we are mainly limited by the space problem now. I have an immature idea at present..."

Director Niu, who was sitting on Ye Ming's left, had been listening carefully. At this time, when Ye Ming said that he had an "immature" idea, his eyes lit up immediately.

Historical experience told him that every "immature idea" of Ye Ming was accompanied by amazing innovations.

Besides him, the same is true of Director Zhang.

So the two looked at him almost at the same time, and said in unison: "What do you think?"

Ye Ming coughed lightly, and looked up at the diagonally above the ceiling.

That is the direction of the moon at this very moment.

"I'm thinking, can we use the design of rice grains, expand the engine two-dimensionally, and then break through the shackles of space—of course, the cost here is a bit high, but I think that using another dimension of space should It is one of the future development directions of technology.”

As Ye Ming's voice fell, everyone present fell into deep thought, carefully savoring the meaning of his words and the technology contained in them.

Of course, not everyone is a dimension expert, and many people are a little confused.

At this moment, the new director of NASA suddenly raised his hand.

Ye Ming looked at the other party, nodded with a smile, and motioned for the other party to speak.

"Professor Ye, may I ask, based on this reasoning, can the energy of the three-dimensional space also be used in the four-dimensional space?"

After Professor Dennis finished speaking, he looked at Ye Ming with burning eyes.

—— Ye Ming is not familiar with him, but he is too familiar with Ye Ming.

It's just that he never thought that, as the person in charge of the controllable nuclear fusion of the United States, the designer of the controllable nuclear fusion engine, and the head of NASA...he would meet Ye Ming on this occasion and in this way and meet.

And just as his old friend Huo Laien said, sure enough...Every word of Professor Ye Ming will inspire people.

Use the energy of low-dimensional space?

He knew that Professor Huo Laien is currently working with Ye Ming to design the "Basic Law of Dimensional Space".

These laws include that low-dimensional objects cannot obtain energy in high-dimensional space, and life can only reduce dimensions but not increase them.

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