"Warrant Officer Amber! The C Company of the 177th Combined Infantry Battalion under the 83rd Combined Brigade reports!"

The support troops sent by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas finally arrived at the core control area.

In addition to the mobile infantry companies with heavy firepower and 10 heavy power armors in front of Amber.

According to the report of the captain, there are many multi-legged tanks and armored vehicles outside the core control area and the main passages that are defending.

Since this place is the base area of ​​the space elevator, if the imperial forces want to attack, they must consider the damage that various high-power directed energy weapons may cause to the base structure.

In this case, as long as the imperial forces are still thinking about taking down the space elevator, their offensive firepower will definitely be limited.

On the contrary, the federal forces backed by the base area of ​​the space elevator can gain a period of firepower advantage.

And Amber also believes that the empire has dropped so many troops to the ground, especially after a large number of heavy troops were transferred on a large scale through the aerospace transport fleet a few days ago, which further demonstrates their determination to take down the space elevator instead of blowing it up.

So no matter what, the federal troops here and in other areas of the front line can buy enough time.

"Thank you for your support, I'll leave this place to you later!"

Amber raised his hand and saluted awkwardly. He was still a little uncomfortable with the captain reporting to him, a warrant officer, so respectfully.

However, the captain of the mobile infantry company did not think there was anything wrong. He saluted naturally, and then led his group of screaming mobile infantry to set up the defense line.

Amber did not hesitate and turned back to the core control room.

At the top of a cylinder rising in the center of the control room, a small groove was waiting for the key to be inserted.

Major Randall was standing in front of the terminal of this control room, checking whether the parameters of the various systems of the space elevator were normal.

Although the major was only a federal naval officer, he was usually responsible for various matters of the Lansford Naval Port Operations Command Center.

But as a person with the authority to control the space elevator, he had also received relevant in-depth training.

Otherwise, it would be funny if a person who has the authority to start the space elevator arrived at the scene in an emergency but couldn't operate the equipment.

"How is it, Major, is there any problem with the space elevator?"

Amber came to Randall's side. This naval officer who usually seemed a little unruly was in a rare state of serious work at this moment.

"There is no problem from the parameters. The data records are still at the moment when I locked the space elevator."

Major Randall raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at a long list of records on the screen.

"Look, the Empire really drove their warships into the port and tried to crack it with the ship-borne control personality!"

"But judging from the current situation, they still failed."

"Of course, this thing can't be cracked so easily~Praise the inventor of the key, Dr. Michael!"

Randall took the black rectangle from his neck and kissed it, which made Amber standing next to him feel a chill.

"All parameters of the space elevator are fine. Just insert the key to unlock it and it can be operated directly."

"Okay, I'll go ask others how they are preparing."

Amber walked to the side and opened the team communication channel, asking about the situation of others, and soon received a reply that everything was normal in the launch area.

At the same time, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas also contacted Amber and informed him of the latest situation.

First, the federal escort detachment responsible for retaking the space elevator has already gained the upper hand in the battle in space, and it is estimated that it will soon be able to enter Lansford Port and release assault troops.

So Amber and his team need to speed up the progress, so that they can cooperate with each other after arriving first, assist the warships to enter the port and reduce their own casualties.

Second, the main force of the federal fleet has officially fought with the imperial fleet. The empire has invested in some new strategic weapons, and the federal fleet is currently at a disadvantage.

After saying these two latest news, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas said the last paragraph:

"The main fleet is not doing well in the battle. This battle may not end so quickly. It is still unknown how many people will die.

If you can leave, try to take away everyone who went up with you.

You are a psychic, and you have enough ability. I hope you have the opportunity to help kill Adam, this inhuman thing, just as revenge for so many soldiers who died on Robert IV.

Amber, see you again if we are destined."

After saying this last paragraph, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas interrupted the communication, and Amber was also full of mixed feelings for a while.

Now, after going through hardships, the plan to escape from Robert IV has reached the last and most critical link.

However, perhaps at this time, although Amber has inherited the memory, skills, physical fitness and psychic power of this body, her soul is still the ordinary earth social animal game otaku in her previous life.

So this ordinary soul is actually reluctant to leave these comrades who have fought side by side with her for so long.

But Amber also knows that this idea is wrong, dangerous, and inappropriate.

Not to mention whether he has enough ability now, just his embarrassing identity of being "neither here nor here" and Lilith in his mind forced him to leave this place immediately and disappear from the sight of the Federation and the Empire.

Perhaps because psychics have a stronger ability to regulate emotions, Amber quickly put these strange thoughts and emotions behind her.


Amber, who was focused again, walked over to Major Randall and informed the latter that everything was ready.

Randall nodded after hearing this, then carefully inserted the key into the groove at the top of the cylinder, and then clicked a few times on the control terminal.

The core control room, which originally had some equipment not functioning, suddenly came to life. Various instruments and equipment gradually came online, which also showed that the space elevator had been unlocked.

"It's done now. I have remotely mapped the control system to my terminal. We only need to go up and find a car to get up."

Randall looked excitedly at the core control room that was back in operation, and then removed the key from the top of the cylinder.

This thing is only used for locking and unlocking, and there is no need to plug it in at ordinary times.

After doing all this, Amber and Randall also took the transfer elevator to the launch area and quickly arrived at their destination.

The car chosen by the assault team was not far from the transfer elevator, so Amber and Randall quickly joined the others after finding a shuttle bus.

In addition to the two HCPs, all members of the assault team participating in the next step of the operation, including Isabel, electronic warfare technicians, and communications personnel, were all replaced with the standard medium-sized exoskeleton of the mobile infantry.

Damaged silicon carbide armor plates were replaced, and fuel and battery packs were replenished.

All also carry additional armor plates and small jetpacks.

Then all body-barrel weapons were abandoned, leaving only combat spikes, combat armor-piercing bullets, shields, concussive daggers, chainswords, or long-handled carbon crystal blade battle axes.

The only long-range weapon may be the automatic shotgun in the hands of some mobile infantry.

These mobile infantry may not have participated in several combat trainings on space stations and space ports, but they still know a basic principle.

To fight in these places that are solid on the outside but delicate and fragile on the inside, first throw away those powerful Gauss rifles, portable electromagnetic guns and individual missiles in your hands.

Unless you want to drill a hole in the airport and be sucked into outer space, and then during the 15-minute extravehicular activity time limit of the exoskeleton and combat suit, you can reflect on why you did this stupid thing.

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