When the car left the atmosphere of Robert IV and entered a state of weightlessness, people like Isabel and Randall, who were accustomed to working in a state of weightlessness, unlocked the seat locking devices.

Major Randall and Tom continued to stare at the console, monitoring the operation of the car and preparing to depressurize the cabin area at the time arranged by Amber.

Isabel, like a fish swimming in the deep sea, floated nimbly to the cabin area where Amber was.

At this moment, Amber was pressing her face against the porthole of the cabin door, looking at the stunning scenery outside.

Although Amber has seen this scenery countless times in the game, she still doesn't feel tired of it.

And no matter how beautiful the scenery in the game is, it is a scenery that has been reduced in realism by the production team. It is still incomparable to the real scenery in front of you.

After seeing Isabel wearing an exoskeleton and getting in through the hatch of the exit area with some difficulty, Amber reluctantly withdrew her eyes from looking at the desperate situation outside the window and turned to look at her.

"What happened?"

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Isabel rolled her eyes at Amber, and then took out the token from the elven nobles of the Thousand Stars Empire from her combat uniform.

In fact, before she even took it out, Amber felt the psychic energy fluctuations emanating from the token.

This will be more obvious.

"My friend sent a message, which is a set of coordinates and time."

Isabel held the token a little tighter, and the psychic energy on the clover-shaped necklace was immediately activated, and then a string of coordinate numbers and a set of time were projected.


Amber was stunned when she saw this thing.

He grabbed Isabel's hand and raised it to his eyes, ignoring the blush slowly rising on the female spy's face. He stared at the token carefully and controlled a trace of psychic energy to sense it.

"This friend of yours is not an ordinary nobleman in the Thousand Stars Empire, right?"


Isabel's reaction was a little slow. Before she could answer Amber's question, she heard the latter continue:

"This token is essentially a spiritually entangled communication crystal. It can theoretically transmit information across galaxies in real time. It is infinitely superior to the communication technology currently mastered by humans.

This thing is extremely rare even in the Thousand Stars Empire. No, it cannot be said to be rare, it should be rare.

In addition to the elven royal family and the great consuls, it is estimated that only a few wealthy noble businessmen from other countries have it. "

Amber let go of Isabel's hand and looked at Isabel with clear and sincere eyes.

"This friend of yours, does he still lack other friends?"


Isabel's eyes turned cold.

Amber instantly understood that Isabel's friend was probably a female elf.

"Ahem, let's get down to business. Let's get down to business."

He smiled sheepishly and coughed to cover it up.

"So what this friend means is that she will arrive at this coordinate at this time to pick us up?"

"That's right~ I took a rough look at this coordinate on the star map. It's on the edge of Robert's galaxy. As long as we can find a way to get on a ship with a jump drive engine, we can get there."

Isabel put the token away and looked at Amber.

"It's less than six hours before she arrives. Do you think there's any way we can catch up?"

To be honest, Isabel still feels that all this is a bit unreal.

She originally thought that as a member of the Princess Party, she might eventually die on this planet, and at the hands of those in the Regent Party.

But since boarding Amber's pirate ship, she has actually reached this point in this desperate situation, and is only the last step away from escaping.

"Whether we can catch up or not depends on the situation in Lansford Harbor."

Amber moved his neck, and there was not much time left before he was ready to leave the cabin.

"The main fleets of the Empire and the Federation are currently at war with each other, and they definitely have no time to take care of Lansford Port. Therefore, our only obstacle is the Imperial soldiers in the military port. We also pray that there are usable ships in the port."

"What to do with the matter assigned to you by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas?"

Isabel asked curiously. She had been paying attention to Amber these days and naturally knew that he was relatively close to the commander of the federal ground forces.

"Don't worry, I am a person of my word. Since I promised you, I will definitely do it. Whether it is something entrusted by the Lieutenant Colonel or if we need to arrive at the rendezvous point on time, I will make arrangements."

Amber's tone was calm, as if she was telling a very ordinary thing.

But it sounded reassuring to Isabel.

The two stayed in the exit area for a while, and Isabel awkwardly got out of the hatch, and then closed the hatch of the exit area.

At the same time, Amber also activated the extravehicular activity mode of the exoskeleton and combat suit, and a 30-minute countdown also appeared in the upper right corner of the HUD.

This is the maximum time that the 'Breaker 2' can be active outside the vehicle without additional life support components.

"Randall, I'm ready and can start to relieve the pressure."

"Understood, start to relieve stress!"

Seeing the rapidly changing pressure value on the hatch terminal of the exit area, Amber also opened the team communication channel.

"Attention everyone, check weapons and equipment and prepare for a spaceport assault."

"This is a dangerous close-range combat. Remember what you have trained and keep your formation! Don't rush or retreat! Pay attention to the position and status of your teammates around you!"

"Major Randall, don't open the door after the car arrives at the docking area. Wait for my instructions."

After Amber finished the last sentence, the cabin area just completed the decompression.

After confirming that her equipment was normal again and asking Lilith to do another self-check, Amber turned the mechanical handle of the cabin door.

The pressure was released very thoroughly, and there was no accident that she was sucked out due to the imbalance of internal and external pressure.

After Amber opened the door completely, she climbed out carefully and buckled her safety rope to the hook on the outer wall of the cabin.

Above his head, the last stop of the space elevator, Lansford Port, was rapidly expanding.

At the same time, Amber clearly felt that the cabin began to slow down. He fixed his body to the outer wall and patiently waited for the cabin to complete deceleration and finally stopped at the corresponding berth in the docking area.


Amber, who was leaning against the outer wall, "heard" that the fixing device of the cabin and the docking area was locked, and immediately untied the safety rope and pulled hard on the handle of the outer wall with both hands. The whole person floated towards the docking area like a torpedo.

The mark representing the destination on the HUD was getting closer and closer. Everything around was so quiet. Only the sound of her own breathing and the movement of various parts of the exoskeleton echoed in her ears.

Amber floated nearly 200 meters in one breath and came to the location of a hatch in the docking area.

The small red words printed on the side of the hatch indicated that there was also an area behind the ears where decompression could be performed.

Amber opened the control panel on the side of the hatch and connected the data cable on her wrist.

Lilith immediately got in and easily cracked it to obtain the permission to open the door and decompress.

"Master, the control personality of this spaceport is not easy to deal with. It should be running on a server array, and the standard computing power is very strong."

"Well, I know. Anyway, there is no need to face this control personality head-on. Just be careful."

Amber replied calmly.

He naturally knew the situation of the control personality of Lansford Port. Under normal circumstances, the control personality of such a large facility needs to be responsible for the energy distribution, internal environment regulation, electronic countermeasures and other tasks of the entire spaceport.

And the most important thing is to guide ships in and out of the port.

So the control personality of such large facilities is generally not replaced. Once it is activated, it will be more than ten years or even decades.

Under such a long period of high-intensity multi-threaded task processing, the comprehensive ability of these control personalities even crushes the ship-borne control personality on the main ship.

This also makes it difficult for conventional electronic warfare attacks to be effective against this control AI.

And the reason why the Empire can control this spaceport is very simple.

After suppressing the spaceport, the assault force directly used the authority of a senior officer who did not have time to escape, and identified all the Empire units as friendly forces through authority management in the main control room.

However, Amber did not need to tamper with the controller personality, nor did she need Lilith to confront him head-on.

As long as she could perform a trivial quiet crack and open some convenient doors in Lansford Port through disguise, it would be fine.

Soon Amber entered this space, closed the hatch and began to pressurize this cabin.

When the cabin pressure displayed on a screen on the wall was normal, and the exoskeleton's sensor confirmed that the external environment was safe, Amber turned off the exoskeleton's extravehicular activity mode.

At present, this mode has about 20 minutes of use time left, and he must keep it just in case.

Closed his eyes and released a psychic wave. After confirming that there was no other human activity outside this cabin, Amber carefully opened the cabin door and got out.

There is no artificial gravity in the docking area, and long-distance activities of personnel are generally based on holding the flow pass handle on the wall.

If it is a short-distance movement, it is to float directly over or activate the electromagnetic adsorption device on the foot.

This is why everyone, including Amber, brought a jet backpack for posture management.

According to a map that Lilith "climbed" from the internal network of Lansford Port, Amber quickly found the route to the berth where his cabin was located.

He constantly used psychic power to identify the surrounding situation along the way, and avoided several groups of enemies that passed quickly.

Obviously, the unlocking of the space elevator made the imperial troops in the spaceport begin to move.

When he was about to reach the last channel, Amber stopped after sweeping a psychic wave again.

His expression became serious, and the shock sword was taken down from the weapon rack behind him.

Although the returning psychic wave told Amber that there was no sign of life in this channel, the overly clean "feedback" made him alert.

"It seems that someone deliberately used psychic power to cover up the breath"

"But this method is still a bit clumsy, covering it up too cleanly as if no one has ever been here."

Amber carefully felt the exposed psychic wave in the channel, and slowly synchronized his own psychic power with it-this is an advanced technique developed by a psychic several decades later, and no one has seen it at this stage.

When the psychic energy was completely synchronized, Amber suddenly laughed.

Then he raised his long sword and pointed the tip of the sword at a certain place in this passage:

"Okay, don't hide, I've found you."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a slight fluctuation in the position where the tip of the sword pointed.

With a flash of honeycomb-like light, a figure slowly appeared in the passage.

"As expected of you, Amber."

This is a man wearing an imperial-style psychic combat exoskeleton. From the logo on his chest armor plate, it can be seen that he is a member of the Star Dragon Fang.

"Finally meet, Tail Needle."

"Humph, although I don't know how you saw through the disguise, since I'm here in advance, you don't want to pass through here today."

Tail Needle took a pair of shock daggers from his waist, which is a relatively rare weapon in exoskeleton melee.

Because the common choice is either to use heavy weapons to fight directly, or to use weapons such as daggers and combat armor-piercing bullets to seek a short-term burst.

Dagger, and it's a double sword mode.

This weapon, which is more suitable for roaming combat, is indeed not common compared to other weapons.

Tail Needle didn't say anything more. He took off his weapon and rushed forward, then disappeared into the air.

"Randall, the situation has changed!"

Amber held his breath and concentrated, and his own psychic energy stretched out to form something like a field.

Then he raised his left hand, and a psychic shield formed in front of his hand, and "buzz!" blocked Tail Needle's attack.

The opponent missed the attack and hid his body again.

The overall combat style was basically consistent with Amber's guess.

"What's going on, Amber?"

Randall's voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Everyone is ready for battle, just waiting for your order."

"No, I can't make it, you decide when to launch the attack!"

While speaking, Tail Needle launched several attacks in succession. With the help of the jetpack and psychic energy, he constantly changed his position, and in a short time, he actually achieved an effect similar to a multi-person attack.

"I'm being entangled by the psychic of the Empire. The opponent is also a level 4 psychic. I don't think I can end the battle quickly."

Amber threw a psychic shock at the tail needle, and the opponent also stimulated a psychic shock.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The spiritual pressure generated by the collision of several psychic waves caused the electronic equipment in the channel to flash wildly, and the bulkhead of this section of the channel also made a sound of twisting metal structure.

Amber took a deep breath and stared at the direction of the tail needle. He crossed his arms and held the sword, with the guard placed on his chest and the back blade facing his right arm.

This is the key-like posture in [Meyer Swordsmanship].

Although it is a swordsmanship from the ancient cold weapon period of Blue Star, these classic fighting skills were dug out again after cold weapon fighting appeared on the battlefield again.

After scientific modern improvements, it reappeared in front of the world.

"Major! Let the mobile infantry decide how to fight. I won't say anything for now. I want to kill this guy!"

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