From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 15 Judas (Please read it! Please collect it!)

"It's over."

This was the first reaction of the two heavy powered armors when they discovered that the target was running behind them.

For this one, flash-bang bombs were thrown into their faces and then swept down a 30-meter-long corridor in an instant.

In the end, they dodged the attack of No. 12 fully automatic shotgun and landed on the enemy behind them.

A term flashed through the minds of the two soldiers at the same time - psyker.

Yes, there are only this kind of 'monsters' who have undergone extensive physical strengthening and can fight with the help of spiritual energy.

Only in this way can he break through the defense of two heavy powered armors in an instant.


This was the first 'subtext' that flashed through Amber's mind after passing through the blockade of two powered armors.

Although this line is full of the atmosphere of a villain and sets a flag for himself.

But it did express the excitement in his heart at this time.

This is not Amber's first experience of fighting against powered armor alone.

But before, it was all in the game.

There is no risk of death.

But now, he relies on his own flesh and blood to defeat the power armor in the real world.

When he used his psychic energy as part of the extension of his hands, he almost 'sent' the flash shock bomb in front of the two powered armors.

Whether it's a short sprint with an explosion of leg strength, or predicting the timing and direction of the opponent's shot, and dodging it in mid-air with a 'fishing leap'.

Finally, through small psychic lightning, it 'sticks' to the walls on both sides, allowing itself to pass over the opponent's head.

It’s all an experience of dancing on the edge of a knife again and again.

"It's cool! It's so cool!"

But the more this happened, Amber found that she was more excited than in the game.

"Why do you feel like I'm becoming more and more perverted?"

Amber even had the time to think about this issue after landing behind the two powered armors.

Because the nerve dendrites in his body have been replaced by superconducting fibers, his reactions are much higher than those of ordinary people.

Stimulated by the massive secretion of adrenaline, his strength, speed and reflexes increased again.

The whole person seemed to have entered some kind of bullet time.

He even had the feeling that he had started ‘Sian Stanway’ in another game.

Right now, the gas turbines and battery pack components on the backs of the two power armors were right in front of him.

In Amber's eyes, the two powered armors were slowly turning around after realizing that something was not going well.

But Amber won't give them a chance.

His left and right hands each condensed the most powerful psychic impact that could be released at present.

The next moment, two psychic impacts, one on the left and one on the right, directly hit the backs of the two powered armors.

The violent energy almost directly destroyed the gas turbine components.

On the HUD of the two power armor visors, an instant pop-up appeared:

[warn! The gas turbine components were seriously damaged and the output was reduced! ] words.

Before the system will be in an emergency, it will start in the 'pure electric mode' driven by the metal hydrogen battery pack.

A new warning message popped up.

[warn! The battery pack is severely overloaded and the energy supply has been cut off! ]

[warn! Lack of motivation! Unable to maintain output power! ]

When all its own power components are paralyzed and no external cables are connected.

The two pieces of power armor instantly turned into two iron coffins.


The two soldiers in power armor had never been so desperate.

They have been serving on the Robert IV since they joined the Federal Army.

I was lucky enough not to catch up with any war.

But this also caused them to lose themselves in daily training where their concepts and combat ideas were increasingly backward.

In the past, their training subjects were all about how to use their own equipment advantages to support mobile infantry operations.

If in an open area, with appropriate weapons and equipment configuration, the two of them can easily suppress the attack of one or two motorized infantry platoons.

It can even use the small electromagnetic gun on the shoulder to 'roll call' a light armored vehicle or a light multi-legged tank.

But they are rarely trained to fight psykers in a confined space.

Even after losing power, the adaptive balance components of the power armor still maintained a standing posture.

But relying solely on internal manpower, it is impossible to drive this multi-ton giant.

However, Amber still resolved the embarrassment at the moment for them.

He directly pushed down the two power armors that were unable to move. Under this weight, the soldiers inside could not even turn over.

Immediately afterwards, each of them fired a spiritual blast towards the heads of the two of them.

Although, after losing two 'big ones' just now, the psychic impact Amber is releasing now is much less powerful.

But it was enough to penetrate the thick helmet and put the two guys into a baby-like sleep.

Finally, Amber took off one of the powered armors and the 12-gauge automatic shotgun on the right arm rail.

Thoughtfully, I sent two rounds to the interfaces for connecting external cables to the two power armors.

Completely make them unable to get back to work.

After doing this, Amber held the shotgun in one hand and waved towards the other side of the corridor.

"It's done, come over here!"

After a while, Margaret and the imperial spy disguised as a technical sergeant walked over cautiously.

At the same time, the circuit bus of the communication center also completed its self-test and restored power supply.

When the lights came on in the corridor, he looked at the two power armors lying on the ground 'unconscious'.

The expression on the face of the imperial spy codenamed 'Judas', who was affiliated with the 'Star Dragon Fang' psychic action group, twitched unnaturally.

In his mind, he remembered the order he had given to Robert 4's upper line, the 'Tail Needle'.

"At all costs, after breaking through the core communication room, silence the traitorous Margaret and the 'Baby Bird'."

"Aminos. How can you silence me?"

Although he is a member of the ‘Star Dragon Fang’.

But ‘Judas’ was not a psychic.

He is actually an intelligence officer under the ‘Star Dragon Fang’.

Compared to combat, he is better at lurking, intelligence gathering and on-site tactical support.

But he couldn't refuse the order from his superiors.

So if he wanted to successfully complete the mission, he had the only way left.

sneak attack.

‘Judas’ suppressed the nervousness and a trace of fear in his heart and walked past Amber and nodded to him.

Then he quickly walked to the door of the core communication room and started doing business.

The core communications room is powered by independent lines.

Therefore, the circuit damage to the communication center just now did not affect this place.

This has also resulted in this most core room still being locked down.

As an on-site tactical support personnel, the job of breaking locks and opening doors naturally fell on him.

And although 'Judas' has the task of silencing Margaret and Amber, he doesn't dare to neglect it now.

An unexpected power outage in the communication center will definitely alert the federal army.

It is estimated that the motorized infantry standing guard at the door had noticed something was wrong and rushed in.

‘Judas’ connected a small terminal to the control equipment at the door of the core communication room.

Then he said calmly:

"Give me 20 seconds!"

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