"Captain, we still can't contact the command ship, and the satellite navigation is also a little inaccurate."

"I know, keep trying, and let me know as soon as you get in touch!"

Watching the communication soldiers in the team looking for a location with a better signal in the distance.

Captain Lawrence sighed quietly, then lifted up his combat visor and wiped his sweat.

He had turned off the adaptive temperature control and air filtration built into the exoskeleton.

After continuous high-intensity combat and 'temporary' loss of the agreed airdrop supplies.

He must rationally manage the reserve energy of his exoskeleton to cope with possible subsequent battles.

As the commander of the 'Mongoose' special operations platoon directly under the Empire's Central Intelligence Division.

He and his team received a top-secret mission from the Imperial Defense Intelligence and Security Division (DRSD). (There are 17 intelligence agencies, large and small, in the setting, and the federation is almost the same. We generally refer to the current intelligence systems of various countries)

[Secret investigation of Federal Research Institute 31027 on Robert IV]

During the operational communication meeting, the DRSD intelligence team provided only a rough coordinate range and the news that the institute had been abandoned twenty years ago.

But despite this, Captain Lawrence is still full of confidence in this mission.

Because of the large-scale raid on Robert IV by the Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group.

The Federation's military strength on Robert IV will suffer a devastating blow.

And the surviving remnant soldiers would hardly pose a threat to their elite team.

What's more, since there are enough attack ships in orbit.

He and his 'mongoose' platoon were also able to receive unprecedented support.

Whether it's fire strikes or friendly support.

The leader of the intelligence team of DRSD in charge of this operation patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, we have enough!"

“I can’t **** (imperial expletive) enough!”

Thinking of this, Captain Lawrence, who led his surviving men forward cautiously, couldn't help but greet the families of everyone in the intelligence team again.

After they landed in the airdrop, it actually went smoothly at first.

Under the early orbital strike and the attack of a large number of orbital paratroopers.

The surrounding federal troops had too much time to take care of themselves, let alone cause trouble for them.

Therefore, in the first two or three hours, the 'mongoose' platoon's advance encountered no obstacles.

Until a certain federal battleship fell into the atmosphere, the fusion furnace it carried exploded, causing strong interference.

The Mongoose lost contact with the command center, and there were also problems with navigation and satellite warning.

In this case, the special operations team ran into a breakout federal force.

According to common sense, a pure infantry infiltration team like the 'Mongoose' should not confront the enemy head-on.

But when the communication and navigation between both parties were in chaos, something very outrageous happened.

This federal breakout force has a lot of mechanized equipment such as armored vehicles, main battle tanks, and multi-legged combat vehicles.

Although it was only a small force on the opponent's flank that was eyeing the 'Mongoose'.

However, its firepower and maneuverability still caused the Mongoose to suffer a big loss.

Had it not been for an emergency, they would have contacted a nearby orbital paratrooper with two HCPs and withdrew from the battle under their cover.

Maybe the Mongoose combat platoon will be wiped out before they can find the target.

As the main force of the empire pursued the federal breakout force, they attacked.

The federal force, which almost crushed the 'mongoose', also fled in the other direction.

Lawrence recalled zooming through his optical lens to see the unit markings on the equipment of the federal unit.

"Yasin Base Garrison. How did we meet here?"

"Are we so unlucky this time?"

Thinking of this, the imperial officer felt dizzy.

Although luck is an elusive thing, he still hopes that it will be on his side.

After all, the mission background this time is completely different from before.

Although Lawrence and his 'Mongoose' platoon have rich combat experience.

But those 'actual combat experiences' were gained in some small-scale counter-insurgency battles.

This time is completely different. The Federation is not one of those rebellious planets.

Although the empire’s decision-makers analyzed the Federation and said that they were ‘a house that would collapse with just one kick’.

But in any case, the Federation can completely compete with the Empire in terms of national size.

Even on Robert IV, a border agricultural planet, its garrison was "weak".

In terms of equipment and combat effectiveness, they far exceeded the rebels Lawrence had encountered before.

"Dragon God, please bless our operation smoothly."

Although he is a citizen of the Star Dragon Empire, Lawrence is also a rare unbeliever and does not believe in the imperial state religion like most people in the empire.

But under the current circumstances, he had to improvise.

'It's impossible to be this unlucky all the time.'

Captain Lawrence thought to himself as he moved forward carefully.

The next second, the signal soldier's exclamation sounded in the communication channel.

"Fuck! I've been hacked!"

"Everyone, disconnect the team data link quickly! Be careful of electronic warfare disease"

Before the signal soldier finished speaking, Captain Lawrence had already urgently disconnected the data link and team communication channel.

Unfortunately, it's still a step too late.

As the HUD on the visor flashed abnormally a few times, functions such as the aiming-assisted light weapons firing line and remaining ammunition display disappeared.

Lawrence's exoskeleton fire control system went offline due to an attack by an unknown electronic warfare virus.

Followed by the communication module, energy management module, and detection module.

Looking at the wildly rotating compass on the HUD, Captain Lawrence felt something bad.

He lifted up his tactical visor, roared, and used the most primitive method to notify the surrounding soldiers to take cover and be alert.

But then, a scream came from the air, and his expression suddenly changed.


There was no time to tell others to lie down when a 120mm high-explosive bomb exploded in the open space near Lawrence.

The commander of the 'Mongoose' special operations platoon was blown over by the shock wave on the spot.

"Very good, the center is blooming! Ten points for team A."

"Group B, your fucking shot was wrong, recalibrate the landing point!"

Amber, who turned on optical invisibility, was hiding in a big tree.

Through the magnified picture of the tactical eyepiece, he was directing the firing of two 120mm mortars from behind.

"Have the two infantry squads arrived at the attack starting line I designated? Yes, they moved quite quickly."

Amber glanced at the tactical map zoomed in the lower left corner and continued:

"Fire team, three rapid fire rounds of high-explosive shells! The infantry squad immediately starts attacking after the artillery hits the ground!"

"I'm on the big tree with orange coordinates, pay attention to identification of friend or foe!"

"Don't be stingy with ammunition for the fallen enemies. Give me a few more rounds to make sure they are dead!"

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