After losing the ambush team deployed on the southeast side of the village, Lieutenant Andrew, the commander of the Imperial orbital paratroopers, knew that there was a serious problem.

Now it is no longer a question of how to attack the village. Whether the remaining people can safely withdraw from the battle is a question mark.

The rapid attack commanded by Amber caused the lieutenant to misjudge the strength of both the enemy and ourselves.

Lieutenant Andrew believed that the federal mechanized force that came to support was definitely not small in size and had a large number of armored vehicles.

He only had one Holy Spirit and less than forty orbital paratroopers under his command, and he had lost the qualification to compete head-on with the opponent.

Thinking of this, the lieutenant immediately decided to stop attacking the village and everyone retreated towards the ambush position to the west.

Under his command, the communications troops fired two flares, one green and one blue.

This was agreed upon before the war, and was a signal for the large forces to stop attacking and retreat to the west under the cover of the people in the ambush position to the west.

Immediately afterwards, the lieutenant ran to the 'Holy Spirit' who was warning in the direction of the smoke. Regardless of the danger of being stepped on by the mechanical feet, he directly put his palm on one of the mechanical feet.

"Order: Enable contact emergency communications."

"The channel has been established and is being connected"

A gentle reminder sounded.

After a while, the 'Holy Spirit' temporarily stopped moving, and then lowered the body slightly.

In Lieutenant Andrew's communication channel, in the originally "no signal" interface, the icon representing the "Holy Spirit" light multi-legged chariot lit up.

The driver's voice also came to my ears.

"Lieutenant! Can you hear me clearly?!"

"It's clear, no problem! I need you to fire deterrent shots in the direction of the smoke now! Covering troops retreat to the west!"

"Understood, Lieutenant! Let the others leave the muzzle overpressure area. You retreat first! I will cover you!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Before they could finish speaking, two explosions occurred between the smoke and them.

After the explosion, Andrew fell to the ground subconsciously.

The driver of the 'Holy Spirit' many-legged chariot also moved the chariot a few steps forward and protected Andrew behind him.

"Boom! Boom!"

There were two more explosions, but this time the distance moved a lot towards the attacking troops.

Andrew immediately realized that this was the opponent's direct firepower starting to attack.

Judging from the explosion, he estimated that the federal direct firepower should be two 100 or 120 mm mortars.

Although I don’t know whether it was a school artillery, or two mortars were used to conduct the "Xu Jin Barrage".

But no matter what the situation is, it is not good news for the imperial offensive forces.

While lying on the ground, the contact communication between Andrew and the multi-legged chariot was disconnected. After finally getting up from the ground again, the lieutenant gave up the plan to continue the contact communication.

He raised his head and looked at the Holy Spirit. The spherical main camera at the front of this light multi-legged chariot was also turning to look at him.

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew raised his visor and shouted "Fire!" while gesturing in the direction of the smoke.

The main camera of the 'Holy Spirit' flashed a red light, as if in response to Andrew's order.

Immediately afterwards, this light multi-legged chariot started moving.

When the other orbital paratroopers began to retreat toward the west, it moved its eight mechanical legs and came to the rear of the team.


The 120mm electrothermal chemical cannon fired directly after the automatic loader completed loading the programmed high-explosive bomb.

At the same time, the Gauss machine gun mounted on the mechanical arm under the front body also began to fire long bursts in the direction of the smoke.

But Andrew, who was commanding the troops to retreat westward, didn't know that his head had been set on the crosshairs of the scope by Amber, who was hiding behind a field ridge several hundred meters away.

Amber, who was constantly roaming the battlefield with his optical stealth, in addition to always paying attention to the offensive situation of the troops, he focused more on finding the opponent's commander.

According to his understanding of the imperial infantry battle formation, in this kind of battle where infantry and armored units are mixed, the commander either stays inside the armored unit or takes command near the armored unit.

So when Lieutenant Andrew was 'talking' to the signal trooper, Amber set her sights on him.

After all, the communication component carried on the communication soldier's exoskeleton has a long antenna that is easy to identify.

According to the imperial establishment, whether it is a mechanized infantry platoon or an orbital paratrooper platoon, the platoon headquarters is composed of three people: the platoon leader, the platoon sergeant, and the communications soldier.

Amber estimated that the platoon sergeant should be in the mortar position that had been removed before, or in the ambush positions on the left and right sides of the village.

Therefore, the other person who was 'talking' to this communications soldier was most likely the platoon leader.

And after seeing this person, he put his hand on the mechanical foot of the "Holy Spirit" and seemed to be performing "contact communication".

And after that, he waved his arms to guide the multi-legged chariot to shoot.

Amber also finally confirmed his identity.

The range measurement number in the scope finally stopped at 562 meters.

For a Gauss sniper rifle with a muzzle velocity of 2,800 meters per second, this distance does not need to consider factors such as ballistic descent and flight time.

Amber slowed down his breathing, and after turning on the 'sniper mode', the exoskeleton he wore began to help him stabilize himself and reduce unnecessary natural shaking.

Just like turning on the "stabilization" on the chariot, Amber firmly put the crosshairs on the target's head, and then patiently waited for a suitable shooting opportunity.

Finally, the target who was retreating to the west with other imperial orbital paratroopers, turned back to observe the situation, and there was a moment of stillness.

At this moment, Amber pulled the trigger of the Gauss sniper rifle without hesitation.

More than 560 meters away, the retreating signalman was just about to approach Lieutenant Andrew and report the situation to him.

As a result, a bright line of fire crossed the battlefield in an instant and hit Lieutenant Andrew's head directly.

Like a balloon that exploded, the lieutenant's head tissue disappeared in an instant.


After a while, the sound of gunfire came belatedly.

Looking at the corpse with a blown head slowly falling down in the sight, Amber immediately put away the gun and rolled to the left, and then ran away at the fastest burst speed.

A few seconds later, the position where he had just sniped turned into a sea of ​​fire in the explosion.

The ballistic detection system of the ‘Holy Spirit’ multi-legged tank issued a warning the moment Amber opened fire, and marked a rough coordinate on the driver’s tactical map.

After seeing his platoon leader killed, the driver couldn’t believe it at first, and then a surge of anger surged in his chest.

He turned the body and turret as if he had lost his mind, and then controlled the loader to load a high-explosive incendiary bomb specially used for anti-personnel, and fired this high-explosive incendiary bomb towards the marked rough coordinates.

The 120mm high-explosive incendiary bomb not only turned Amber’s sniper position into a sea of ​​fire, but the shock wave generated by the explosion also shook Amber.

The counterattack speed of the multi-legged tank exceeded Amber’s expectations. If he hadn’t run fast, he might have been eight-tenths cooked by now.

And in the headset, Isabel's slightly anxious voice came:

"Hurry up and move! These orbital paratroopers are coming towards your position!"

"Ah? Aren't they retreating?"

"How should I know?! Anyway, the drone shot it very clearly. The remaining multi-legged tank and infantry are all charging towards your position!"

Amber, who was lying in the field again, suddenly realized that this was a great opportunity.

Without caring about his own safety and a moment's respite, he directly issued the last order.

"Everyone attack! Everyone attack!"

"Attention armored vehicles, focus on killing this multi-legged tank for me first!"

Thank you for the rewards and monthly tickets!

I am really flattered

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