It serves as an entrance and exit for emergency personnel of the 31027 Research Institute.

The most basic function of the gate it configures is to be able to open normally when the institute loses energy supply.

Therefore, this door uses a purely mechanical opening method and does not contain any electronic components.

And because it has been sealed behind a stone wall, and the materials throughout the gate are also made of special alloys, there is no trace of oxidation on this gate even though the research institute has been abandoned for more than 20 years.

Only under the attack of the anti-vehicle missile just now, a small hole appeared on the surface.

"I'm such a retard, why would I bring a shaped armor-piercing warhead!"

Amber was so angry that she slapped her thigh when she saw the small hole drilled by the metal jet.

It wasn't that he was afraid of blowing up the door, but that would save trouble.

But the actual situation is that the shaped-energy armor-piercing warhead is not capable of completely destroying the door. Instead, the metal jet formed can easily melt the mechanical structure inside the door, making it impossible to open it.

Amber hurriedly found the mechanical locking handle on the door - in order to facilitate quick entry for outsiders in an emergency, this exit did not have a password or identity authentication input device.

Although in terms of security and confidentiality, Amber always felt that this setting was quite nonsense when she read the post in her previous life.

But considering that the camouflage here is quite good, and before the institute was abandoned, this mountain forest was a military restricted area, and there would be no outsiders.

Such a setting may have been considered by the construction department responsible for the federal research institute.

"Once you accept this setting"

While Amber was mumbling words, she grasped the mechanical locking handle with both hands and broke it hard.


As the handle was successfully pushed from the 'locked' position to the 'unlocked' position, a series of mechanical transmission sounds came from behind the alloy door.

Immediately afterwards, due to the inconsistent air pressure inside and outside the door, a burst of dust also sprayed out from the gaps around the door.

Amber held the handle with her hands and pushed outward with a little force, and the heavy alloy door slowly opened.

"Wait. Is it that simple?"

Amber didn't know how the 'Mongoose' special operations platoon opened this door in the previous life. The record in the post only said that they brought a lot of professional equipment, but the specific execution process was missing.

So now seeing the door being opened easily by herself, Amber felt uneasy.

Behind the gate is a passage extending downward.

The lighting equipment at the top of the passage was not activated when the door opened, so Amber could not see the end of the passage for a while.

He found a tactical light stick from his combat uniform, twisted it, and then threw it forward with a little strength.

"Ta-ta. Ta-ta."

The stick, which glowed with orange fluorescence, rolled down the stairs of the passage step by step, and quickly reached the end of the passage.

Through the night vision mode of the visor, Amber saw that there was another door there, but it was just an ordinary door.

Although she still had some doubts and uneasiness in her heart, Amber felt like she had to shoot when she thought that she didn't have much time.

He carried the launcher of the individual anti-armor vehicle over and stuck it on the door to prevent it from closing unexpectedly.

Then he walked straight down the stairs.

The icons of 'internal circulation' and 'O2' quickly lit up on the HUD of the visor.

This means that the air filter device on the tactical visor detects that the external air in the current environment is not suitable for breathing, and automatically turns on the closed mode and connects the compressed oxygen bottle inside the exoskeleton.

Before setting off, Amber considered that the ventilation device inside the institute might have failed, so she found the largest-capacity compressed oxygen bottle that her exoskeleton could carry from the transport vehicle.

Under normal breathing rhythm, it can last about 2-3 hours.

The door at the end of the passage was indeed unlocked, and Amber pushed it open with a gentle push.

Behind the gate is a curved corridor with no end in sight on both sides. This gate is right on the outer wall of the curved corridor.

After taking out a tactical light stick again, unscrewing it and throwing it on the ground, Amber struggled for a moment, and then followed the ancient principle of 'men on the left and women on the right' and walked towards the left side of the corridor.

In the posts disclosed by players, there are not many records about the "Mongoose" special operations platoon entering the institute.

It only records that they took the 'target' out of the 31027 Research Institute after losing half of their manpower.

So from now on, Amber can only act according to her own on-the-spot judgment.

While carefully groping toward the left side of the corridor, Amber recalled relevant information about the Federal Research Institute 31027 in her mind.

This research institute was built more than thirty years ago but was abandoned after only ten years of use. The codename of the project studied was the ‘Creator Project’.

When Amber first saw the name of this project, she thought it was some kind of biological weapon or genetic technology-related project.

But in fact, this ‘Creator Plan’ is actually an information project.

To be precise, it is the federal development plan for ‘strong artificial intelligence’.

Although when we first started studying this field, "facility control personality" or "shipboard control personality" had already become popular in human super-large facilities and capital ships.

However, although this kind of "regulatory personality" is stronger than "weak artificial intelligence" in the traditional sense, it is actually only between "weak artificial intelligence" and "strong artificial intelligence".

Even if the 'control personality' is supported by increasingly higher computing power, its mental level has become higher and higher.

But they still lack the most critical factor to become "strong artificial intelligence" - understanding human emotions.

The federal scientific researchers at that time, led by Dr. Mephisto, the chief director of the project, focused on the "Creator Project" with an almost fanatical attitude.

Just like the name of this plan, I want to incarnate as the Creator and create a ‘strong artificial intelligence’ that truly has emotions.

The ending of this story, like all similar stories, is a ‘Bad End’.

They succeeded, and the team led by Mephisto truly created the first 'strong artificial intelligence' in history.

But they also failed, and the 'strong artificial intelligence' they created exposed a lot of hidden dangers.

Especially after possessing emotions, this 'strong artificial intelligence' began to resist the instructions of its 'creator', who was also the one who wrote the first line of meta-instructions, Dr. Mephisto.

This period coincides with the 50th anniversary of the signing of the peace agreement between the Federation and the Star Dragon Empire.

At that time, almost everyone believed that the probability of another war with the Star Dragon Empire would only become smaller and smaller.

Under this circumstance, this project, which was strongly supported by the military, was shelved.

Because the military hoped that after the development of this "strong artificial intelligence" is completed, it can become the core of a true "adaptive battle command system".

But since the probability of war breaking out is getting smaller and smaller, the value of this project has also become smaller in the eyes of the military.

Not to mention, this project also exposed a lot of hidden dangers and uncertainties.

Finally, more than 20 years ago, the ‘Creator Project’ was stopped, and Research Institute 31027 was quickly abandoned.

The first generation of 'strong artificial intelligence' that has been created has been completely formatted.

It's too late. It's too late.

No way, I mainly write books part-time, so two books a day is really the limit~

During the recent update, I didn’t have time to play the game.

Everyone knows that for this kind of pseudo-science fiction story, games are an important way to collect stories, and you have to play them.

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