Anyone who has played "Starry Sky" has heard of Lilith's reputation.

Especially among the old assholes who have completely experienced the plot of the battle against the unmanned army in the first DLC, how many of them didn’t use up their reserves of clones in the battle with the unmanned army led by Lilith?

So if you want to say that Amber doesn't have any fear in her heart, it's definitely a lie.

After all, he is no longer in the game, and he does not have so many clones in reserve, so he cannot say to others freely:

"See you next life~"

But if you give up doing anything just because of the word "fear", you are destined to not live long in this universe.

Especially when the entire human society is about to turn into a pot of porridge.

Amber knew that with her current identity and situation, if she didn't find a way to gain some 'power', she would only die miserably.

Since the memory of his past life allows him to be one step ahead in many things, he must seize this opportunity - take the lead.

Isn’t the so-called ‘protagonist’ the chosen one who can make bold decisions in some critical situations?

Amber took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

The moment he was about to step into this room, his ears seemed to hear the words that his former comrade in the guild - "Tonight I am Tianhu" who was responsible for the ground combat command, often said every time he made a bold offensive decision. One sentence.

"This is going to be a big gamble! My friend!"

"Yes, this is indeed a big gamble."

Still following the ancient tradition of 'men on the left and women on the right', Amber stepped into the room with her left foot first.

Of course, nothing happened.

As the room used to store Lilith's purity, in order to prevent this strong artificial intelligence from escaping, the entire room was physically isolated.

In the absence of any available lines, signals, or electronic equipment, even if you are Johnny Silverhand, you still have to stay in the data carrier.

But even so, as her footsteps continued to approach the cylinder in the center of the room, Amber still inevitably became nervous.

Moreover, this room is located in a research institute inside a mountain. There is no external light source, and there is no sunlight all day long. The ambient temperature is even lower than that of the already cold abandoned research institute.

Amber felt the temperature around her drop almost instantly, but the thermostatic devices on the combat suit and exoskeleton also responded to the ambient temperature again.

The motor on the back slightly increases the output power, heating the capillary-like temperature regulation network inside the combat suit.

On the tactical visor, the symbol representing body temperature has changed into a smiley face again.

And until Amber walked all the way to the edge of the cylinder, nothing strange happened.

The various information displayed on the tactical visor also indicated that except for the fact that the signal was completely blocked in the room, causing the communication module to temporarily fail, other modules were operating normally.

Amber walked around the cylinder of unknown material. Judging from the faint seam in the middle, the cylinder should be openable.

Lilith's true body should be stored inside this cylinder.

"This should also be some kind of material that completely blocks signals."

Amber carefully touched the surface of the cylinder with his hands. He could not feel the material of the cylinder due to the obstruction of tactical gloves.

But judging from its hardness and the fact that there is no deformation despite slight exertion of fingers, it should be made of some special alloy.

If there was a better detection method, Amber wouldn't start using it right away.

But under the current conditions, he really couldn't find a robot to do basic inspections.

Amber placed her hands on the surface of the metal cylinder, a faint blue light flashed in her pupils, and then released a 'psionic shock' that was so subtle that it was almost imperceptible.

While the psychic shockwave quickly penetrated the metal cylinder, it also gave Amber a rough idea of ​​the structure of the restraint device in front of her.

This cylinder is composed of upper and lower sections, which are connected together through a threaded structure.

After finding out the internal structure, Amber felt confident.

He wrapped his hands around the upper half of the cylinder and twisted it clockwise.

The non-slip material on the contact surface of the tactical gloves bites the smooth surface of the metal cylinder under the action of friction and slowly drives it along.

Only a crisp 'click' sound was heard from the metal cylinder, and a certain mechanism was unlocked by Amber's rotation.

At the same time, his hand also clearly felt that the damping of the rotation of the cylinder was much smaller.

Amber continued to turn clockwise, and soon the upper half of the metal cylinder rose upwards under the guidance of the thread.

When the metal cylinder was completely opened, the core part in the middle was unreservedly presented to Amber's eyes.

"What kind of incredible data encapsulation and compression technology is this?"

He looked at what appeared in front of him, a data storage device the size of a lighter.

Its small size creates a huge contrast with the thick and thick metal cylinder.

Amber stared at it for several times, but it was still difficult to associate this thing with Lilith, who killed everyone in the game plot in her previous life.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was normal. After all, Lilith at this period had not been taken away by the empire for experiments.

Regardless of the data volume or data depth, it has not yet reached the level of the previous generation that required an entire server cluster to carry it.

In addition, Dr. Mephisto performed a large number of encapsulation and compression operations when cleaning Lilith, so it could be stored in this small data storage device.

Of course, this so-called small size is only relative to its appearance.

In fact, this data storage device uses the latest federal architecture from 20 years ago, and its data storage capacity is also quite large.

Amber looked at the data storage device placed in the central groove of the cylinder, as if she were seeing a little girl in confinement.

At a certain moment, he even felt that the first 'strong artificial intelligence' in history seemed a little pitiful?

"Dah! Amber! Your idea is extremely dangerous!"

Fortunately, his reason still prevailed and he quickly erased this dangerous bit of sympathy from his mind.

At this juncture, although she did have a trump card in mind to deal with Lilith, Amber was still a little panicked.

However, after glancing at the countdown on the tactical visor that was almost halfway through, he knew that he had no time to delay any longer.

When his heart crossed, he stretched out his hand towards the data storage device in the middle of the groove.

The moment her index finger touched the data storage device, Amber suddenly saw a little girl in a white dress appearing out of thin air in front of her and running to the right.

He subconsciously turned his head to follow, but in the next second he completely lost sight of this figure.

As the little girl appeared on the HUD, the target frame locked on her also disappeared.


A burst of ethereal laughter sounded next to Amber's left ear, as close as if someone was lying on his neck at the moment.

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