"Attention friendly FO, this is FDC, your follow-up call sign is FO1, over."

When Amber's communication with the fire command center was connected, the fire commander's voice soon came from the earphones.

The other person spoke faster, but still spoke clearly.

The FO and FDC he mentioned are the abbreviations of Fire Observer and Fire Command Center.

"FDC, this is FO1. We need urgent long-range fire strikes to cover our retreat. Over."

While replying to the fire commander's communication, Amber controlled her psychic powers to lift the two unconscious naval officers out of the pit.

Amber's 'multi-threading' ability has been greatly improved during this time, because he often finds himself needing to multi-task and deal with multiple other matters while fighting on the battlefield.

"FO1, this is FDC. Your request for fire cover has been confirmed. Please provide specific strike coordinates. Over."

Listening to the information coming from the earphones, Amber dragged Randall and the others behind a fallen tree, then lay down on the ground and opened the tactical map.

Under normal circumstances, when calling for long-range fire strikes, coordinates can be provided in the form of a map grid or a relative position. The second method is also called a polar coordinate system.

But the current situation is that the brigade headquarters cannot accurately obtain the coordinates of Amber and the others. If the polar coordinate system is used for strike positioning, it is likely to cause serious accidental damage to friendly forces.

So Amber adjusted the tactical map to a common grid pattern for Confederate Army units on Robert IV, and overlaid terrain contours on the layer.

Then based on the direction and approximate distance where the imperial troops appeared previously discovered by the ultra-short wave reconnaissance jamming vehicle, the corresponding area was found on the map.

In the end, he defined the fire strike range in the middle area between the approximate location of the imperial troops and his own position.

"FDC, this is FO1, attack coordinates YD65983321, altitude 320, completed."

Amber's voice was a little nervous. After all, if the coordinates were reported incorrectly, rockets might fall on her head.

While entering the coordinates into the fire command terminal, the fire commander repeated Amber's message and continued:

"FO1, this is FDC. Please describe the attack target, attack method, and fire control method. Over."

Although the large list of information requirements reported by the fire command center gave Amber a headache, he knew that this was an inevitable part of the current long-range fire strike.

The military data link used by the Federation Army on Robert IV was originally different from that of the main Federation force.

The most important one, the wide-area command system that works based on satellite relays, is also unable to operate normally when our own military satellites are running out.

For example, the previous company and platoon-level battles commanded by Amber were okay. In small-scale battles, shortwave and laser communications can be used to maintain the information transmission of the data link within the team, and various intelligent terminals can also really come in handy.

But when it comes to the level of the synthetic brigade or even higher, these two methods are a bit insufficient in terms of communication distance and data information transmission volume.

Maintaining communications between troops, ensuring the operation of multiple reconnaissance drones, and confirming the approximate coordinates of the target are barely enough.

But you said that like Amber before, you should set a target on the command terminal, and other units only need to follow the instructions and fire.

In brigade-level operations under the current circumstances, it is already difficult to do so.

Therefore, the current coordination work of long-range fire strikes has become a form of "returning to tradition."

But Amber knew that no matter it was the war between the Federation and the Empire, or the subsequent war of division of the Empire, or even the 'Great Melee' in the future.

This kind of ‘returning to nature’ will only become more and more common.

All forces in human society discovered only after the war began, whether it was the process of the war, the war situation, or the effects of the use of various new equipment.

All were far lower than their pre-war estimates.

"FDC, this is FO1. The attack target is estimated to be a mixed force composed of infantry, multi-legged combat vehicles, and HCP.

Please use plasma warheads for area strikes. The dispersion method is standard 7. When the strike unit is ready, you can attack. Finished! "

After Amber organized her language a little, she quickly reported the relevant information needed by the other party in accordance with the requirements of the fire command center.

The fire commander also repeated it in the communication and transmitted the relevant information to the two Stegorys on standby through the brigade and battalion level backbone network.

The raised launch chamber of the rocket launch vehicle immediately began to slowly rotate and adjust its direction based on the received coordinate information.

The launch chambers of these two Stegosauruses are filled with plasma warheads, so there is no need to change the type of ammunition.

Plasma warheads are also a frequently used ammunition for multiple rocket launchers, and their damage characteristics are similar to those of plasma bombs.

But it is more powerful, has a longer range, and can perform area coverage attacks.

Although terminally sensitive bombs would be more effective against the Empire's HCP.

However, Amber gave up this plan considering that he did not know the specific location of the enemy, and the main purpose of this round of fire strikes was to cover their retreat, not to annihilate the imperial troops.

His current idea is to form an area that blocks the opponent's infantry units and multi-legged tanks through direct attacks by plasma rockets and subsequent large-scale wildfires.

This will also prevent the two Imperial HCPs from taking any rash action when they discover that there is long-range fire support here.

While the two Stegosauruses were preparing to launch, the fire commander also sent a final communication to Amber:

"FO1, this is FDC. The fire strike will begin in 20 seconds. Please leave the strike area in time and start retreating immediately. I wish you good luck, over!"

Generally speaking, after calling a long-range fire strike, the fire observer also needs to observe the impact area and initially evaluate the strike effect.

But for Amber and the others who were eager to retreat, this step could obviously be ignored.

Although Amber and the fire commander were communicating about long-range fire strikes, the two talked a lot.

But in fact, only 2 minutes had passed since they started communicating. If there were a more professional fire observer than Amber, this time could even be compressed further.

Now, after receiving the news that "fire strikes will begin in 20 seconds," Amber switched the communication channel to the command frequency band of his own troops, and then ordered everyone to take away the wounded and vehicles that could still be driven, and retreat toward the southwest where the friendly forces were located. .

He himself also took Randall and Tom simultaneously and began to leave the war zone.

With two grown men in tow, Amber, even as strong as Amber, could only hold one in her arms and carry one on her shoulders. Such a twisting action.

Especially after the fifth-level psychic strength began to recede like the ebb of the sea, the two guys who had originally reduced their weight through 'gravity manipulation' became heavier and heavier.

"Is the navy's food so good? NND is so heavy even without an exoskeleton."

Amber, who was complaining, quickly approached the 'Mongoose 4' that had just been punched away by the 'Zealot'.

After this armored vehicle was blown away, it rolled on the ground several times. It could basically be said to be on the verge of overhaul or scrapping.

At this time, Amber saw two motorized infantry appearing in front of him. Judging from the direction in which they were sprinting, they seemed to be heading for the armored vehicle.

Seeing this, Amber simply ran over and planned to join them.

"What's going on? Didn't I tell you to retreat quickly?"

"Sir, we received a distress signal from an armored vehicle, and Captain Margaret is also in the vehicle!"


This chapter writes the process of fire support in more detail, which can be regarded as a test of the water. If you think it is too wordy, not many people will like it, so I won’t write it in the future~

PS: It will be on the shelves tomorrow and will be updated as usual~

I will first make sure to update two chapters every day while temporarily saving manuscripts. When the number of saved manuscripts is accumulated, I will have the confidence to update more~

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