From Fist Wisdom Blade To Muscle Daming King

Chapter 305 If you don’t fight, I’ll beat you until you do!

Boom dong dong.

The load-bearing pillars in the combat area could no longer withstand the violent shock of the cold air. The cracked column suddenly collapsed,

The support was lost, and the top soil also collapsed in large areas.

Centered on the wellhead, most of the underground space collapsed completely.

Leng Kong, who was at the center of the battle, and Santana, whose body was shattered to pieces, were at the collapse position and were instantly buried out of sight by the soil.

"Finally. Finally I am not buried alone."

"Ha ha."

Seeing this scene, Shutroheim, who was slumped in the corner on the other side and still coughing up blood crazily, smiled.


The laughter touched the wound, and another large stream of black blood spurted out.

He felt really innocent. It was obvious that two monsters were fighting, but he was always the one who got hurt.

First, the thick layer of soil beaten down by the cold air was buried with a bang.

Before he could calm down, he was swept away and hit the wall hard, and now his internal organs were torn apart.

So after seeing that the two culprits were also buried,

Even though my body was in so much pain, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"A huge amount of soil more than ten meters thick hit directly on the body. Even a monster should be crushed to death, right?"

"Ha ha."

Thinking of the terrifying pressure of the collapsed soil, Shutroheim smiled happily.

"Stop laughing, think about how to get out, this place is about to collapse."

Under the dim emergency light, Er Qiao, who had been huddled in the corner with Spit, looked particularly ugly at this moment.

Leng Kong and Santana were buried, but they were also in a state of death.

The underground space is nearly 20 meters away from the ground. Now most of the area has collapsed, and the only well opening to the outside world (the through-hole blasted by the cold air) has been completely blocked by the soil.

In other words, they are now trapped and dead more than ten meters underground.

If you have no idea, you can also understand it as the location on the 5th underground floor.

And with the small space left, I don’t know how long it can last.

10 minutes?

5 minutes?

three minutes?

Or the next second?

If they don't find a solution quickly, the three of them will be dead.


Shutroheim's smiling face immediately froze.

With the help of emergency lights, he looked at the soil layer above his head that was about to collapse, and said dejectedly,

"It's useless. We can't do anything now. We can only pray that the army can dig us out before we die."


"Are you still dreaming?"

Er Qiao was speechless and said, "The army has been destroyed by the regiment!"

"Then we can only wait to die!"

"Waiting to die?"

"That's right!"

Shutroheim nodded,

"This place is four or five stories deep from the ground. It is impossible for us to get out on our own."

"German soldiers are never afraid of death. Being able to be buried underground with two monsters is worth it! Haha."

"Buried together?"

"Is it worth it?"

A pair of giant purple-green arms suddenly broke through the soil layer,

"Do you have any misunderstandings about muscles?"

Then, his palms glowing with purple light, like shovels, were gently pushed to both sides, and the huge body swam out from inside.

That’s right, it’s a tour!

The figure of Leng Kong breaking through the earth layer gave Erqiao, Spit and Shutroheim the feeling that they were not drilling through the earth, but swimming.

So relaxing.

The three of them looked at each other, and two words "pervert" popped up in their minds at the same time!

"This gentleman

Spit looked timidly at Leng Kong, but did not dare to stay for too long.

Because the devil's face on Leng Kong's chest was even more terrifying, he quickly glanced at it and asked, "The battle is over now, right?"


"How can it be?"

"It's just a warm-up now, the real battle hasn't started yet!"


Inhale hard in the cold air and adjust your body to the best condition.

"Zhu Nan is an immortal species, how could he be defeated by me so easily?"

"Can't you see?"

"During the attack just now, Zhu Nan didn't even have the intention to fight back?"

"This is obviously measuring me and judging me to see if I am really qualified to be his opponent!"

"Wow, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"I'm so looking forward to the time when he really shows his strength! Haha."

All the hunger, thirst and fighting spirit are released, and the excited grimace is extremely distorted.

Leng Kong felt that he had completely entered a fighting state,

Now all we have to do is wait for Pillar Man Santana to show her true strength!



Erqiao, Spit and Shutroheim added two more labels to Leng Kong.

This is a war-hungry lunatic!

You have obviously beaten your opponent into a pulp, but you can still say without conscience that your opponent has not shown his true strength?

What is it if it's not neurosis?

The three of them wanted to greet Leng Kong, "Are you blind or sick?"

Also, could you please stop inhaling so hard?

You have sucked all the oxygen, what should we do?

Er Qiao clearly felt that after the cold air came out, the oxygen content of the air dropped sharply. He was young and didn't want to be buried deep underground with this lunatic.

He hurriedly reminded, "Hey, Leng Kong, don't forget, you were invited by the SPW consortium to rescue Grandpa Spit, so find a way to get there first!"

"Don't rush this yet."

Leng Kong shook his head,

My eyes looked toward the collapse location, and my ears listened to the rustling sounds in the soil.

He could clearly "see" that Santana's body that had been beaten into pieces had come together.


Er Qiao looked at the crumbling thick soil above his head, and a big question mark appeared on his face.

He had thought that Leng Kong was unreliable, but he never thought that it could be so unreliable that his employer would be buried, so why not rush?

"Yes, meal tickets are important, but they are nothing compared to fighting!"

Leng Kong glanced at Spit from the corner of his eye. If Er Qiao hadn't told him, he would have forgotten that he came here to look for meal tickets.

But now the blood is burning and the real battle is about to begin. How could he interrupt the battle because of a mere meal ticket?


Er Qiao frowned slightly, and quickly found the crux of the problem with his super high IQ.

That is, Leng Kong seems to be extremely obsessed with fighting?

This will be easier to handle.

Pointing to the soil layer above the head that may be pressed down at any time,

"Even if you still want to fight, most of the underground space has been buried now, and the remaining small area will collapse at any time. How can you still fight underground?"

"Haha. Are you underestimating me? Or are you underestimating Zhu Nan?"

Leng Kong was unmoved, "What's the difference between dirt and jelly? How could it be impossible to use it?"


Er Qiao was furious. This monster was really crazy. He wanted to fight even though he was buried underground.

But his anger returned, and his mind was running rapidly, trying to convince Leng Kong to take him and others out first, and then continue his so-called battle (ravaging Zhu Nan).

"Asshole. How could you?"

But suddenly I heard another roar from the cold sky,

At the same time, his brows were furrowed, his expression extremely angry, and his eyes that had been staring at the collapsed position also turned to the top of his head.

what happened again?

Are you going to continue to have seizures?

No. No!

If he gets mad again, everything will really collapse!

Er Qiao screamed in his heart, but because of Leng Kong's angry expression, he did not dare to say another word because he was afraid.

He was afraid that the cold air would suddenly start beating,

Violently blasted open the soil, dug out Santana who had turned into minced meat, and continued Euler,

In this case, he and Grandpa Spit would really be hopeless.

"How can you run?"

Fortunately, Leng Kong did not have this intention. Instead, he quickly approached the wall, and then dug quickly with both hands.

The excavation speed was faster than that of heavy machinery, and in less than two minutes, a wide avenue leading to the ground appeared in the three people's field of vision.

The sun shines down on his body. Er Qiao has never felt that the ordinary sunshine can be so warm.


Got saved out of nowhere?

"The battle hasn't even started yet, and you're running away?"


"Was the power I showed not enough?"

Then I heard the roar of the cold sky and exploded on the ground.

"Why else?"

Er Qiao complained speechlessly, "Of course I am afraid that you will continue to hammer me. Any creature will run away after being beaten like that, right?"

Yes, Er Qiao's complaints were Santana's thoughts.

After the body fragments gathered together, Santana had no idea of ​​continuing to fight.

While he was still buried in the soil, he controlled his body to transform into a long spiral drill, protruding out of the ground at extremely high speeds with his fingertips as tips, and then got into the sewer and started running like crazy.

Even if Leng Kong replenishes it and eats it to awaken his flow, Santana doesn't want to eat it.

Because this monster didn't use ripples, it could smash his body to pieces with just pure muscle power.

When attacked, the cells automatically secrete super-powerful digestive juices that cover its arms, peeling off a layer of flesh and blood, but the monster seems to have no feeling at all.

No, it’s not that I don’t feel anything, it’s that I feel more excited like taking drugs.

Because the opponent's hammer blow becomes harder as it reaches the back,

If the underground load-bearing pillars hadn't failed to withstand the shock and broken first, causing the soil to collapse, he would have been hammered to death with fists!

Zhu Nan is immortal, but there are limits. If all the pieces of his body are beaten to less than one centimeter, he will die!


So perverted!

Santana has lived for tens of thousands of years and has never seen a terrifying creature like Leng Kong!

He is scared!

"How could I let you run away?"

The muscles around the body expand rapidly, the boiling blood flows crazily, and the big feet kick down,

Boom dong dong.

The solid cement floor made of reinforced concrete suddenly surged like waves.

"If you don't fight, I'll beat you until you do!"

"Ha ha."

Using superhuman hearing, Leng Kong locked onto Santana's position.

Every time a powerful thigh steps down, the ground will collapse half a meter. This is caused by the complete collapse of the sewer.


Santana got down on all fours, clinging to the pipe and running away as fast as she could.

At this moment, he wanted to scold his mother.

What kind of monster did he provoke?

Even though I have learned human language, why can't I understand what he is saying?

What does "if you don't fight, you will beat until you fight"?

Isn't this contradictory?


Although my mind is full of doubts and my body is being rubbed bare by the pipe walls,

But when she heard the rapidly crumbling ground behind her, Santana didn't dare to slow down at all, and frantically moved her limbs with all her strength.

Because if you are not happy, that monster will catch Euler!

Will die!

Santana even felt that as long as he could escape this terrifying crisis, he would be able to activate his own unique style!


Because the physical potential that he had not unleashed for thousands of years was completely unleashed by Leng Kong at this moment...

Boom boom boom.

After Er Qiao and the others climbed out along the passage, they could no longer see Leng Kong's figure at all. They could only hear the roar of explosions in the distance and the violent shaking of the earth.


"And both monsters are gone?"

Er Qiao looked even happier when he couldn't see the cold sky.

"It's really a double happiness! Haha"

"My army?"

Looking at the solid base that had been reduced to ruins, Shutroheim also understood what Er Qiao meant by the group destruction.

The twisted and deformed gun carriage has turned into metal parts scattered all over the place.

The heavily damaged and overturned tank came to a standstill,

This tragic scene couldn't be accomplished even if the dinosaurs came, right?

And what the hell are those tanks built into a 6-meter-high turret?

Also, what are the clear fingerprints printed on the barrel?

Couldn't this have been picked up or hit by someone, right?

If I remember correctly, the lightest of the new tanks I have equipped weighs more than ten tons. Can I throw this away?

"I suck"

After surveying the battlefield, Shutroheim began to take a sharp breath.

"Why are you still standing there? Find transportation out of the city quickly!"

Seeing Shutroheim still standing there in a daze,

Er Qiao roared: "Do you want to wait for that monster Euler to come back?"

He didn’t mean well and wanted to run away with the German army, but because this was the territory of Shutroheim, and he could save a lot of time with his help.

Time is of the essence now, otherwise Er Qiao would not bother to remind him and would run away with Spit as soon as he came out.

"Oh, yes, yes.!"

Shutroheim immediately woke up and led the two of them towards the weapons area.

After arriving at the place, I found that the door was locked from the inside.

dong dong

"Who is it? Who is in there?

Shutroheim slammed the iron door hard,

"Hurry up and open the door!"

"I am Major Shutroheim!"

"Major Shutroheim?"

A soldier's voice sounded: "Where's the liar?"

"I saw with my own eyes that the terrifying giant's flying tank just collapsed the entrance to the underground research room.

"He punched the ground and jumped down again. Is Major Shutroheim still alive?"

"I do not believe!"

Outside the door, Sutroheim had veins popping out on his forehead, "It's really me!"

"This...this voice seems to be the major's voice?"

Some soldiers heard Shutroheim's voice,

He immediately looked through the keyhole and discovered that it was indeed Shutroheim.

He opened the lock instantly and wailed,

"Major, it turns out you're not dead yet?"

"The base was attacked by monsters and the entire army has been wiped out...!"

"I saw!"

Shutroheim glanced at the weapons area and found that it was crowded.

Damn, no wonder I didn’t see anyone outside. It turned out that they were all hiding here.

Instantly roared: "Are you still a German soldier? Are you actually running away from the battle?"

"Because those who don't flee will die."

The soldier who opened the door covered his bloody right arm and whispered back,

He was slightly scratched by the metal fragments exploded by the giant, and his right arm was broken.

This is because while hiding in the trench, the fragments only splashed onto the arm after passing through the cover, otherwise the person would have been dead long ago.

Most of the soldiers hiding in the armament area are in this situation.

It’s really not that they don’t dare to attack, but that the giant gun can’t hit it, and the cannon can’t blow up. The metal fragments that fly away when they explode with their feet are more terrifying than firearms.

How to fight this?

All we can do is run!

Fortunately, as long as it was not an active attack, the giant would not deliberately pursue it, so they were able to survive.

"Forget it, prepare the car, we will evacuate immediately!"

Thinking of the horror shown by Leng Kong underground, Shutroheim found that he was unable to refute the soldiers' words.

"We have already prepared this!"

Speaking of this, the soldiers got excited, because after hiding in, they were preparing to escape.

"very good!"

Shutroheim gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words.

Before meeting Leng Kong, he never thought that the German soldiers who swore to bring the glory of the head of state to the whole world would become like this!

"Stop talking nonsense, that pillar man probably won't last long, move quickly!"

Er Qiao jumped into a military vehicle and drove hurriedly out of the city with Spit.

Yan Zhida said that he gave me all the three-day monthly passes. There is no time today. I will code one more chapter tomorrow, which is also 4,000 words long.

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