From Fist Wisdom Blade To Muscle Daming King

Chapter 331 If it doesn’t come out, beat it until it comes out!

"Those losers failed again!"

"I have to erase the Jonathan bloodline myself!"

In the dark castle, Dio was standing in front of the window with a naked upper body and a strange posture, exuding a fatal charm.

"Jostar's bloodline?"

"Are they Joseph and Jotaro?"

"They are just two trash, how can they compare with you, sir?"

Behind him stood an old woman no more than one meter tall.

The old woman was attracted by Dior's charming temperament and good luck, and took the initiative to offer the "arrow" to Granny Enya.

"But it is these two trashes that are closely connected with my life, Dio."

"And recently, an extra bloodline connection appeared out of thin air."

"It should be the birth of another descendant of Jonathan."

Dior stood on the soles of his feet, his waist disc protruded forward, his upper body half-twisted, his index fingers on both hands stretched out and pointing in a certain direction at the same time, assuming his signature strange stance and said,

"But that's not the point. It's the feeling of blood that makes me believe that this is fate!"

"Jostar must be removed from the trajectory of my destiny."

"I'm not afraid of Joestar, what I want is to cut off the fateful connection with him!"

The fundamental purpose of the "Heaven Plan" formulated by Dio is to transcend fate and the world, and the Joestar family, which has been entangled with him for hundreds of years, is the first target to be eradicated.

"They are just two trash. This is such a trivial matter. You don't need to do it yourself, Lord Dio!"

Granny Enya said enthusiastically: "A total of seven substitute messengers including the Empress, the Hanged Man, the Power, the Wheel of Fortune, the Temperance, the Emperor, and the Devil have been dispatched. They will help you remove the fetters of your physical body! Haha."

accident sea area,

After the ship exploded, Leng Kong and others, as well as the surviving crew members, were already sitting in a lifeboat and drifting with the waves.

The ship was blown apart, but no one on board was injured. Isn’t it amazing?

In fact, it is because "Ram" was not targeting people at the beginning, but ships!

As long as the ship sank and everyone fell into the sea, it would be easy to harvest them with his substitute!

Therefore, the bombs are placed on the hull structure, and the damage to people is not great.

So, okay, I can’t make it up anymore.

It’s just amazing!

"What should we do now? We can't just float to Cairo, right?"

Bobo was paddling boredly and muttered,

"Wait for rescue!"

Er Qiao touched his face. The smell of sea was strong.

"The ship exploded and was located missing. The SPW Foundation should send a rescue team soon!"

First it was a plane, then a ship. He was bombing whatever he was riding on. He even doubted whether he was really a vehicle killer!

"Well, a ship is coming!"

Jotaro looked straight ahead and suddenly noticed a black spot appearing on the sea level. As the black spot got bigger and bigger, a huge cargo ship appeared in his field of vision.

But the strange thing is that the cargo ship seems to have known their existence for a long time, and the hull is heading straight in this direction.


Seeing the cargo ship appear, Er Qiao's doubts about himself disappeared immediately. How could he be a vehicle killer with his luck?

"But why does it feel wrong?"

Seeing the cargo ship stop in front of the lifeboat, Er Qiao realized something was wrong again.

This. This is like the cargo ship knew that the ship would explode early in the morning and came to pick them up on time!

Is it such a coincidence?

"Why do you care so much?"

"The boat has arrived in front of us. Even if it is full of stand-ins, I will get on board. Otherwise, this small lifeboat will capsize if the waves get a little bigger."

Bobo jumped directly from the lifeboat to the boarding escalator.

"Be careful!"

Er Qiao nodded and followed with the surviving crew members.

But after boarding the ship, I felt something was even more wrong, because there was no one there, and there was not even a ghost anywhere I looked!

There were no crew members on the deck, no technicians in the wireless communications room, and even the captain could not be seen in the wheelhouse, but the measuring instruments and driving machinery were operating normally.

This is not normal!

"What's going on with this ship?"

Er Qiao glanced over and frowned: "How come there's no one there?"


Leng Kong's ears trembled, and a heartbeat suddenly appeared in his extraordinary hearing.

bang bang

Then he kicked the metal deck with his soles, sound waves spread rapidly, and a three-dimensional image of the entire ship was quickly constructed in his mind.


Seeing the composition, Leng Kong frowned slightly,

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

Er Qiao knew that Leng Kong's body sense was extraordinary, like a radar. After seeing his reaction, he immediately asked: "What did you find?"

"You are right, there is no one on the boat, but there is a monkey!"

The superhuman body sense derived from the mercenary of Quan Yuan can not only hear the sound to identify the position, but also shape the shape with the sound. Therefore, in the sound wave range, Leng Kong can "clearly" see a big muscular baboon sitting in an iron cage. , wearing headphones, smoking a cigarette, and leisurely flipping through something like a magazine.

"Only monkeys and no people?"

Jotaro touched the brim of his hat: "Could he be a substitute?"


The baboon seemed to have heard these words, and his eyes suddenly looked in the direction of Leng Kong and others. The hard metal deck under the feet of Leng Kong and others instantly softened like mud, and everyone's bodies immediately sank by half.

"What. What's going on?"

"Why did the metal deck suddenly turn into a quagmire?"

"what happens?"

"It's going to sink, my body is going to sink!"

"Mr. Joseph, think of a solution quickly!"

The lower body was completely trapped in the metal swamp, and the sinking force was far more terrifying than an ordinary swamp. The surviving crew members immediately screamed in horror.

"This is this?"

Er Qiao, whose lower body was also trapped, suddenly changed his expression when he thought of a certain possibility.


"Is it possible that this ship is... a stand-in?"

Then he affirmed: "That's right, there is no other possibility for this weird situation except a substitute!"


Leng Kong nodded in agreement. The monkey had walked out of the cage and was getting dressed! "

However, there was no change in his expression. Leng Kong wished that this stand-in monkey could be stronger. He aimed at the previous one with just one punch. He was completely disappointed!

Ha ha

"wear clothes?"

"Does the monkey still need to wear clothes?"


Bobo looked shocked, but after realizing that he had gone off topic, he let out a loud sigh,

"Can this monkey still share the field of vision with the double?"

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to be attacked as soon as we figured out its identity."

My own silver chariot cannot share the view before the extreme exercise. This monkey's substitute is a "ship", but it can still share the view?

Isn’t that a bit outrageous?

He is not as good as a monkey?

bang bang

Perhaps to verify Bobo's idea, as soon as he finished speaking, the two containers stacked on the cargo hold suddenly rose out of thin air and accurately moved towards him and the crew members.

"I want to die. I want to die!"

"I can't move my body at all!"

Seeing the shadow of the huge container descending, completely covering his body, Bobo roared loudly,

"Grand Master, show your muscles now!"

"What do you want me to say?"

Leng Kong raised his right hand, spread his palm, and shouted upward,


There was a huge roar, and the huge container was blown directly into the sea by the cold air.

This is the result of the cold air control power, otherwise the container would have been smashed.

Bang bang!

But on the other side, the crew who were checking the instruments were not so lucky. The huge container pressed down and was immediately crushed into pulp.

"Damn monkey!"

Er Qiao shouted loudly: "Teacher, Jotaro, can you guys pull out the body? We must find a way to find the monkey, otherwise, we will be swallowed by this ship sooner or later!"


The Platinum Star emerged from Jotaro,


Euler shouted, his fist got stuck in the metal quagmire, the metal liquefied, the force was dispersed, and the impact of the blow was very unsatisfactory.


At this time, a big black-haired baboon, dressed in sailor's uniform and captain's hat, with a cigarette in his mouth, walked through the bulkhead and appeared in front of everyone.

Eyes full of spirituality swept across the group of humans trapped in the metal swamp, flicking cigarette ashes with a very noisy expression!

Is this Lord Dio's enemy?

Haha, look at it, the king of baboons will destroy them all!

Big black baboon,

Martial Arts: Stand: Power!

Destructive power: B

Speed: D

Range: D

Sustainability: A

Precision: E

Growth: E

Ability: Evolve the ship and control any part on the ship at will!

The data is average, but this ability can be called a field!

But isn’t it a “power” stand-in?

Why not strengthen the body, but engage in enchantment?

Leng Kong scanned the baboon's attribute panel and felt unsatisfied.

It's obviously a powerful substitute, but why is its purity so low?

"What should we do now?"

Seeing Platinum Star's fist sinking in, Bobo cried out sadly,

"what to do?"

"Haha. Is this still easy to solve?"

Leng Kong's mouth revealed a sinister smile,

"The target is so big, just start hammering!"

"Since its substitute is a ship, let's blast the whole ship!"

"When the time comes, I'll see if it dies!"

"Ha ha.!"

The body expanded rapidly, returning to the shape of a 3-meter-2 muscular king. Before exerting any force, the overwhelming sense of power made the surrounding air vibrate crazily.

Pulling down with his big hand, the metal deck tore open like spicy strips. As soon as he was freed from the shackles of the metal quagmire, he kicked off the ground with his feet, and the huge figure rushed towards the arrogant-looking baboon at high speed.


This horrific violence made the big baboon drop his cigarette in fear, his pupils expanded rapidly, and he instinctively used his substitute ability.


The next moment, the metal in all the surrounding areas instantly semi-liquefied, making it impossible for Leng Kong to borrow strength. Then a large number of metal pipes poured out from under the deck and wrapped around Leng Kong's ankles at extremely high speeds.

"Beast, you know nothing about real power!"

The muscles exploded, and the metal tube wrapped around the calf was broken.


The body sank with the liquefied metal plate, and the hand knife that was fully charged also struck straight down.



The force exploded, and a huge crack suddenly exploded in the softened metal deck, and it spread under the giant baboon very quickly. However, the giant baboon also reacted quickly, or to be more precise, animal intuition is much more sensitive than humans.

When Leng Kong's knife slashed down, it felt a huge crisis approaching, and its body dived very quickly, narrowly avoiding Leng Kong's powerful impact.

"Can it be integrated into the hull anytime and anywhere?"

"Ha ha."

"Then we have to do it hard!"

Leng Kong didn't care at all that he failed to hit the baboon's body, because his original plan was to beat him hard!

"If you don't come out, I'll beat you until you come out!"

"Ah ha ha"

The extremely developed muscle bundles were twisted into hemp ropes one by one, and he twisted his waist and punched down with a giant fist.

Boom bang bang!

The indescribable terrifying force directly smashed all the decks within a few meters around him.

"Haha. It's cool!"

"I haven't played sandbags for a long time. I come here once in a while and it feels good!"

The deck was penetrated, and the body immediately fell to the lower level of the cabin, but it didn't matter!

The entire ship is a substitute for the monkey, so there is no need to specifically look for targets.

Just do it!



Incarnated as the muscular queen of the Ming Dynasty, Leng Kong's power has become so terrifying that even an all-metal cargo ship cannot withstand his beating.

Every time the giant arm is so thick that it is beyond the scope of human beings, a huge hole will be blasted out of the all-metal cargo ship. The dense cracks will extend for several meters, and the cabin structure will collapse on a large scale.


too weak!

The all-metal cargo ship is completely unbeatable in Leng Kong's hands!


"Ola Ola."

At the same time, continuous Euler sounds also sounded on the highest deck.

After learning about Leng Kong's plan, Jotaro also controlled Star Platinum to attack the ship's hull like crazy.

The fist in front was trapped, but it was just a moment of carelessness. With the power of the Platinum Star, a mere metal quagmire couldn't trap it!

And what the Grand Master said is right, since the entire ship is a substitute, then just do it hard!

What Platinum Star is best at is Euler!

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Continuous Euler fists were blasted at high speed, and the softened metal block that trapped Er Qiao and others was directly exploded, and the fragments flew wildly for a while.


Bang bang!

After the hostages were rescued, the two demolition maniacs hammered even more unscrupulously.

With crazy explosions from your level and mine, the huge cargo ship soon became riddled with holes.

Sensing this extremely cruel scene, the big baboon who was still extremely arrogant in front of him had his eyes glazed over, drooling wildly and curled up in the bottom of the cargo ship without daring to move.

"Lord Dio, you lied to me!"

"Didn't you say that the Joestar family are all trash?"

"But why. Why is it so perverted?"

"Obviously I am the power card!"

"Why is there such a difference in strength?"

"Mommy, it's so scary!"

"I want. I want to go back to the zoo!"

The baboon's small brain was spinning wildly, and he was already cursing Dio crazily in his heart.


Just because you are not a human being, do you want to fool yourself like this?

Can not Go Out!

Absolutely no going out!

With the terrifying power of those two monsters, he would die if he even got punched!

Although baboons have a small brain capacity, they still know terror!

If he hadn't been unable to escape at sea, he would have abandoned his ship and escaped.

"Hiss. So violent. So scary!"

The rescued Er Qiao and others also opened their mouths and gasped after seeing the horrific violence between Leng Kong and Platinum Star.

"It's only been three minutes, right?"

"A large-capacity cargo ship was actually bombed and two-thirds of it was destroyed?"

"Is this the true meaning of muscles?"

"Ah. Good. I really want it. I think I want it too!"

Bobo, who was just watching, had already seen that his adrenal hormones were skyrocketing, his blood was boiling crazily, his eyes were crazy,

"You are such a man!"

Seeing that Bobo still dared to come up with such crazy ideas after personally experiencing Leng Kong's extreme training method, Er Qiao expressed deep admiration. Anyway, he didn't want to experience it again!

"But now is not the time to focus on these things. Hurry, get back to the lifeboat, this place is about to sink!"

Seeing that the cargo ship had been destroyed by Leng Kong and Platinum Star, only a shallow layer of bottom warehouse was floating on the sea in an extremely miserable manner. At the same time, a large amount of seawater was pouring in from the cracks in the hull.

Er Qiao hugged the little girl and quickly jumped back into the lifeboat that was undulating with the waves.

"oh oh.."

The water was already up to his ankles, and Bobo no longer cared about the essence of his muscles. He immediately followed him and jumped out of the cargo ship as fast as he could.

Boom boom


The tactics are simple and crude, but the effect is amazing!

No, Leng Kong finally saw the big baboon again after beating the entire ship down to only one floor.

It's in its current state, and Leng Kong doesn't like it very much!

With fear in his eyes, he shivered at the bottom of the cabin. After looking away, he immediately untied his captain's uniform and exposed his abdomen to show submission.

Leng Kong still likes the extremely arrogant look in front of it, because it gives more sense of accomplishment when beating it like this!

"I heard that when an animal exposes its belly to a person, it means it has surrendered."

"You want us to spare you?"

Jotaro, whose body was shrouded in platinum stars, looked at the baboon huddled in the corner with cold eyes.


The baboon nodded with fear on his face.

"I'm sorry, what you did has completely exceeded my bottom line!"

"So, go to hell!"


"Ola Ola Ola.!"

The Platinum Star hammered hard, and the baboon melted into the wall of the warehouse and disappeared.

But this does not prevent Jotaro from controlling Star Platinum to continue output!

Because his and Leng Kong's goal from the beginning was to completely blow up the entire ship, and it made no difference whether they could hide or not!

"That's right, isn't this possible?"

"I don't approve of the purity of the power substitute being so low!"

"Ha ha."

Leng Kong put his hands together and slashed down hard. The cargo ship with only the bottom warehouse was suddenly broken into two pieces.


This time it seemed that the body double was injured. The baboon's upper body popped out of the bottom steel plate out of thin air, and a large amount of blood poured out of its lower body and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The bottom warehouse should be his stand-in body. After being cut off in the middle, the body was also broken into two parts at the waist.

After the baboon died, the rapidly sinking metal fragments twisted and turned into several broken wooden boards.

"It's gone again!"

Watching the huge cargo ship turn into a few broken boards in the blink of an eye, Er Qiao's eyes filled with tears.

If this counts vehicles, then they have destroyed three vehicles!

If they really sit all the way and ruin the whole journey, how long will it take them to reach their destination if this continues?

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