From Fist Wisdom Blade To Muscle Daming King

Chapter 386 Don’t stop me from enjoying my pleasure!


The originally inaudible sound of flying mosquitoes suddenly echoed in the supernormal hearing.


"start running!"

The brain automatically generated a doomsday scene with dark clouds based on the sound waves. Leng Kong's expression suddenly changed, and then thinking of the shriveled appearance of the puppy's corpse, he immediately reminded Fubuki,

"Why run?"

Fubuki was happily discussing where to have a dinner with Lily because she had completed her first mission perfectly, but she was a little confused.

"See what that is?"

"If you don't run away, your little brother will turn into a mummy!"

The cold sky refers to the dark clouds pressing in at high speeds from high in the sky.


"It is going to rain?"

Fubuki has always been well protected by the tornado. Compared with the later stage, now she is just a elementary school chicken who has just stepped out of the ivory tower.


The mosquito swarm was approaching, and the buzzing was already ringing in my ears. Immediately, a man in a black suit yelled: "It's not a cloud, it's a mosquito, it's a swarm of insects!"


"Could it be?"

“Did that puppy get sucked dry by mosquitoes?”

Fubuki realized later, "There are also residents who mysteriously disappeared. Is this the same reason?"

"Haha. Become my blood food!"

"Suck 'em dry, boys!"

A clear female voice sounded in the cold air with extraordinary hearing,


The dense mosquito swarm forms a terrifying black cloud that sweeps down quickly.

"Protect sister!"

Seeing the terrifying mosquito swarm coming, Eyelashes and Mountain Monkey roared loudly, and at the same time they took out their weapons and stood guard on both sides of Fubuki and Lily.

"Protect sister!"

"Everyone run back to back!"

"Run back to the car and you should be fine!"

Incomparable sounds of panic rang out continuously from the mouth of the black suit. It may be fear. Everyone feels safer when they are together.

Maybe Fubuki was really not a random kid. Faced with this situation, and it was the first time for a group to form a group, no one ran away alone. Instead, they gathered together and ran towards the convoy.


As the boy in the black suit screamed in terror, countless mosquito swarms were pressed into the air,



The next second, the entire street was completely flooded by endless swarms of mosquitoes.



Several people in black suits at the edge immediately let out shrill screams after being wrapped heavily by mosquitoes.

"Too much. Too much!"

"I can't kill them all, what should I do?"

"Sister, what should I do?"

Eyelash and Mountain Monkey swung their swords as fast as they could in life, and Lily also used her strength to dance the three-section stick, but it was no use!

Totally useless!

Because the mosquitoes formed a black and dense wave, there were too many, and it was impossible to kill them all.

The weapon flew up, and a layer of black mosquitoes crawled on the body. The sharp mouthparts pierced the skin and were already devouring the blood in the body.


Hearing the continuous screams of his little brother, Fubuki became furious.

The pearl necklace rose from the mountains, the black hair on the back of her head danced in the wind, and a rapidly rotating tornado was discharged from her body.


Bang bang

The violent wind sounded, and the surrounding mosquito swarms were directly stirred up. Then the tornado spread rapidly until all the boys in black suits were wrapped in the eye of the wind.


"Thank you, sis!"

The blood was sucked, and the pale-skinned man in the black suit said happily.

"Ah, Dongye, Xicai, and Beiliang are dead?"

The next moment they saw the three people who had turned into mummies at the edge, they cried out in horror again.

"It was my fault!"

Fubuki's voice was low: "I reacted too slowly!"

"Sister, don't say that. If it weren't for you, we would all be dead."

"It's better to get back into the car as soon as possible, close the doors and windows and wait for rescue!"

Looking at the terrifying black swarm of mosquitoes outside the wind wall, Eyelashes and Mountain Monkeys were extremely stressed.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take you all back!"

Fubuki used so much force that the veins on his face popped out.

But again, there are too many mosquito swarms, and they are not afraid of death. Swarms of mosquitoes crazily hit the tornado wall, and the accumulation of countless corpses turned the transparent tornado into pure black.

And as more and more bodies are involved, more energy is required to maintain the rotation of the tornado.

After walking a short distance with the black suit on, Fubuki already saw two long lines of blood oozing from his nostrils.

After all, this is his first actual combat, his superpowers have not yet been developed, and he still has to protect a large group of younger brothers. Fubuki is already considered outstanding for being able to do this.

"Sister, can this be done?"

Looking at the terrifying swarm of mosquitoes covering the sky outside the wind wall, and seeing Fubuki exerting so much force that her nosebleeds flowed out, Lily worriedly made a sound.

"It's okay, I can do it!"

Fubuki opened his hands and tried his best to keep the tornado running. Although his field of vision was completely covered by mosquitoes, he still firmly led his younger brother step by step towards the direction of the vehicle.


"I'm Fubuki!"

"How could Fubuki, who vowed to be number one, die in a place like this!"

"Let me go!"

Feeling that his body had reached its limit, Fubuki roared unwillingly, blood overflowed from his seven orifices, and his body once again exploded with great strength.

Boom hoo hoo.

The black tornado exploded violently, and the mosquito swarm dozens of meters around was cleared.


Finally, he yelled the word "run" weakly, and his body lost strength and fell softly.


Without any hesitation, Eyelash picked up Fubuki and led the charge.


The mosquitoes swarmed in again, but no one looked back. Even if the mosquitoes penetrated the skin with their mouthparts and sucked blood frantically, they all ran towards the vehicle to their death.

Fortunately, the road was still far away from the residential buildings. There was still a distance ahead, and Fubuki led everyone for a while, so everyone finally opened the car door before they were completely overwhelmed by the mosquito swarm again.

bang bang

After hiding in the car, the mosquitoes were still frantically hitting the glass and the car frame, and the black car was instantly stained with blood.

"Damn mosquitoes!"

"I'll shoot, I'll shoot, I'll shoot!"

The people who had narrowly escaped back to the car were frantically swatting at the mosquitoes that were still clinging to their bodies. Even Fubuki, who was out of strength, was slapping his whole body vigorously.

"Fortunately, the mosquitoes are not poisonous. The car my eldest sister bought is also a famous brand and the material is strong enough, otherwise we would really be wiped out."

Seeing the bloody flowers that exploded when the mosquito swarm hit the vehicle, the mountain monkey said happily.

"Let's go!"

"The car won't be able to stop for long, and there are too many mosquitoes. If the car is overturned, none of us will be able to escape."

Eyelashes was not as optimistic as Mountain Ape, so he immediately informed the other boys through the car phone to drive away.

"Boom boom. Bang!"

As a result, as soon as the accelerator was pressed, a large amount of sparks exploded from the chassis of the car, and the body tilted and almost turned over.

"what happened?"

Lily clung to Fubuki and said timidly.

"The mosquito swarm probably blocked the exhaust pipe, and it exploded as soon as it caught fire."

Eyelashes looked out the car window at the terrifying mosquito swarm that didn't seem to have diminished, with a gloomy expression. If this continues, is it the first time that their snow blowing group will be wiped out?


It is better to lose face than to lose life. Knowing this, Eyelash immediately used the car phone to send a distress message to the Heroes Association.

Hopefully the car can hold on until help arrives.

"By the way, where is Leng Kong?"

Lily: "Didn't Sister Fubuki say that he is very strong? Maybe he can save us."

"Are you talking about that muscle monster?"

The mountain ape was speechless and said: "He is just a fool. When the mosquitoes rushed towards him, he didn't even move. He might have been sucked dry by now!"

His eyes returned to Leng Kong,

He did not move when the mosquito swarm came down.

If even a swarm of mutated mosquitoes could penetrate his skin, then he was in vain.

Facing the endless swarm of mosquitoes, Leng Kong just concentrated his grimace energy on the orifices of his body to prevent mosquitoes from getting into his body, and then easily followed the snow tornado.

The reason why he hasn't taken any action is to train Fubuki, otherwise it would be very annoying to always call him when nothing happens.

One is that there are no very effective large-scale skills.

When the ghost face's energy is released, it doesn't distinguish between friend and foe, and he is helpless.

But now it's okay, Fubuki's crew is all on board, and he can finally release without any scruples.

After integrating the black light physique, the blood in the body increased exponentially, and he had not experienced it yet!

"Ha ha."

His laughter exploded, and endless blood spurted out from his pores.

tsk tsk

The essence of the wolf smoke turned into a pillar of blood that reached the sky and shot straight into the sky. On the way, all the mosquitoes were evaporated by the hot air waves.


The ghost-faced energy exploded from the body surface, a sharp circle of blood cut through it, the mosquito swarm within a hundred meters was instantly cleared, and black corpses fell like rain.

"The time for cultivating strength is still too short!"

But Leng Kong was still a little dissatisfied, because his energy was far from the teacher's.

In the dojo, the teacher once boasted that he and his younger brother Banggu's energy could extend for thousands of meters, which was an exaggeration.

"Then let's capture the thief first and capture the king first!"

Leng Kong's eyes were closed tightly, his head slightly raised, and his extraordinary physical senses manifested in the center of the mosquito swarm. His head was in the shape of a fused curled armor with sharp spikes on his back. He had two wings on his back. He had a large tail pouch on his buttocks. He had a coquettish figure and his hands. A humanoid creature with beetle-jointed feet.


A loud noise exploded, leaving a huge deep pit on the ground. The cold air's muscle wings spread to the extreme, and the body turned into a cannon and shot upward at a high speed.

"Haha. The blood food will be delivered to your door automatically. Let the children suck him dry!"

Facing Leng Kong's jumping attack, the mosquito girl smiled confidently, and countless mosquito swarms formed black clouds and rushed down towards Leng Kong.

“Too bad mosquitoes don’t have a lot of protein!”

The mosquito swarm seemed like the end of the world for the Fubuki group, but they were not even qualified to let Leng Kong open his eyes. Under the cover of black clouds, the mosquito swarm was smashed into pieces by the strong air wave brought up by the extremely fast speed before they even got close.

"So...go to hell!"

The body passed through the black cloud, and the ferocious Demon Slayer's burning fist exploded towards the perceived location.


The insect gene made the mosquito girl feel an unprecedented terrifying crisis on the cold fist, and frantically flapped her wings to escape.

But it's too late!

The blood-red ring of energy spurted out from the fist, the air was cut open, and the body of the mosquito girl shrouded in it began to peel off piece by piece from the toes.

"Having wings means being fast!"

After the jump was exhausted, the body floated down lightly, listening to the flapping of wings, Leng Kong closed his eyes tightly and faced higher.

While enveloped in energy, Mosquito Girl actually used her wings to escape from her attack range at high speed. Although her waist was sliced ​​to pieces, she was obviously not dead yet.

"my body?"

"Blood food, you pissed me off!"

Mosquito Girl looked at her body that had completely disappeared below her breasts and became angry.

"Then what?"

Leng Kong fell to the ground and looked up. The mosquito girl was flying too high now, and he was a little out of reach.

"Then you will die!"

The mosquito girl opened her hands and opened her demonic lips lightly,

"come back!"

"Children, come back!"

"Give me all the sweet blood you sucked!"

"Ha ha."

As the cry came out, the mosquito swarms covering the streets rose into the sky. At the same time, endless mosquito swarms left countless sucked animal carcasses pouring out of the forest outside the city.

"what happened?"

"Are you saved?"

The mosquito swarm disappeared and Lily screamed in surprise.

"No, look above!"

Her eyelashes were pressed tightly against the car window, and her eyes looked at the huge black mass in the sky through the cracked glass.

"Is it Leng Kong?"

When Fubuki saw Leng Kong standing quietly on the street, she struggled to open the car door and jumped out of the car.

"Sister, no, it's dangerous!"

"Should we wait for rescue in the car?"

Seeing her actions, Eyelashes immediately roared,

"It's okay, all the mosquito swarms have vacated, and there should be no mosquitoes in the exhaust pipe now."

Fubuki: "Lashlash, Yamazaru, you two drive them away immediately."

Eyelashes: "No, we have to go together!"

"No, I want to see if my money was wasted."

"And without you, mosquitoes can't do anything to me!"

Fubuki wiped the blood from her seven orifices with a determined look on her face. If she wanted to be independent from her sister, she must have the awareness to face danger.

The sacrifice of her teammates allowed her to grow!

"Okay, sister, you must be careful."

Thinking of Fubuki's loss of strength to the point of blood pooling in his orifices in order to protect himself and others, Shima realized that Fubuki's team would only be a drag if they stayed, so he decisively led his younger brother to light a fire and run away.

"Aren't you leaving?"

Seeing the black motorcade leaving the city at high speed, Leng Kong asked without looking back.

"This monster killed my people"

Fubuki said harshly: "If I don't kill it, how can I have the nerve to go back?"

"Don't be brave. This big mosquito is very fast. I don't want to have to take care of you during the battle."

Leng shook his head, not thinking that Fubuki still had any fighting power now.

He was very familiar with the situation of losing strength. In addition, it was the first time for Fubuki to lose strength. He had been lying in the car for a long time, so he had already lost his breath.

Her body must be extremely sore now, and being able to move barely shows that she has a strong will, well, at least much stronger than Black Light.

"Don't underestimate me, you bastard!"

"Don't forget, I am the leader!"

Three of her younger brothers died on the first mission, and Fubuki was holding a fierce anger in her heart with nowhere to vent it.

"Yes, you are the leader."

"But don't affect my fight!"

Sensing that the mosquito girl's vitality was getting stronger and stronger, Leng Kong turned back his right hand and struck Fuxue on the neck with a single stroke of his palm.


Fuxue fainted very quickly,

Leng Kong flicked his wrist and threw it into the residential building behind him.

It would be unreasonable even for the sponsor to prevent himself from enjoying the pleasure of fighting.


As soon as the blowing snow was thrown away, black clouds of mosquitoes poured down from the sky like the Milky Way pouring down.

"It's useless, just mosquitoes are of no use to me."

Blood seeped out from the pores and gathered into ghost faces, and then turned into dozens of arcs of blood that swirled around the body at high speeds. The mosquitoes were all smashed into pieces by the energy before they even got close.

"I knocked out the sponsor."

"If you can't bring me some pleasure, you will die miserably!"

Leng Kong's thoughts moved, and the arc of blood surrounding him turned into a powerful dragon dancing wildly, and the mosquito swarm within a hundred meters of the surrounding area was cleared again.

PS: This chapter is very poorly written and poorly written.

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