"Xiaonan, we are back."

Under the sunset, Sasuke and Suigetsu hurried back.

"Help when you get back!"

Xiaonan, who was leading Yuyin to rescue villagers buried by collapsed buildings, responded casually.

Without chakra, the work of asking for help relies entirely on manual transportation, and the efficiency of asking for help is slow.

Sasuke and Naruto fought for a long time before they cleared a corner of the ruins.

"This is easy!"

Sasuke looked forward, his samsara eye appeared, he stretched out his right hand and raised it slightly,

Hula la.

The debris of the collapsed building was instantly sucked up into the sky, and the submerged villagers were completely exposed to the air.

The earth explodes and the stars explode!

Then he pulled it horizontally with his right hand, and the building fragments balled up fell into the open space outside the village and scattered on the ground, turning into reconstruction materials.

Gravity control!

Simple and fast!

This is the powerful infrastructure capability of ninjutsu. Xiaonan and his people were busy for a long time and could not catch up with the Rinnegan for even a second.

"You didn't lose your chakra?"

The help-seeking work was successfully completed. Xiaonan waved to Konoe to send the injured people for treatment, while she looked at Sasuke in surprise.


Sasuke nodded without explaining much and asked, "Where is Master Kong?"

"Is Master Kong back?"

"I was busy and didn't notice."

Xiaonan shook his head and said he didn't know: "Should we send someone to find it?"

"No, I feel it!"

"My lord seems to have fallen into a deep sleep again, so I won't disturb him."

Sasuke looked at the government building, and the special induction derived from his bloodline also told him that Leng Kong was in a deep sleep.

"So how soon do we start?"

Suigetsu's portable knife handle is eager to try.

Xiaonan asked confusedly: "Start with what?"

"Start making the world peaceful!"

Sasuke's head was raised high, and his posture was domineering.

"Leave the kingdom of water to me!"

Suigetsu: "I'm going to Kirigakure Village to retrieve the secret scroll of the Ninja Sword of the Oniden clan and revive the power of the Seven Ninja Swords."

"Your chakra hasn't disappeared either?"

Seeing Shuiyue being so ambitious, Xiaonan asked.



Shuiyue suddenly felt like a knife had been stabbed in his heart, and his tone became weak.

"Then let's bring the Rain Ninja Legion with us. Although they have lost their chakra, their basic fighting skills are still there."

"The five great ninja villages have deep foundations and a large number of muscular tyrants. There may be a few tyrants left to guard the village. I'm not worried about you going alone."

"Bringing the Rain Ninja Legion with us should help you a lot."

Xiaonan: "I will take the villagers to do the reconstruction work slowly."


Thinking that this was the last mission before peace, it would be shameful if he failed, so Shuiyue agreed.

"Okay, I can handle the other four countries by myself!"

And Sasuke is still extremely domineering.

With his current strength, not to mention the ninja world where chakra has been lost, even if the chakra is still there, he can conquer it alone!

"Okay, but remember to bring the clerk and the trial team."

"The last time we captured the Country of Fire, the trial team had already purged the wealthy gentry once, so they have experience."

"Know what to do to win the hearts and minds of the people as quickly as possible and take over the cities of the Four Kingdoms."

When it came time to implement Nagato's will, Konan showed decisiveness again.

"So troublesome?"

Sasuke was young after all, so he thought he could just push him sideways.

"Kill them all if you find them troublesome!"

"Conquering the world is not about fighting and killing, but now that it has begun, we must fight to the end!"

"Leave the emblem but not the head, leave the head but not the emblem!" (Ninja Village Talisman Badge)

"I want to eradicate the 'hidden dangers' that affect world peace at once!" "

Thinking of the suffering Yuyin Village has suffered over the years, Xiaonan's words were cold.

"Understood, I will not let go of any sin!"

"Because sin cannot be hidden from my eyes!"

Sasuke pointed at his samsara eye, full of confidence.

With his current strength, although he cannot release the Infinite Tsukuyomi, he can still easily perform large-scale illusions.

Once hypnotized, people cannot hide even their innermost secrets.

The eye of samsara is the sun. Wherever the eye goes, sin can be traced.

The ninja world is about to usher in a great purge, and the blood of sin will be used to build a peaceful and prosperous world!

"Target, the Fire Nation!"

When all the dozens of trial teams that were responsible for judging the Fire Country nobles and squires gathered together, Sasuke's first target was still Konoha Village!

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief!"

The morale of the trial team was on fire, and they roared like thunder. Looking at the three-meter-tall muscle monster Sasuke, they seemed to have returned to the glorious moment when they followed the leader Nagato to sweep the world and eliminate evil!

"Okay, I'll leave the mainland to you, and I'll take care of overseas affairs!"

Shuiyue looked at the neatly arrayed Rain Ninja Legion, and he was also very ambitious.

"I'm waiting for your triumphant return!"

Xiao Nan encouraged her loudly, and the medical team behind her and the uninjured villagers of Yuyin Village also focused on the outgoing army with extremely hot expectations.

Because they have been waiting for this day for too long!

During the Thousand Years of the Warring States Period, wars continued.

The village of Ninja was established, but the war continued.

This is the helplessness of a small country!

Whether the world is at peace or at war, it has nothing to do with small countries.

Peace is only the privilege of big countries, while small countries only have endless pain!

In this case, let them, a small country, conquer the world!

Let the small country that has experienced endless pain and understands pain come and clear the pain from the world!

"Set off!"

Sasuke waved his arm forward, and the Rain Ninja Army instantly split into two torrents, rushing towards the border of the Land of Fire and the direction of the sea.

Although there is no chakra, the high morale still makes every rain ninja feel like their blood is boiling and their bodies are burning!

"Let's start too!"

Xiao Nan shouted: "Rescue the wounded, rebuild homes, and build a holy city that makes the world painless!"

In the Battle of God Killing, the 100,000 coalition troops of the five great ninja villages and many of their senior officials were all killed. The armed forces in the village were unprecedentedly weak. However, despite the earthquake in their rain ninja village, which collapsed some buildings, their main combat strength remained intact.

One after another, the largest power organization in the ninja world is now the small country in the middle of the forest, Yuyin Village.

What's more, Sasuke, the only Uchiha Rinnegan with chakra, serves as the vanguard, and the result has already been predetermined.

Looking at the army of rain ninjas setting off, Xiaonan seems to have seen world peace!

"Yes, Lord Angel!"

With the most peaceful expectations, public enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high.


"Master Yu Nin is here again, what a blessing!"

"Open the city gate quickly and let the adults in."

Because the Fire Country had been purged once before, and all the wealthy villages were wiped out, but the hearts of the people at the bottom were still there, Sasuke's march was extremely smooth.

Even though they set out at dusk and attacked the city late at night, after hearing that the incoming people were the rain ninja army, countless eager people got up from their beds, then took the initiative to open the door and stood on both sides of the avenue to welcome them warmly.

Especially the family territory to which Danzo belongs.

The previous year, in order to quickly increase the combat power of his roots, Danzo forcibly recruited all people with chakra constitutions to join the army as soon as they settled in the territory.

Then, a ninjutsu seal that cannot be resisted is branded, and these newcomers are used as raw material to conduct crazy experiments on the evil god's hemostasis.

In just one year, Danzo's territory was filled with wrath and resentment.

Therefore, when they heard that the Rain Ninja came to rescue them with justice again, they did not use the army to take action. The people of the territory and the new recruits who had been tortured by the experiment directly tied up all the old members of the root.

Without chakra, everyone's combat power is at the same level.

Although the veterans have rich combat experience, they cannot bear the vast sea of ​​people.

Sasuke entered the room with the starlight shining. At first sight, he saw the root killing machine tied up all over his body. He knelt down in the central square of the city and waited for justice (Rain Ninja) to judge!

"Leave a team of people to take over the city, and the others will go directly to Konoha with me!"

Looking at the enthusiastic and smiling faces of the people, Sasuke felt full of accomplishment, but his goal was to sweep the entire ninja continent and he couldn't waste too much time here.

In addition, this was already the ninth city from the Kingdom of Fire that surrendered, so Sasuke didn't want to waste time and push slowly.

He wants to go straight to Huanglong and take care of Konoha first!

They marched down dozens of cities in one night, and the march was extremely fast. When the sun rose, Sasuke had already appeared in front of the gate of Konoha.

“The place where sin breeds must be wiped out!”

Stretching your hands forward, the samsara eye emerges,


The buildings of Konoha, together with the core ninja clan of Konoha who had just awakened, even sucked a layer off the surface of the earth, condensing into a huge earth ball suspended high in the sky to warn the world.

It was a matter of great ambition that had never been seen in a thousand years. Sasuke didn't even say the words "leave the emblem but not the head, leave the head but not the emblem" and just directly exploded the stars!

Since you want to do it, you must do it thoroughly!

Even the eggs have to be shaken to loosen their yellow color!

But Sasuke thought well and acted decisively, but he still couldn't kill all the culprits.

Because after the Fire Country was destroyed again, the remaining senior officials of the other four major ninja villages learned that the Rain Country had begun to implement Nagato's "elimination of all evil policy", and they immediately disbanded the villages and allowed the few remaining ninjas to be organized. Zero is hiding all over the ninja world.

This is their last fire!

All 100,000 coalition troops were killed and all major combat forces were lost. The village would definitely not be saved.

Then the final fire cannot be lost.

There were flaws in the cleaning plan, but Sasuke, the rain ninja commander-in-chief, didn't take it to heart.

Because he has confidence that as long as he is still there, the remnants of the Ninja Village hiding in the sewers will not be able to cause any trouble!

It was a month later when Leng Kong woke up from his deep sleep.

Jumping out of the office window, you can see that the citizens of the Kingdom of Rain are busy working on infrastructure construction.

Except for the half-collapsed Government Affairs Building, which could not start construction because of the cold air, other collapsed buildings have been restored to their original state.

Of course, we have to thank Sasuke here for moving all the collapsed building fragments outside the village. Xiaonan only needs to quickly build it on the original site.

Otherwise, just cleaning up the broken pieces may take a month!

However, Sasuke is not in the village now. As the only supreme combat power capable of suppressing the entire ninja world, he is still leading the trial team to pacify all parties and purge the dignitaries of various countries.

"The atmosphere is good, and I didn't pay for the meal in vain!"

Leng Kong glanced at the energetic villagers and flashed back to the government affairs building again.

Because after his perception was turned on, he discovered that the half-collapsed government building, except for his sleeping room, the other intact areas had now become Orochimaru's research base.

I just wanted to ask Orochimaru, how is the serum research going?

"Did you make it?"

The body suddenly flashed into a room full of instruments, and the cold air directly entered the theme.


"Don't even look at who I am, Orochimaru! Ha, hiss."

Seeing Leng Kong appear, Orochimaru instantly showed an excited smile.

"The cathode spring where spiritual energy is condensed can create form from nothing. The anode spring where physical energy is condensed can give life to form."

"With your divine blood, my lord, eternal life can be taken at your fingertips!

"Ha ha."

Orochimaru's black hair was flying wildly, his tongue was flicking wildly, and his skin color had changed from pale and dull before to the vibrant white and rosy color it is now.

Leng Kong slept for a month, but he stayed awake for a month, racing against time to immerse himself in serum research.

But now, I am still full of energy!

Apparently he succeeded!

Just looking at Orochimaru's current energy, you can tell that he has already swallowed it.

He is worthy of being the number one scientist in the ninja world. Although he has no chakra, he still relies on his solid scientific research ability to combine the cathode spring, anode spring, and divine blood into one to develop a perfect serum that can lead to eternal life.

"Are there any side effects?"

The serum was prepared for his little girlfriend. To make sure, Leng Kong asked.

"There are indeed side effects, but... they can't be considered side effects, but incidental abilities!"

When talking about his latest research results, which are also the strongest research results in his life, Orochimaru's expression was enthusiastic.

"Because there is no chakra, divine energy and blood energy cannot be effectively separated, so I changed my mind."

"Increase the proportion of cathode spring and anode spring to suppress the blood energy in the divine blood and use it as an energy reserve for body loss."

"Not only does this extend the immortality time, but there is no rejection after swallowing the serum, and the body shape will remain the same after fusion."

"This is precisely because the blood energy is perfectly suppressed deep in the genes!"

After explaining, Orochimaru looked at Leng Kong feverishly, with an expression on his face waiting for recognition.


Leng Kong frowned slightly: "There won't be any accidents, right?"

"This is what I call incidental abilities."

Orochimaru: "If your life is in danger, your survival instinct will cause your blood to explode and become a muscular tyrant, greatly enhancing your survivability!"

"Muscle Tyrant?"


The thought of his little girlfriend transforming into a three-meter-tall muscular female King Kong and confronting him head-on flashed through his mind, and Leng Kong immediately shuddered.

What a woman wants is to be as soft as a bone and charming. I would pity her if she turned into a female Vajra.

Are you afraid that there will be muscle sparks from the collision?

Horrible hissing!


Orochimaru explained: "In the early stage, it can only be stimulated to become a muscle tyrant. After the overflow of blood and energy explodes, it will be beaten back to its original shape. But after fully mastering its own energy, it can achieve a perfect transformation."

"Can I change my form?"

Hearing this, Leng Kong was relieved: "It's no problem, let's make it!"

"Then what did you promise me?"

Orochimaru's greedy gaze was locked on Leng Kong's palm.

He has not forgotten that the evil god once said that if the serum research is successful, he will be given a palm.

"Don't worry, I won't be reluctant to part with just one palm!"

"But my limbs are no better than blood. My cells are immortal outside the body. I'm afraid you can't control them!"

Leng Kong's left hand passed across, and his right hand was broken at the wrist. However, the broken right hand did not fall to the ground, but was suspended in mid-air, and a halo flashed.


"I will conquer it!"

Looking at the severed hand suspended in mid-air with a halo of light, Orochimaru's eyes instantly turned red.

Leng Kong: "Then when you give me the serum, the severed hand will be yours."

"I'll go configure it right away!"

Orochimaru turned around quickly and ran into the black gate to drink the yin and yang spring water.

"To conquer you is to conquer me, but don't fall on my face!"

Facing Orochimaru's greed, Leng Kong smiled and looked at the severed hand.


The next moment, purple circles suddenly appeared on the palm of the severed hand, which looked like the Samsara Eye!

At the same time, the thumb glows with green buds (Wood Release), magatama patterns appear on the index and middle fingers (Sharingan), and the white blood vessels of the ring finger and little finger bulge (Byakugan).

After defeating the world's highest combat power, Leng Kong can still choose three physical characteristics in addition to the "God Seed" as a clearance reward.

This is the world of eyes. It goes without saying what to choose.

Madara's Uchiha physique, Hashirama's Wood Release physique, plus the Byakugan physique obtained when he hammered the coalition forces.

After everything has been harvested and cannot be wasted, Lengkong barely merges.

It's just that he dislikes the impurity of these abilities. With the blessing of his subconscious, the powerful muscles and blood forcefully suppress these three physical characteristics deep in his cells.

As a result, these three physiques only retain their basic attributes and have no external appearance.

But after the severed hand was separated from the body, without the suppression of cold air and blood energy, the physical characteristics immediately emerged.

Judging from this, I'm afraid it won't take long to fully realize all the functions of the three physical characteristics.

At the same time, Hashirama's physique has the characteristic of automatically absorbing natural energy. As time goes by, the right hand of God left by Leng Kong will only become stronger and stronger.

Perhaps, the rest of the ninja world will be under the pressure of this severed hand!

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