Although it is already a difficult-level copy, the first boss, the Golden Ant King, is still a level 10 bronze boss, it lies quietly in an open place, there is not a single monster around, and its huge body is like a big truck.

When Ye Shen saw the gold-eating ant king Ye, the gold-eating ant king’s eyes suddenly opened, and then, the huge body, scratching a cloud of dust on the ground, rushed towards Ye Shen like a truck.

Amazingly, it was the “charge” skill that he used the moment he saw Ye Shen.

However, Ye Shen’s expression was unusually calm.

“Thorns are entangled!”

Just when the body of the Golden Ant King had just rushed out, Ye Shen pointed a magic staff in his hand, and suddenly, a thorn strip with the thickness of a bowl mouth and shining metallic luster throughout had already drilled out from the ground and slammed into the body of the Gold Eater Ant King.

The huge body of the Golden Ant King, in the case of charging, the power is definitely not less than a sprinting truck, however, as soon as Ye Shen’s thorns are entangled, it instantly firmly fixes the body of the Gold Devouring Ant King.

On top of the huge thorn bar shows a health bar “2605/3575”.

This health bar, which refers to the amount of health of the thorn bar, is entangled, unless the Golden Ant King uses his own attack to knock out the remaining health of the thorn bar, otherwise, it will not want to move until the duration of this skill ends.

However, the Golden Ant King’s charging skill can only knock out a little more than a quarter of the thorn strip’s HP, and the remaining HP amount will probably have to attack at least three or four times.

That is to say, at least, within a second or two, the gold-eating ant king does not want to move.

Between the rotation of his mind, Ye Shen waved his hand, and one after another huge fireballs smashed on the body of the Golden Ant King like meteors, and suddenly, the Gold Eater Ant King’s body floated up to 2500+ damage.

Under the immense power of that magic flame, even the carapace of the Golden Ant King was deformed by the high temperature.

In this case, the gold-eating ant king desperately attacked the thorn bar with double pincers, and with each attack, the health of the thorn bar would be reduced.

After four consecutive attacks, the health of the thorn bar finally turned to 0.

However, Ye Shen, who had been prepared for a long time, was thrown over by another “thorn entanglement”, and suddenly, another thorn strip with a blood volume of 3575 was entangled in the body of the Golden Ant King.

And taking advantage of the time when the Gold Devouring Ant King was fixed, Ye Shen once again began to smash the big fireball.

In this way, every time Ye Shen smashed a few large fireballs, he made up a thorn entanglement for the gold-eating ant king, and every time he smashed a few large fireballs, he made up a thorn entanglement, and soon, as a large fireball smashed on the gold-eating ant king’s body, the last trace of blood of the gold-eating ant king was also emptied.

The huge body of the Golden Ant King exploded with a “boom”, and then, a bronze-colored treasure chest was left in place.

“Finish work! Let’s see what exploded. Ye Shen gently turned the magic staff in his hand and strode towards the treasure chest.

A bronze BOSS, in front of Ye Shen, but like a child, without the slightest resistance, and finally died incomparably.

Of course, this is not because the bronze boss is weak, but just because Ye Shen is too strong.

Although his equipment is not strong, if you think about the attribute points that are rewarded by the famous world, and then think about those skills that are full level, you can know how perverted he really is.

For example, the “thorn entanglement”, the same skill, the thorn bar summoned by others is not more than the thickness of the finger, but Ye Shen is thick enough to have a bowl mouth.

It was also this gold-eating ant king who was unlucky to run into Ye Shen, otherwise, the “thorn entanglement” of ordinary players would probably be ineffective for the gold-eating ant king.

After all, the damage of “thorns entangled” is too low, at level 0, but 50% of the magic damage plus 10% of the mana damage, at level 10, it is only 100% of the magic damage plus 10% of the mana damage.

It’s okay at level 10, but if the level is low, it won’t break the defense at all.

And the amount of health of the thorn bar itself is equivalent to the damage caused by this skill to the target, if the defense is not broken, then the health volume of the thorn bar is equal to 0, and it is naturally invalid.

When Ye Shen walked to the bronze treasure chest dropped by the Gold Eater Ant King, Ye Shen’s face flashed with a hint of joy.

“Nataya is awake?”

Ye Shen’s heart moved, and a delicate, tall and slender figure had already appeared beside her.

“Nataya, you’re finally awake.” Ye Shen’s face was full of surprise.

Nataya’s figure is slender and slender, tall and slender, her waist is soft and slender, and her hips are full of strength. Bu Feng. Manhun. Round and giving infinite temptation. Confused, white. The tender neck is slender and graceful, and just standing seems to be a perfect landscape.

Coupled with the touching rosy and feminine face that had just experienced the clouds and rain. Mei, that kind of temptation, it makes people’s mouths dry and bloody for a while.

“Master, I’m sorry, it’s all Nataya who is useless, and did not serve a good master.” After seeing Ye Shen, Nataya’s face was full of joy at first, and then the joy turned apologetic.

“Ahem, there is no need to talk about that.” Ye Shen’s face stiffened slightly.

Although several hours had passed since the incident, Ye Shen still had palpitations at this time.

Fortunately, this is a game, otherwise, in reality, sooner or later you will have to be killed by this little goblin.

The speed of the assassin is indeed powerful, but there is no need to use it at that time.

Seven times, seven times in half an hour, if this is not a good waiting, then it is really a good waiting, isn’t it going to soar?

“Master?” Nataya looked at Ye Shen inexplicably.

“Ha, Nataya, to tell you the good news, the previous normal difficulty has passed, and now it is the difficult difficulty, moreover, you came just right, the first boss of the difficult difficulty has been knocked down by the master.” Ye Shen quickly changed the topic and said with a somewhat flustered smile.

“The host is amazing!”

Nataya’s face was full of adoration.

“Is this the bronze chest left by the boss? Let Nataya help the owner pick up the equipment. Nataya ran to Ye Shen’s feet with a happy face and picked up the bronze treasure chest.

That look, as if he had finally found his position and finally found something to do.

Nataya’s movement, all of a sudden, Ye Shen felt a faint fragrance coming to his face, lingering on the nose, plus between the lower heads, the faint white on the chest. Nenfeng. Quite that, for a while, Ye Shen became a little confused.

However, soon, Ye Shen retracted his mind.

Because he knows that there are some things that cannot be too indulgent, especially desire.

This in itself is a game, no matter how indulgent, it does not hurt the body, coupled with Nataya’s tall and perfect body, exquisite and flawless appearance, and obedient attitude, the temptation is too strong.

If you really don’t care about yourself, then I’m afraid, you won’t have to do business in the future, just stay in bed every day.

But in that case, how could it be what Ye Shen wanted?

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