When the world announcement sounded, the whole world was in an uproar, and Gein, the name “Hand of God”, can be said to have appeared frequently in the world announcement recently.

It’s just that it’s famous, at most it shows that the “Hand of God” is very powerful, but now, after hearing this record of clearing the copy of the “Skyfire Mine”, most players are stunned.

Because, since you can refresh the record of completing the quest, it means that the player’s level does not exceed the level of the copy.

And the Heavenly Fire Mine Cave copy, who doesn’t know that it’s a Novice Village copy?

Therefore, when they knew that such a powerful “God Hand” was still messing around in the novice village, everyone didn’t know what to say at all.

Of course, some people have long known that the “Hand of God” is in the novice village, such as the people of the eternal world.

Among them, the most complicated mood is “eternal wandering”.

A secret he got by chance made him return to the newbie village with great difficulty, consuming a lot of contributions and money, and wasting a lot of manpower and material resources of the guild, just for such a legendary thing.

But what he never expected was that first the magical staff of the relationship task was exploded, and then even himself and many players of the guild were killed back to the novice village.

At this time, after hearing the news on the forum that the “Hand of God” cleared the copy of the “Nightmare” difficult Heavenly Fire Mine Cave, the whole person of Eternal Wandering became even more restless.

“Damn God Hand, you can just clear the nightmare copy, if you even clear the hell-level level, then we won’t die!” In reality, Eternal Wanderer slammed the computer to the ground, if he hadn’t been able to enter the game now, he would really have entered the game again and Ye Shen PK’s heart.

The nightmare copy is passed, it is not a big deal, but if even the hell copy is passed, then what he is plotting is likely to fail.

“No, the final boss of the hell copy is the golden boss, no matter how powerful the hand of God is, it is definitely not an opponent…”

“However, no matter what, even just in case, you must make more preparations…” Eternal Wanderer gritted his teeth and dialed a number immediately.


Because of a world announcement, the whole world became a sensation again, however, at this time, Ye Shen did not even open the world channel, and did not bother to pay attention to the reactions of others.

At this point, all his thoughts were focused on the reward prompted by the system.

“115 free attribute points! It’s crazy, I didn’t expect the system to be so generous, a newbie copy, refresh the clearance record, and reward so many attributes! ”

Ye Shen’s eyes were full of excitement.

You know, when he just brushed the “Nightmare” level copy, he didn’t do his best at all, along the way, talking and laughing with Nataya, and when walking, he was also slow, and there was no hurry at all.

In this case, he set a new record and got 115 free attribute points.

If you use all your strength, won’t you get more?

And more importantly, the previous “Normal-level” dungeons and “Difficult-level” dungeons can also be brushed for a round of attributes!

Before, he was in the copy, purely not in a hurry, in the “normal-level” copy, he did what he loved to do, and in the “difficult-level” copy, he also let Nataya’s cute little mouth gently wait.

It can be said that the first two copies, most of the time, he is enjoying, the real time to fight monsters, very rare.

If this is a serious fight against monsters, won’t it be able to break another wave of records and get a wave of rewards?

Thinking of this, Ye Shen’s one suddenly jumped wildly.

No way, this is really exciting, at least hundreds of points, or even thousands of free attribute points, how can it not be exciting?

And more importantly, his current life is closely related to his strength, for others, a thousand free attribute points, at most a little stronger in the game, a little more scenery, make more money, but for him, that is the key to saving his life.


After a while, Ye Shen barely regained his composure, and then looked at the fall of the Heavenly Fire Centipede King.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if my luck has run out, or the reward of the system is good enough, this time in the silver treasure chest, it is still a garbage silver equipment.

However, Ye Shen was not too disappointed, after all, the reward given by the system was good enough.

After Ye Shen added 115 free attribute points to his spirit as usual, all of a sudden, his mana soared to 10350, whether it was an attack or a life-saving ability, it was strengthened again.

“Next, there are two choices, one is to start with the normal-level copy and then brush it with all your strength, and the other option is to go straight to the hell-level copy…”

Ye Shen hesitated slightly, and immediately decided to start with a normal-level copy and then brush it with all his strength.

If nothing else, just to refresh a wave of records and get more rewards, after all, hell-level copies, no one knows how strong they really are, in short, it is not wrong to become stronger.

After making a decision, Ye Shen immediately looked solemnly at Nataya.

“Nataya, next, I need you to do me a favor…”

“Master, it is my pleasure to help you!” Nataya’s jade hand was lightly placed on her chest, and she performed a knightly salute and solemnly said.

Nataya’s age is only about eighteen or nine years old, although the body is hot, the big place is big, the small place is small, and the slender and graceful body is simply developed to the extreme, but the delicate and flawless face still has a trace of immaturity.

And when that immature perfect face, autumn water-like eyes, revealed a solemn look, Ye Shen was also particularly moved.

“Nataya, it’s really lucky to meet you!” Ye couldn’t help but say.

As a real life, survival in the game, that kind of pressure, the average person can not imagine at all.

Because there are too many accidents in the game, you may encounter a super boss when you walk, you may be cut by an assassin as soon as you go out, you may be besieged by a group of players if you are not careful, even those NPCs, you may not be able to see him unfavorably, and then pinch him to death.

And more importantly, what is the strongest thing in the game? Always a monster.

No matter how powerful the player is, there will always be more powerful monsters, because this is the system setting.

In such an extremely insecure world, the pressure in Ye Shen’s heart can be imagined.

But the appearance of Nataya perfectly shared this pressure, and also gave Ye Shen an excellent way to release the pressure.

What is unpleasant, what pressure, can be soothed by Nataya’s gentle little mouth and fiery body.

And more importantly, Ye Shen knew that no matter what, Nataya would accompany him, and even if he died, Nataya would not live alone.

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