“It’s a little bad!”

Ye Shen observed the terrain with the corner of his eye, and carefully retreated towards the side that was not refreshed by the steppe wolf.


An earth-shattering wolf howl sounded, and then, the tall steppe wolf king pounced on Ye Shen like a gust of wind.

The speed of the steppe wolf king was very fast, which was much faster than Ye Shen.

The distance of more than ten meters has been crossed by it almost in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, when it howled up to the sky and pretended to be forced, it gave Ye Shen a chance, facing the pounced steppe wolf king, Ye Shen calmly waved his staff, and suddenly, a small fireball shot towards the steppe wolf king like an off-string arrow.

Such an attack, even the steppe wolf king, did not dare to ignore it.

The damage of magic flames is not comparable to ordinary flames at all.

Just when the small fireball was about to land on the Steppe Wolf King, the Steppe Wolf King made a flexible lateral leap, had already avoided the small fireball, and then continued to pounce on Ye Shen.

“A bad news, a good news, the bad news is that the Prairie Wolf King is too fast and too sensitive, I’m afraid it will be difficult for me to hit it; And the good news is that my little fireball, even if it is, dare not ignore it! ”

“Since that’s the case, then use continuous attacks to force it to avoid it!”

Summing up this, the magic staff in Ye Shen’s hand suddenly swung repeatedly, and one after another small fireballs shot towards the steppe wolf king like a continuous pearl arrow.

Up to 400 mana points is enough for Ye Shen to cast 20 small fireballs in a row, and during this time, he can also restore mana at any time, and in terms of attack endurance, absolutely no one can compare with him.

In the face of Ye Shen’s rain-like fireball attack, the speed of the steppe wolf king was also completely displayed.

It’s just that while dodging, he also wanted to get close to Ye Shen, but he didn’t think about it.

After a stalemate for more than ten seconds, just when Ye Shen thought that the stalemate would continue, he suddenly found that he was powerless.

“Damn it!” Ye Shen knew that he was still too nervous, and when facing the Steppe Wolf King, he only paid attention to the attack, but did not pay attention to the change of his own mana, so that such a mistake would occur.

In a hurry, Ye Shen couldn’t regret it, and quickly began to guide the meditation technique.

The time to guide the meditation technique was not long, not even less than a second, but the Steppe Wolf King still seized this opportunity and howled angrily and pounced on Ye Shen.

Fortunately, Ye Shen’s speed of recovering mana was even faster than he thought.

Just as the Prairie Wolf King pounced, Ye Shen coldly waved the magic staff in his hand, and suddenly a fireball suddenly shot out.


The small fireball smashed into the Prairie Wolf King’s body like a shooting star, and a double-digit damage appeared.


The damage was not high, and it was even so low that Ye Shen was a little disappointed, but fortunately, the momentum brought by the small fireball made the Prairie Wolf King’s figure pause slightly.

And it was this moment that made Ye Shen see hope.

“It can not only break the defense, but also interrupt the impact of the steppe wolf king, it seems that even if you want to kill it, it is not impossible!” Such a thought flashed sharply in Ye Shen’s calm heart, which made him feel a little crazy and feel a little hot.

And then, his idea of killing the steppe wolf king became even more firm.

Because, with his speed, without killing the steppe wolf king, he couldn’t escape at all.


Small fireballs shot out like meteors, and at this moment, Ye Shen exerted the unlimited advantage of his mana to the extreme.

Almost every second, he can send out more than three small fireballs.

In the face of such a crazy attack, even the steppe wolf king is a little overwhelmed, and from time to time he has to be hit by a small fireball.

Once hit by a small fireball, his figure will involuntarily pause, and the moment he pauses, he will be hit by another small fireball.

As a result, the steppe wolf king almost fell into a passive beating state.

In the blink of an eye, the Steppe Wolf King had received more than ten small fireballs, and the blood strip displayed had dropped by nearly one-fifth.

Just when Ye Shen felt that success was promising, suddenly, the steppe wolf king’s steep mouth opened, and a palm-sized cyan wind blade spit out from his mouth.

The cyan wind blade swept through the air rapidly, slashing towards Ye Shen like lightning.

“Not good!”

“Damn, this steppe wolf king can even attack magically?”

The moment he saw the cyan wind blade, Ye Shen’s pupils shrank sharply, and he frantically launched small fireballs, wanting to block the wind blade, while desperately twisting his body, wanting to avoid the attack of the wind blade.

However, compared to the speed of the wind blade, his speed was too slow.

Seeing that the wind blade was about to slash at his body, at this moment, a small fireball sent out by Ye Shen finally hit the wind blade.

With a soft “boom”, the small fireball emitted by Ye Shen was smashed on the spot, and then the lightened wind blade continued to fly, accurately slashing at Ye Shen’s waist.

“Not good!” Feeling that he was hit by the wind blade, Ye Shen’s heart sank.

However, in the next moment, the system’s prompt instantly made him feel at ease.

“System prompt: The Steppe Wolf King’s wind blade has caused 0 damage to you!”

“Yes, although the Steppe Wolf King’s wind blade is more powerful than my small fireball, after breaking my small fireball, it is already the end of the strong crossbow, and it can’t break through my own defenses at all!”

“But only from here, it can also be seen that the wind blade of the steppe wolf king, the attack power is still above my small fireball, once hit, my end, I’m afraid it won’t be very good!”

“Therefore, next, you must be careful!”

After knowing the power of the Steppe Wolf King’s wind blade, Ye Shen’s vigilance also raised the limit, and when attacking, he aimed at the Steppe Wolf King’s mouth as much as possible, and at the same time, every time, he would prepare a small fireball to stay unfired.


Finally, the steppe wolf king opened his mouth again and spit out a wind blade.

Unfortunately, as soon as this wind blade spewed out, it was instantly hit by Ye Shen’s small fireball, and by the time it slashed on Ye Shen’s body, it was completely unable to break the defense.

Next, after the attack rhythm of the steppe wolf king was controlled by Ye Shen, he was completely targeted.

Every time he wanted to attack in close quarters, he was always stopped by Ye Shen’s small fireball and froze.

I wanted to attack with the wind blade, but as soon as the wind blade appeared, it was directly hit by Ye Shen’s small fireball.

For a while, he couldn’t hurt Ye Shen at all.

If the steppe wolf king were replaced by a normal person, I am afraid that he would have fled for his life a long time ago, but unfortunately, the steppe wolf king is a boss, and according to the procedure, it cannot escape.

As time passed, as his blood volume declined, the steppe wolf king became more and more irritable.

It had even begun to use the wind blade indiscriminately, but unfortunately, the wind blade it emitted not only did not hurt Ye Shen, but on one occasion, it was directly bombarded into the mouth by Ye Shen’s small fireball, causing up to 500 damage.


Finally, with a miserable and unwilling howl, the Prairie Wolf King’s body fell heavily to the ground

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