Although the idea of using Earth Walking to hide underground and attack monsters failed, the “Earth Walking” state of Earth Walking is still very useful.

The extra 50% defense alone makes this skill a divine skill.

After sorting out the ideas for using many skills, Ye Shen looked at the equipment on his body. His equipment at this time has not yet had time to be replaced, and most of his equipment, most of which is still level 5, has reached the edge of elimination.

“Let’s change into gear first.” Ye Shen checked the equipment in his backpack and quickly changed himself into a level 10 equipment.

[Skyfire Warframe: Level 10, Dark Gold, Defense +180, Health +180, Agility +18, Physique +18, Intelligence +18, Spirit +18.] 】

[Skyfire Hat: Level 10 can be equipped, Silver, Defense +100, Life +100, Intelligence +10, Spirit +10. 】

[Skyfire Pants: Level 10 can be equipped, Silver level, Defense +100, Life +100, Intelligence +10, Spirit +10. 】

[Ground Escape Shoes: Level 10 can be equipped, legendary level, defense +200, health +200, full attribute +20.] Incidental skills – omitted

[Skyfire Wrist: Level 10 can be equipped, Silver, Defense +100, Life +100, Intelligence +10, Spirit +10. 】

[Fist of Heavenly Fire: Level 10 can be equipped, Silver level, Defense +100, Life +100, Intelligence +10, Spirit +10. 】

[Skyfire Waist Affair: Level 10 can be equipped, Silver level, Defense +100, Life +100, Intelligence +10, Spirit +10. 】

[Wolf King Cloak: Level 5 can be equipped, Silver level, Spell Attack +50, Mana +50, Intelligence +5, Spirit +5.] 】

[Wolf Tooth Necklace: Level 5 can be equipped, Silver level, Spell Attack +50, Mana +50, Intelligence +5, Spirit +5.] 】


“Level 10 equipment, compared to level 5 equipment, is indeed much more powerful!” Looking at his new attributes, Ye Shen nodded with satisfaction.

Before, I didn’t feel much, but when the level 10 and level 5 equipment were equipped on the body at the same time, the gap between them suddenly appeared.

Whether it is a basic attribute or an additional attribute, there is a huge gap between the two.

In fact, the higher the level of equipment in the game “God and Demon Genesis”, the stronger the attributes, level 10 equipment is much stronger than level 5 equipment, and the same level, level 20 equipment, is also much stronger than level 10 equipment.

At this time, Ye Shen’s body, except for the cloak and necklace, other equipment was already level 10 equipment.

“Let’s refine the Wolf King Cloak and Wolf King Necklace first.” Ye Shen thought about it and finally decided to raise the level of the cloak and necklace first.

After all, the explosion rate of cloaks and necklaces is too low, and it may not be used for a long time in the future, so let’s refine it first.

Thinking of this, Ye Shen immediately cast the “Ruyi” skill, and suddenly, the mana in his body poured into the “Wolf King Cloak” and “Wolf King Necklace” on his body like a flood.

Under the powerful mana irrigation, the cloak and necklace on Ye Shen’s body suddenly flashed with dazzling, divine white light.

After more than ten seconds, the system’s prompt suddenly sounded: “Dingdong, you cast the Ruyi skill, refined the Wolf King Cloak and Wolf King Necklace, and from now on, you can change the level of these two pieces of equipment at will when you can equip them.” ”

“It was refined so quickly?”

Hearing the system’s prompt, Ye Shen was surprised and excited.

At this time, in his feelings, the two pieces of equipment of the Wolf King Cloak and the Wolf King Necklace seemed to have established some kind of magical connection with him, and it seemed that he could easily change the level of the two as long as he wanted to.

Ye Shen closed his eyes and sensed it carefully, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

“Sure enough, you can change the level!”

“Well, let’s try it first.”

Ye Shen’s heart moved, and in the next moment, the mana in his body had once again frantically poured into the Wolf King’s cloak and Wolf King’s necklace.

A few seconds later, the Wolf King Cloak and Wolf King Necklace flashed a silver light again, and subsequently, the level had been raised to level 10.

[Wolf King Cloak: Level 10 can be equipped, Silver level, Spell Attack +100, Mana +100, Intelligence +10, Spirit +10.] 】

[Wolf Tooth Necklace: Level 10 can be equipped, Silver level, Spell Attack +100, Mana +100, Intelligence +10, Spirit +10.] 】

“Hiss… What a Ruyi skill! Looking at the two pieces of equipment after being upgraded by the Ruyi skill, Ye Shen couldn’t help but gasp.

Even if the Wolf King Cloak and Wolf King Necklace reach level 10, they are not too important to Ye Shen’s current strength, but the information revealed by the “Ruyi” skill is really too shocking.

Being able to upgrade level 5 equipment to level 10 means that you can upgrade level 5 equipment to level 100!

That is to say, as long as his level is reached, the equipment will always follow the level, which seems to be a normal thing, but you know, no matter what the game, the higher the level of equipment, the more difficult it is to explode.

Moreover, many rare equipment, such as capes, necklaces, wings, etc., are extremely difficult to obtain, and many people, at level 20, do not yet have capes and necklaces.

Even Ye Shen is not sure that when he is level 20, he can have a full set of level 20 equipment, but with this “Ruyi” skill, he can guarantee that as long as it is the equipment he has, he can follow his level, how against the sky?

After others level up, they still need to go down copies and find bosses to fight new equipment, but he only needs to consume a little mana to have a set of equipment that is most suitable for his current level, what kind of pervert should this be?

And more importantly, no matter what kind of game, it is inevitable to produce some low-level extreme equipment, for others, those extreme equipment, once the level is over, it becomes chicken ribs, but for Ye Shen, it is possible to raise their level, and then let them continue to be the best.

You know, even if it is dark gold equipment, level 10 dark gold, when it reaches level 20, it has to become garbage, let alone level 30.

But he can upgrade the level 10 dark gold to the level 20 dark gold, what kind of heaven should this be?

If nothing else, Ye Shen at this time, go to the world to shout, collect level 5 or 10 ultimate equipment, absolutely some people sell, moreover, the price is still low to burst.

And for others, garbage-like equipment, after reaching Ye Shen’s hands, can be reborn in an instant, what kind of pervert is this?

Thinking of this, Ye Shen couldn’t help but laugh.

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