“Finally dead, damn it, this guy is as slippery as a loach, it’s really not easy to die!” After seeing the death of the target assassin, Ye Shen finally breathed a sigh of relief, don’t look at the fight between the two sides just now for just a little more than a second, but the atmosphere in between them was really tense.

In fact, this assassin’s luck is actually very good.

At least, he turned on “Swift Windstep”, and the moment of invincibility, he not only blocked the fireball of “Mana Burning”, but also blocked the invisible attack of “Flame Trench Coat”.

Unfortunately, although the fireball of “Mana Burning” was blocked, the effect of burning mana also took effect.

The invincibility of “Swift Step”, MISS only loses damage, but “Mana Burning” is aimed at energy, and therefore, the assassin miserably hit, up to more than 10,000 energy, was instantly burned.

Even “Swift Windstep”, which was originally activated and could last for three seconds, was directly interrupted.

It can be said that the interruption of “Swift Step” is the real cause of the assassin’s death, otherwise, with the acceleration of “Swift Step”, Ye Shen really wants to kill him, it is really not so easy.

With emotion, Ye Shencai strode towards the place where the assassin died.

There, too, there is a treasure chest.

“This guy, I hope to burst something good.”

Ye Shen casually picked up the treasure chest, and suddenly, the system’s prompt sounded: “Dingdong, congratulations on obtaining the mage skill book “Ice Armor”. ”

“Mage skill book, ice armor?”

Hearing the system’s prompt, Ye Shen was overjoyed.

He could never have imagined that an assassin would drop a mage skill book, moreover, this ice armor, listening to the name, knew that it was not that kind of garbage skill book.

“Good man, if you can drop a skill book every time, then you are really welcome to kill!”

Ye Shen clenched his fists excitedly while looking into the backpack.

“Ice Armor”: Mage skill book, you can master ice armor after learning.

Very simple explanation, after Ye Shen glanced at it, he chose to study without hesitation.

“Ice Armor”: Level 0, use mana to condense a set of close-fitting armor composed of ice power, increase your defense by 5%, reduce the frost damage received by 5%, and at the same time make the target who attacks you fall into a frozen state, unable to move, unable to attack, for 0.1 seconds.


After seeing clearly the attributes of the new skill, Ye Shen only felt that his blood was boiling.

Boost your defenses and reduce your damage, but the one that freezes the target that attacks you is truly unsolvable.

“Crazy, such a skill is completely an assassin nemesis.”

“If the assassin accidentally triggers the frozen state when attacking, wouldn’t it be dead?”

Ye Shen was full of shock and surprise.

With this skill, the higher the chance of counter-killing when facing assassins.

And this is only a level 0 skill, if it is upgraded to level 10, the effect will definitely be stronger.

“The value of this skill is simply immeasurable, and the assassin is probably going to cry to death!” Ye Shen gloated and snickered while observing the attributes of the Ice Armor.

Indeed, he was not mistaken, this “Ice Armor” skill is indeed a sky-high skill book, originally, the assassin was ready to trade with Eternal Wandering, but unfortunately, the price given by Eternal Wanderer was too different, and in the end it was not negotiated, so it continued to stay in the assassin’s backpack.

But I didn’t think about it, this hanging, fell out.

If the assassin had known, he would probably have died in his heart.

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