“It’s all good stuff, thank you boss!”

Ye Shen excitedly equipped all the equipment, and when he looked at the attributes, it was already very different.

Player: Hand of God

Occupation: Apprentice mage

Level: Level 5

Power: 10 (1 strength = 5 physical attacks).

Agility: 10 (affects attack speed, movement speed, hits, dodges, critical hits).

Constitution: 50 (1 constitution = 2 defense = 10 HP points).

Intelligence: 75 (1 intelligence = 5 spell attacks).

Spirit: 90 (1 spirit = 10 mana or 10 fighting qi).

Physical attack: 50

Spell Attack: 575

Full defense: 275

Life: 850

Mana: 1100

Basic Meditation: Level 0, long-term meditation increases mana, and the maximum mana that your mental power can control is spirit*20.

Small Fireball: Level 1, deals 105% spell attack damage to the target, adds 10% mana damage, and consumes 20 mana.


“Very good, much stronger than before! With such attributes, if you encounter the previous steppe wolf king again, I am afraid that a few small fireballs can be done. ”

Ye Shen clearly remembered that when he hit the Steppe Wolf King before, a small fireball could only cause 53 damage, but now, the same small fireball can at least cause more than 500 damage to the Steppe Wolf King.

The gap between them is definitely a world of difference.

“Compared to before, I have become a lot stronger, but this is not enough, I have to become stronger!” A trace of thought flashed in Ye Shen’s eyes, and then he took a deep breath, found a hidden and safe place in the village, and began to experiment with the effect of [Mana is willful].

According to the system’s prompts, Ye Shen began to guide the “Basic Meditation Technique”, and suddenly, Ye Shen’s body floated gently, his hands were supported on the dantian, and then, slowly crossed his legs, and finally slowly fell to the ground.

The whole boot process lasted about 5 seconds.

And 5 seconds later, Ye Shen also officially entered the meditative state.

His consciousness came to an inexplicable space, where there was a mysterious and deep ancient well.

This ancient well is the source of the mage’s mana, the Chaos Ancient Well, and it is also the symbol of all mages.

Ye Shen’s heart moved, and his consciousness had already come to the Chaos Ancient Well.

The ancient well was filled with mana like flowing water, and in the mana, two white runes slowly swam like swimming fish.

These two runes represent the two skills that Ye Shen now possesses, the level 0 “Basic Meditation Technique” and the level 1 “Small Fireball”.

At the same time, Ye Shen also felt the existence of Divine Power [Mana is Wayward], and knew that the power of Divine Power Blood Crystal had been integrated into his Chaos Ancient Well.

And through the power of the divine power, Ye Shen also clearly felt that he could control the mana in the Chaos Ancient Well at will and irrigate it into any rune.

“Is it really okay? Then let’s see how powerful this power really is! ”

“Let’s experiment with Basic Meditation!”

Ye Shen took a deep breath, and then controlled the mana of the Chaos Ancient Well, frantically pouring into the runes of the Basic Meditation Technique.

“System prompt: Your Basic Meditation Rune devoured 1,100 mana!”

“System prompt: Your Basic Meditation Rune devoured 1,100 mana!”

“System prompt: Your Basic Meditation Rune devoured 1,100 mana!”


A series of prompts keep appearing, dazzling to see, almost every second, there are nearly ten prompts appearing, each prompt, means that Ye God’s mana, completely consumed once, however, throughout the process, Ye God’s mana, but has not been less.

“If you prompt 10 times a second, it is to devour 11,000 mana, and in one minute, you will devour 660,000 mana…”

“Hey, this consumption is a bit scary! I’m afraid even local tyrants can’t bear it. ”

Under Ye Shen’s complex emotions of shock, emotion and excitement, time passed little by little. Before I knew it, more than a day had passed.

Just as Ye Shen was tirelessly upgrading the Basic Meditation Technique, the system’s prompt suddenly sounded.

“System prompt: Your Basic Meditation Technique, after devouring 1 billion mana, has risen to the limit of level 10 great consummation! You can’t continue with the upgrade at this time! ”

“System tip: Your Basic Meditation has reached level 10, and you have gained 10 free attributes.”

“System prompt: You are the first player to upgrade your skill to level 10, your glorious achievements will be recorded in history, as the first player to upgrade your skill to level 10, the system will reward you with 100 free attribute points.”

“World Announcement: Congratulations to the player God Hand for being the first to upgrade his skill to level 10, and his glorious achievement has been recorded in history.”

“World Announcement: Congratulations to the player God Hand for being the first to upgrade his skill to level 10, and his glorious achievement has been recorded in history.”

“World Announcement: Congratulations to the player God Hand for being the first to upgrade his skill to level 10, and his glorious achievement has been recorded in history.”

A series of prompts and three world announcements in a row made Ye Shen’s whole person confused.

Originally, when he heard that his “Basic Meditation Technique” reached the full level, he was still very excited, but the world announcement that suddenly appeared behind him instantly disrupted his train of thought.

Before this, he could still develop silently and become stronger silently, but as soon as the world announcement appeared, it instantly pushed him to the cusp.

“This is trying to keep a low profile!” Ye Shen sighed secretly.

For others, being famous is better, because that means a lot of opportunities to make money and take a sister.

But for him, people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong!

While Ye Shen was still stunned, the world channel was already popular.

“How is it possible, to upgrade your skill to level 10 so quickly? Lao Tzu’s highest is just level 5! ”

“Incredible, how the hell did you do it? Can anyone say? ”


“Hand of God, hello, I represent the pride in the world, 100 million to buy the secret of your rapid skill upgrade!”

“What is 100 million, God Hand, as long as you are willing to tell me how to quickly upgrade your skills, my Heavenly Fire Family is willing to give 300 million!”

“It’s great to be rich, Hand of God, are you willing to join our family of flowers? Our family of flowers, but beautiful women everywhere, as long as you work hard, there will definitely be one that belongs to you! ”

“The hand of God, skill book, equipment, money, position, you can open your mouth casually, I will sincerely make you this friend in the eternal world.”


The originally deserted world became popular at once, and most of the people were in @Yeshen.

“Depend, it’s money, it’s beauty, it’s skill, it’s equipment, it’s famous, it’s really a lot of benefits!” Looking at the popular world channel, Ye Shen’s face was full of complexity.

Those things, indeed good, but unfortunately, money and beautiful women, for him, are useless, after all, he is just a ghost living in the game.

As for skills and equipment, in fact, he really needs them, but the problem is that his secrets can’t be told at all.

“Forget it, it’s better to be out of sight!”

Ye Shen closed the chat channel and looked at the new Basic Meditation Technique with anticipation.

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