“A stone gate appeared in the place where the white mist was swallowed? What is the hidden boss? Ye Shen’s heart was puzzled and shocked.

In his previous life, he did not play less games, and in various game copies, there were also some hidden secret rooms, and among them, the one who stayed was the hidden boss.

Although the strength of hidden bosses will generally be stronger, the explosive rate and explosive things will also be more excellent, almost without exception.

“If this is a hidden boss, then it must be at least a boss above the gold level, maybe I can gain more?”

Thinking of this, Ye Shen’s heart couldn’t help but jump.

Just when Ye Shen’s heart was excited and expectant, a beautiful figure suddenly walked out of the void.

“Master, I seem to feel a familiar breath…” It was Nataya who came out, and at this time, Nataya’s beautiful and flawless jade face was full of excitement and expectation.

Nataya was originally cultivating skills in the space, but suddenly felt a familiar aura appear, and immediately jumped out without hesitation.

When she felt the breath up close, all of a sudden, she was already confused, and before she knew it, her eyes were already moist.

“A familiar breath?”

Hearing Nataya’s words, Ye Shen was slightly stunned, not knowing what Nataya was referring to.

However, judging from Nataya’s excited expression, Nataya should obviously know something.

“Nataya, don’t cry yet, do you know something?”

Seeing that Nataya’s tears flowed out, Ye Shen hurriedly comforted, and then, under Nataya’s words, he understood what happened.

Simply put, it is Nataya’s father, a generation of legendary magic gods who steal the wind, accidentally stole a treasure, and since then has become the target of everyone, chased and killed by countless masters.

As a last resort, Nataya’s father abandoned his wife and daughter, went into hiding, and finally disappeared.

And Nataya also guessed from the information left by her father that her father should have been hiding in the Skyfire Mine Cave in the end, so she ran here to find her father’s traces.

At this time, a breath that appeared was the same breath as her father’s windbreaker.

“Nataya, you mean your father is behind this stone gate?”

After listening to Nataya’s story, Ye Shen exclaimed.

You know, this is a hidden secret room of a “hell-level” copy, in general, only hidden bosses have treatment, if her father stays inside, won’t it become a hidden boss?

“I don’t know.” Nataya bit her red lips lightly, her face full of hesitation.

“Okay, whether it’s or not, we’ll be clear when we go in and take a look!” Looking at Nataya’s red beautiful eyes, Ye Shen couldn’t help but feel a deep pain in his heart and hugged her tightly in his arms.

“Hmm.” Nataya nodded heavily, and quickly regained her composure.

At that time, her father abandoned his wife and daughter, although he was helpless, but Nataya always had a thorn in her heart.

Speaking of which, the father who has not been masked for a long time is even far less important than the owner in front of him.

After being comforted by Ye Shen, he quickly put aside his thoughts.

Anyway, after so many years, some things have become accustomed.

She now has a new reliance, looking for her father, not so much to want his father’s love, but to find out whether he is dead or alive.

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