“This is the fusion divine power? Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an auxiliary role! Looking at the attributes of [Fusion Divine Power], Ye Shen’s face was full of thought.

Shenwei is Shenwei, and it is indeed very powerful.

Synthetic skills, it can be said that limited skills have become unlimited skills, and at the same time give all weak skills an opportunity to become infinitely stronger.

If there is no [Fusion Shenwei], then all skills should be as strong as they are.

No matter how many skill books there are, the skills that all players will know are fixed without any innovation.

However, with [Fusion Shenwei], maybe all kinds of strange skills will appear, and from then on, the game world will be an era of a hundred flowers.

“Interesting, next, let’s take a look at the effect of this [Fusion Shenwei].”

Ye Shen smiled thoughtfully, and then opened the skill bar.

At this time, he has 27 full-level skills, from the very beginning of “Little Fireball” to the just full level of “Fire Armor”, all skills are full level.

“Although [Fusion Shenwei] can synthesize skills, it is certainly not possible to synthesize any kind of skills, for example, an attack skill and a defense skill are put together, and the synthesized skill may be four different.”

Ye Shen silently pondered in his heart while watching the skill attributes.

Finally, Ye Shen chose a way to fuse.

“The four basic elements of the game world are earth, water, wind, and fire, which are also the cornerstones of the world, the four elements at the beginning of chaos, so the first time to synthesize new skills, you may wish to start here.”

Ye Shen quickly scanned the skills, and finally took out the four skills of “Earth Arrow Art”, “Water Arrow Art”, “Wind Blade Technique” and “Little Fireball”.

These four skills represent the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire.

Moreover, the damage dealt by each skill after reaching level is the sum of 200% spell damage and 10% mana damage.

Therefore, these four elements should be balanced.

This is also the reason why Ye Shen chose “Little Fireball” instead of “Fireball Art” and “Big Fireball”.

“Very good, just these 4 skills.”

Ye Shen’s heart moved, and he used [Fusion Divine Power], and suddenly, the system’s prompt sounded.

“Dingdong, you are about to synthesize a new skill based on four skills such as “Earth Archery”, “Water Arrow”, “Wind Blade”, and “Little Fireball”, and during the synthesis process, 4 billion mana will be consumed, please choose whether to turn on synthesis.”

“Turn on synthesis!” Ye Shen said in a deep voice.

“Ding-dong, synthesis begins!”

As the sound of the system fell, suddenly, in the source of his magic power, the four runes representing “Earth Archery”, “Water Arrow”, “Wind Blade” and “Small Fireball” began to quickly fuse together, and at the same time, a large amount of mana quickly poured into the new runes.

At this time, after adding the newly acquired 2010 free attributes to the spirit, Ye Shen’s mana has reached 102590, whether it is upgrading skills or synthetic skills, it is faster than before.

Time passed little by little, and soon, more than an hour passed.

Finally, with a sharp flash of golden light in the source of mana, the next moment, the system’s prompt sound had sounded.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the player God Hand for successfully synthesizing a new skill, please name the new skill…”

“Unnamed Skill: Level 0, uses mana to condense an arrow of chaos, deals 500% spell attack damage to the target, adds 10% mana damage, and consumes 200 mana.”


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