"What the hell are you trying to do by catching us here?"

Claire and Angela sat opposite Wu Hao, staring at him tightly.

"A man catches two beauties, and guess what happens?"

"It's illegal for you to do this, you know!?"

Looking at Claire and Angela, who were glaring angrily at him, Wu Hao was a little speechless.

"Illegal? Do you think secular laws can bind me?

"See this?"

Wu Hao brought up a picture to show to the two of them.

Inside is a footage of recruited militiamen lining up to inject G virus.

"This can't be!!"

Claire and Angela stood up directly in surprise, unable to believe what they saw in front of them.

Especially Claire, who has experienced the Raccoon City incident, has the most intuitive feeling for these biochemical weapons.

"Are you crazy!? There are so many monsters created! Are you trying to ruin the world!? "

Once so many mutants are released, it will be an absolute disaster for mankind!

"Don't worry, these variants are controllable, otherwise I wouldn't have made them in batches."

"I showed you just to tell you that I have more power than you ever imagined."

"Honestly stay here and become my woman, or I will leave you to this mutant and let you become their tools for reproduction."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the faces of the two changed and became tools for mutant reproduction, so it was better to kill them directly!

"So, you see?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the two clenched their silver teeth, but they were helpless.

"I won't let you get away with it!"

Looking at Claire who looked at him with a disgusted expression, Wu Hao sighed.

"That's not up to you, take it down and send it to the mutants."

The woman brought out of the two copies is just a woman, since she doesn't want to, let's honestly become a tool.

The quest that clears the level can be re-entered at any time, and it is good to swipe these two as wild monsters until the summon card is swiped.

There are many beautiful women in the heavens and realms, and there is no need to waste time for two disobedient people.

"Take a break, I've already entered two copies in a row."

"The remaining one can wait until dawn."

Looking at the few people who were a little tired, Wu Hao decided to let them rest first.

This exhaustion is not physical, but mental, constantly fighting, improper rest can be troublesome.

Early the next morning, Wu Hao called Lenali over.

"What happened to those few tweaks?"

"Master, the Tacheng kitten has been adjusted, and Himejima Junai has also made progress, and it is expected that it can be solved in these two days, but..."

"It's just that Gurefia is in some trouble, this guy's willpower is very strong, and the general means don't work at all."

Speaking of this, Lenali is a little embarrassed, after all, this is to be dedicated to the owner, if the damage is too serious, it will be difficult to deliver.

"Since conventional means are useless, then use unconventional means!"


Hearing Wu Hao say this, Lenali breathed a sigh of relief.

Since unconventional means can be used, the difficulty is much reduced.

"You've worked hard these days, how can I reward you?"

"If you have it, reward your favorite mask."

"Then I will thank the master for the reward."

Lenali came to Wu Hao's side with a smile and began to work hard to get her favorite mask.

"Master, I've worked so hard, just give me the mask!"

After working for more than two hours continuously, Lenali didn't want to move a finger tiredly, this hateful owner, said that he gave her favorite mask, but he didn't even see a shadow for so long!

Seeing that Lenali was so tired, Wu Hao no longer hung her and gave her the mask that she had in mind.

"The mask sent by the host, the best!!"

Lenali looked at her bulging lower abdomen, lying weakly on the ground, eating so much, and then she couldn't work properly.

"You take a good rest first, and don't waste it."

Seeing that some puffs leaked out, Wu Hao opened his mouth to remind him, and then walked towards the dungeon.

Coming to the dungeon, Wu Hao found that Lias was actually here.

She was training the Tower City kitten at this time to some skills, some techniques to please the owner.

"Very good, kitten, very well done!"

Lias sat on the chair, instructing the Tacheng kitten mouth exercise, and pointed out from time to time.


Lias's body jerked suddenly, and she violently pressed the head of the Tacheng kitten and did not give it away, apparently she had just gone to heaven once.

"Kitten, it's a good job, but that's not enough."

Lias slumped in her chair, her voice a little panting, and it was clear that she had not yet recovered.

"Minister, please teach me more."

"It's useless to rely on Lias to teach you, you still need to practice."

Hearing Wu Hao's voice, Lias was shocked in her heart, looked back, and found that Wu Hao was actually standing aside.


When the Tacheng kitten saw Wu Hao, he also learned from Lias and knelt down and called the master.

"The kitten is still very studious, so please ask Mr. Lias to teach more."

"Please rest assured that I will definitely teach the kitten well."

"Well, I'll check what you just learned first to see if the kitten is lazy."


Hearing Wu Hao's words, the Tacheng kitten knelt in front of Wu Hao and began to show what he had learned before.

Wu Hao can clearly see that although the knowledge points are not so perfect, he is indeed studying hard.

But this is not a big problem, as long as the methods and methods are mastered, more practice for a while will naturally be integrated, maybe you can also draw inferences.

"I'm lazy, the kitten is studying hard, I, the owner, have to reward you well."

"And Teacher Lias is too, she taught very well, and I want to reward you too."

"Thank you master for the reward!"

Lias was very happy to hear Wu Hao's words, and although it was inconvenient for the Tacheng kitten to speak, it could also be seen from her expression that she was very happy.

"The reward is coming, and you will receive it."


Lias and the Tacheng kitten knelt side by side in front of Wu Hao, greeting the reward from the master.

"The mask sent by the host, I like it the most!"

Lias and Tacheng Kitten were very happy to see the mask.

After all, regular mask application can fight aging and make yourself younger and more beautiful, and what woman can refuse the temptation to become beautiful?

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