015: Being used! (15: Begging for all support!)

(Nearly 40,000 words on the first day, at this speed, is it too much to beg for flowers, votes, etc.? Not too much, right??)

What if Hikaru Natsumi gets emotionally impulsive and overwhelms her rationality and agrees?

What a pity, even this"what if" of Kaito Daishu Yaya was destroyed by Kadoya Shi.

So, how could Kaito Daishu let Kadoya Shi go so easily?


Kamen Rider first looked at the place where Kaito Daiki left, then looked at Guang Xiahai lying on the front desk, sighed, and said nothing more.

Everyone has their own aspirations, and everyone's ideas are different. Kamen Rider can't impose his own ideas and will on others!

What's more, Kaito and the others are still ordinary people.

This idea is like a fatal blow. Kamen Rider, who has always believed that Kaito Daiki and Guang Xiahai are ordinary people, thought of this and directly threw away all the weird things in his mind.

At this moment, the door of Guang Photo Studio was opened again.

Two heads, a man and a woman, stretched out their heads.

"Huh? Isn't this a coffee shop?"It doesn't look like one at all."

Guang Xiahai raised his head out of habit and saw two guests who were not customers:"Hey, this is a photo studio"

"sorry for disturbance""Ah~! I am quite confident in making coffee. Come in, please come in."

After hearing what Guang Xiahai said, Onodera Yusuke apologized and was about to take Yashiro Lan back with him. At this time, the old man Guang Rong Jirong half stretched out his body from the kitchen and asked them to come in with coffee.

With the consent of his grandfather, Guang Xiahai invited them in.

Living room.

Onodera Yusuke ignorantly defined Decade as the unconfirmed life form No. 10 (I just realized it, what a coincidence!), and was brazenly telling Yashiro Lan that he would definitely destroy him next time.

"But, he seems to be closer to you than Gurongi!"Yashiro Lan, who has always wanted to improve the combat power of mankind, said a little uncertainly.

Onodera Yusuke looked at Yashiro Lan with some disbelief.:

"With me...close to~!"

At this time, Yashiro Lan nodded affirmatively and said,"Well, if he fights Gurongi again next time, I want to ask him."

Onodera Yusuke suddenly became very angry, looking at Yashiro Lan with an angry expression on his face, extremely excited, his hand slammed heavily on the table, making a loud bang, and even scared Guang Xiahai who was walking slowly towards them with a cup of coffee.:


Do you want him to fight for me?"

Obviously, this sister complex is afraid that he will be replaced, no longer needed by Yashiro Lan, and lose the value and meaning of his current existence, so he is a little out of control.

"Yusuke! I just thought he could help you, that's all!"Yashiro Lan looked at Mitsuru Natsumi apologetically, and then hurriedly comforted the glass heart of this naive boy who had been used by him until now with guilt.

"ah...Is that so?"

Onodera Yusuke was stunned. Obviously the answer was beyond his expectation. He then smiled apologetically.

"Hey, little guy, I advise you not to fight with that unidentified life form No. 10."

At this time, Kazushi Kado could no longer hold back his desire to tease this friend he had just teased before. He had just adjusted the camera to attract attention when Kaito Daiki came out from the kitchen with two cups of coffee.

"Who did you call a shorty?!"

This is an insult, an insult!

Onodera Yusuke roared wildly in his heart. The emotions that had just been calmed down suddenly exploded like gasoline ignited a fire!

God knows how much Onodera Yusuke cares about his height, especially after meeting Yashiro Lan, his height has become a pain in Onodera Yusuke's heart, and even made him feel very inferior for a time.

But now Kaito Daiki has obviously torn this scar open bloodily. Onodera Yusuke doesn't even care when there is a patrolman next to him. Yashiro Lan can't hold him back, and he is about to stand up and fight with Kaito Daiki desperately.

"Ha, are you angry out of shame?"

Kaito Daishu looked at the surprisingly angry Onodera Yusuke and smiled playfully. He handed the tray with two cups of coffee to Guang Xiahai and waved to Onodera Yusuke outside without fear of trouble.:

"If you want to fight, go outside. I'm always here to fight you.

But are you sure this won't make your sister look bad? Although your sister doesn't care about you as much as you think."


What the hell are you talking about?......."

Onodera Yusuke has already made his move.

He reached for Kaito Daishu's collar and wanted to pull him over and yell at him.

However, judging from his height, he would have to jump twice to grab Kaito Daishu's collar.


Before Kaito Daiki could slap Onodera Yusuke's hand away, Yashiro Lan yelled at Onodera Yusuke, obviously wanting this arrogant and childish boy to stop making trouble.


The elder sister he regarded as his life's support yelled. Onodera Yusuke felt wronged and angry. He no longer wanted to care about so many trivial matters. He walked out of Guang Photo Studio in a huff.

Guang Xiahai also felt that it was not good for Kaito Daiki to poke at someone's pain for no reason. Just as he was about to apologize to Onodera Yusuke on his behalf, he was stopped by Kaito Daiki.

"Xia Migan, it’s already dark so don’t go out. I made that cup of coffee especially for you. How about trying my craftsmanship?"


"I understand."

Mitsuru Natsumi and Onodera Yusuke were complete strangers before today. She wanted to apologize to him because of Kaito Daiki.

Since Kaito Daiki himself asked, Mitsu Natsumi would not do the thankless task. She took the coffee that Kaito Daiki made for her and sat quietly by the side, tasting the coffee in her hand. It was neither bitter nor light, but rich and mellow.

"Um, I'm sorry, Yusuke's attitude is not very good."

Yashiro Lan looked outside with some concern, and then apologized to Kaito Daiki on behalf of Onodera Yusuke.

"It doesn't matter. I don't care about people who have no goals of their own and fight only for others."

Faced with Yashiro Lan's apology, Kaito Daishu's tone was unexpectedly calm. He raised his hand to indicate that he didn't care at all.



Hearing what Kaito Daishu said, Yashiro Lan looked at him blankly, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

She wanted to ask but didn't dare to.

Humans can't deal with monsters like Gurongi with their ordinary weapons. She really took advantage of Onodera Yusuke's innocent and kind heart, and even took advantage of her affection for him.

"Well, forget about those unimportant things, Miss Yashiro. Shi and I have a lot of information about unconfirmed life forms. Would you mind taking us to the Metropolitan Police Department to discuss it in detail


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