008: Escape with the Beauty! (3: Begging for all support!)

(Book review, book review, everyone, if you think the protagonist hasn't fought yet and it's a bit too much, you can check out the related works)


Guang Xiahai hesitated to speak. In this situation, she thought of the dream she had always dreamed of before, and also thought of what Haidong Dashu said in the dream."...Maybe it's the mutual attraction between knights. After all, I am also a knight!"

She wanted to ask Haidong Dashu who the knight who was born was, but she was afraid to hear the name that she least wanted to hear from Haidong Dashu.

"That Masked Rider is..."

Kaito Daiki noticed Guang Xiahai's abnormality, but thought it was just the tension of facing the sudden change of the world, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

He tilted his head to look at the other side of the dimensional wall,"Kamen Rider, Decade!"


Haidong Dashu didn't say his name, which made Guang Xiahai feel relieved.

But at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief, she had to get nervous again.


How could it be him?!!

This is the devil who killed all the knights in her dream!!!

"Hey, Haidong! Guangxia! What are you talking about there?..."

Guang Xia Hai was in doubt and looked in the direction of Kaidong Dashu, and saw Kadoya Shi who was constantly hitting the dimensional wall on the other side.

Uh, how come Kadoya Shiko is on the other side?

(Finally found out, Kadoya Shiko, who kept slapping and shouting, fainted in the toilet. Did my wife become invisible after you robbed her?)

Guang Xia Hai seemed to have just reacted. She didn't associate Decade with it.

It was true that although Kadoya Shiko was quite skilled, he was completely controlled by a woman like Guang Xia Hai. How could he be that devil?

Moreover, although this person was a little weird, he only caused public outrage when taking photos. He was not a bad person.

The most important thing was that with his little tricks, a most ordinary Kamen Rider could probably knock him down. How could he kill all the knights?!


In the conclusion that Kadoya Shiko could make him cry without tears and that he could completely turn evil after knowing it, she directly excluded Kadoya Shiko, a"weak chicken".

Just when she wanted to step forward and say a few words to Kadoya Shiko, Kadoya Shiko suddenly fell into darkness!

Neither side could hear or see the other side's voice.

Just as Kazushi Kazuya was still shouting nervously, a monster suddenly rushed out from the gray-white light curtain - the dimensional wall, and knocked him to the ground.

"Decade," a handsome man standing beside the water jar behind Kadoya who was struggling to stand up, called him casually,"It's today"

""Hey, who are you?"

In this weird scene, a voice suddenly sounded behind him. No one would give the other a good face, not to mention that his only two friends were now in danger of death (he thought).

Kado Shi suppressed his inner anger and shouted at a prince of the demon world.

However, this guy did not play by the rules. He pointed his right index finger at the sky with an inexplicable expression. An indescribable feeling of wanting to hit him came to his heart.

Kado Shi followed his line of sight to the sky, but was horrified to find that the moon in the sky suddenly turned into the earth. In a burst of colorful energy changes, seven earths of almost the same color and size were suspended above his head!



"Kaito, Kadoya Shi, will he be okay?"

Unable to see the situation on the other side, Guang Xia Hai asked anxiously to Kaito Daishu beside him.

Although there are some pitfalls, he can barely be considered a friend. Of course, he can be fine.

"Don't worry, Xia Mikan, that guy's fate is on the right track and he won't encounter any danger.

Right now, instead of worrying about him, you might as well worry about us."

Haidong Dashu stepped forward and held Guang Xiahai's jade hand, saying in a relaxed tone.

To him, the monsters that appeared in this world now were just a group of miscellaneous soldiers, and they couldn't bring him even the slightest pressure. Therefore, although he said he was worried, he was not nervous at all in his heart.

He didn't even mean to transform and clean up the cannon fodder. After all, these were the stuff left for Kado Shima to practice, and he, Haidong Dashu, just had to"honestly" share the hardships with Guang Xiahai, and help her in times of crisis, and everything would be OK.


Guang Xiahai's jade hand was"suddenly attacked", causing her fair face to turn slightly red. However, at this moment, she could no longer care to say anything more.

Groups of citizens screamed in fear and fled in panic. Monsters from all directions kept approaching, causing Guang Xiahai's slightly stable emotions to become tense again.

These were all monsters that killed people without blinking an eye. If they were caught, it would be terrible!

"Xia Migan," when Guang Xia Hai was about to panic, a gentle voice calmed her down. Haidong Dashu kicked a monster that wanted to get close to Guang Xia Hai away with a handsome roundhouse kick, then held Guang Xia Hai's jade hand tightly and showed an evil smile.:

"Are you ready? A trip that is different from fate and can be taken at any time’!"

Haidong Dashu was hinting at something, but Guang Xiahai didn't understand what he was saying at the moment.

He didn't care, just led Guang Xiahai to dodge the monsters' attacks, and occasionally knocked down the two monsters that blocked his way.

"Next, you must follow me closely, otherwise if something unexpected happens to you, I will be very distressed."

After saying this, Haidong Dashu didn't have time to see Xia Hai's reaction before a dimensional wall swallowed them up and took them to the other side where it was pouring rain.

""Tsk, so impatient!"

Haidong Dashu complained. He was clearly planning to take Guang Xiahai to discover the ruins of the Decade drive, but the world didn't seem to want him to intervene in the plot!

Hehe, I've already turned on the cheats, and if you don't let me intervene, I will intervene!

Haidong Dashu muttered to himself, and then pulled Guang Xiahai into the platinum-colored dimensional wall he summoned.

This move naturally meant to test the world itself, but Haidong Dashu was more concerned about Guang Xiahai.

In the original work, Guang Xiahai was attacked by a group of monsters and fled in panic with a group of citizens.

On the way to escape, every time she passed through a dimensional wall, she had to watch one human after another fall at the feet of the monsters in a mess, and she was powerless and could only keep running despite the pain.

This did not reflect anything else in the play, but if it really happened in reality, it would probably cast a deep shadow on the heart, and it is very likely to leave a psychological trauma that is difficult to heal.!!!

(Book review, book review, guys, if you think the protagonist hasn't fought yet and it's a bit too much, you can read the related works)

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