Chapter 125 Comparison

Teaching Hall No. 3.

There were more than forty students at this time, and the arrival of Lian Ying did not cause any disturbance.

After waiting for a while, Yu Chijie, who was in charge of teaching, arrived at the scene.

Without waiting for the students to open their mouths, he said directly: "Today, let's talk about the relationship between strength and the circulation of Qi and blood..."

"Stop talking about it, we've memorized these courses by heart, Grandmaster Yu, let's start playing directly."

"That's right, Grandmaster Yu, what about the actual combat class that you agreed to? Nineteen rounds in ten days? This frequency is too low, isn't it? Grandmaster Li next door played twenty rounds a day, and your progress in ten days is not enough. It’s not worth a day for others.”

"Didn't you rest yesterday? Rest again today? Do you still want to fight? I found that you grandmasters are all mothers-in-law. Fighting a fight is like going to the execution ground. It's not easy at all."

These students urged one after another, but there was no respect in their words.

This scene gave Lian Ying, who was waiting to find Grandmaster Yu Chijie for a practical test, a bad premonition.

"Nineteen games in ten days? Isn't this kind of practical class too watery?"

Zhang Shan couldn't help muttering.

"Who said it wasn't?"

A student next to him immediately echoed and complained: "Since I have no skills, is it difficult to admit that I can cook? What kind of practical class? If I knew I would sign up for Ran Jinghua, Ran Wusheng, he was rated as a martial artist. Isn't the quality of teaching a bit higher than his?"

"Brother, if you think that Ran Wusheng's teaching quality is high, you are too naive. Let me tell you, that Ran Wusheng has only played 16 games so far, and he is not as good as Yu Shijie."

Someone from the side joined in.

"Sixteen games? Didn't I hear...they play ten games a day?"

The student was a little surprised.

"Nine out of ten games are hand-to-hand, dare you believe it? You don't fire a few times, and you don't spit out blood when you fight. The content of the teaching is so watery!"

The new student complained: "Thinking about it now, Grandmaster Li is more reliable. After all, he really fights."

"Is the environment outside... so bad?"

Zhang Shan couldn't believe it.

"you do not know?"

"I don't know, I have been studying with Master Li for the past ten days."

"Hiss, brother, good brother, how do you make appointments every ten days? Teach me."

"This... I don't know, maybe our name, Teacher Li, thinks it's easy and easy to remember?"

Several people whispered, and the classroom order was corrupted to the extreme.

But it's hard for Yu Shijie to say anything.

The prestige of the teachers in the Xinghui Palace is far from being comparable to those of the tutors in the outside schools.

Seeing that if these students continue to make trouble, this class will not be able to continue smoothly, so Yu Chijie was forced to say: "Then let's have a practical class."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he felt the pain in his viscera even after being nourished by medicine.

"Li on earth did he attend classes? Could it be that his family has a healing star device? But the healing star device can't restore the vitality lost by the blood pill explosion? Could it be that he eats the Shengshenghua pill as jelly beans every day?"

Yu Chijiu regretted that he couldn't see Li Mi robbing their students, so he chose to follow suit and offer practical classes.

If you don't make it right, you will steal the chicken or you will lose a handful of rice.

Thinking about it, his eyes quickly turned to the students.

Soon, it fell on Lian Ying.

Immediately brightened.

He knows this student.

Half a month ago, he teamed up with two other students and was beaten to the ground by Li Mi alone.

It can be seen from this that even if he has a level, it is estimated that he is not much higher.

It looks like it's easy to bully.

Immediately, he quickly said: "A new face came today, let this new face be our first person to perform actual combat."


Lian Ying was startled, and then was a little surprised.

Originally thought that he would gain nothing from this class, and the forty-odd students would not be able to turn to him at all, but unexpectedly...

This is directly hit by the pie?

"I, Lianying, are indeed the son of luck. One day, I want to master Jinli and step into Mingjin. At that time...revenge is fine. That Teacher Li is still a little real, but at least I have to fight him." Let him understand that a star refiner cannot be humiliated."

With this thought in mind, he stood up happily and stepped into the ring.

"Your name is Lian Ying? Don't be nervous, just play as usual."

Yu Chijie said, and said to dozens of students: "Although there is only one person fighting me in actual combat, your level is not the same. When I fight this Lianying student, everyone should watch carefully. After the fight, I will ask questions to see if you have gained anything from this battle."

After listening to the other students, although they were not selected as actual combat opponents, they still concentrated their spirits one by one.

"Teacher Yu, please advise."

As Lianying spoke, his words were polite.

During this period of time with Li Mi, if they speak rudely, Li Mi's attack will obviously be heavy.

In just half a month, they have learned what it means to respect teachers.

"Since you are giving pointers, then I will act first, and you are optimistic."

Yu Chijie is also not polite.

There is also a first-hand advantage.

Facing monsters like star refiner students, they just couldn't give them a chance to react.

What's more, the star refiner has its own suppression effect, which interferes with his display of strength. He'd better work hard and make a quick decision.

As soon as he thought of this, he suddenly moved, his energy and blood surged, his strength pierced through, and as he strode out, his whole body was like an arrow off the string, and he rushed forward brazenly, his energy and spirit climbed to the extreme at the moment of the battle .

Before Yu Chijie made a move, Lian Ying had already cheered up.

At the moment when Yu Chijie stood up and aroused his own energy and coercion, the expression on his face became extremely dignified.

When it comes to power, Grandmaster Yu is not inferior to Grandmaster Li! ?

In an instant, the energy and blood in his body surged, his body squatted down, and his feet suddenly exerted strength. With his body collapsed, Yu Chijie, who was facing the impact, attacked brazenly.

The moment the two came into contact, Lian Ying's figure twisted slightly, avoiding Yu Chijie's frontal punch, but his right hand was snapped out by lightning, and landed on Yu Chijie's shoulder. Lian Ying's biceps bulge could be clearly felt in the flesh and blood.

But before he clasped the five fingers on Yu Chijie's shoulder and crushed his shoulder bone, Yu Chijie's shoulder suddenly shook and slipped, and he broke free from Lian Ying's blow like brown sugar, while his However, his left hand took this opportunity to condense into a knife, aiming at the vital point of Lianying's court and chopping off, accompanied by the strong wind that came from people, it made Lianying's eyebrows sting.


Faced with this blatant blow, Lian Ying's spirit lifted.

The next moment, he let out a low growl, his heart bursting out.

The left hand thrusts upward and horizontally, and seals Yu Chijie with a blow from the front.

When the two arms collided, Lian Ying's body shook slightly, and the strength contained in Yu Chijie's blow exploded along the angle of his arms!


Easy! ?

It is completely different from Li Zongshi's burst of strength.

it seems that……

Grandmaster Li's strength falls on his weak point every time, making it difficult for him to circulate his energy and blood, and this Grandmaster Yu...

Playing blindly?

His thoughts flowed, but his movements were not slow at all.

After Yu Chijie's blow, he burst out with qi and blood, turned his fists into palms, and faced Yu Chijie who was slaying him, he aimed at his door and pressed hard in the same way he used to deal with him.

When he pressed his palm, his palm turned red.

Ten days of fighting with Li Mi made the energy and blood in his body flow almost to the point where the heart moved at will. When he made a move, the energy and blood immediately surged and exploded, directly blasting the air waves.


The roar that was close at hand vibrated!


This is an attack comparable to a strong force!

A blow made with pure strength without any skill!

Yu Chijie shrank his eyes and pupils.


Yu Chijie, who had just fired one thrust, had no time to send out a second thrust. In this case, the only thing he could do was to back off.

The stature retreated violently!

Once retreated, the opportunity is lost.

Lian Ying has experienced more than ten fierce fights, and her grasp of the battle is far better than before, how could she miss such a good opportunity.

Accompanied by his striding meteors, the pure power exploded, making the distance between the two instantly narrowed, and the palm mixed with majestic force had already caught up with Yu Zhijie, who was retreating violently, and rushed towards him.

Palm out, like the opening of a reservoir, the mighty torrent rolls down with the momentum of thousands of troops and horses galloping.

"not good!"

At the critical moment, Yu Chijie had no choice but to block with a horizontal arm.


The strength exploded.

The stature of this Grand Master Lian Gang shook dramatically.

Lian Ying's blood and physique are far superior to his, and now he is at a disadvantage again, blocking with his arm, facing the opponent's terrifying strength like a galloping horse, Yu Chijie's entire arm twisted abnormally, and his undiminished strength even It hit his arm, causing his entire arm to be slammed back hard against his chest.

"Thousands! Break!"

Lian Ying let out a low shout, and jumped up with her whole body, as if turning into a fearless beast, carrying a terrifying aura, it slammed into Yu Chijie's body blatantly!

Under this violent and raging momentum, Yu Chijie's whole body seemed to be frozen by atomic will, and his eyes seemed to be full of horror.


Under pure strength, this Grandmaster seemed to be hit by a high-speed truck, and his body was shocked. He was directly knocked out by him more than ten meters, and flew out of the ring...


Lian Ying let out a low shout, and instinctively imitated Li Mi, striding forward, about to catch up with his flying backwards and strike hard again.

At this time, he saw Yu Chijie, who hadn't landed yet, spitting out blood.

The dark red blood mist filled the void, and Lian Ying, who was about to pursue him, stopped immediately.


After such a pause, Yu Chijie's figure was already like a huge boulder, and he hit the ground heavily, making a dull sound, and slid backwards for several meters without losing momentum.


He struggled as if he wanted to stand up and maintain the image of his teacher, but before he could get up, a mouthful of blood spewed out again.


This miserable and embarrassing appearance immediately made Lian Ying stand still.

For a moment, there was only one thought in his mind...

"This Grandmaster Yu...isn't he too savage?"

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