Chapter 15 Big Desire


Seeing the cat demon, its sharp claws, and the blood stained on its head, several people in the car couldn't contain their fear and screamed piercingly.

The scream instantly attracted the cat demon's attention.

The cat demon, who didn't come straight to the vehicle, quickly turned around, leaped a full dozen meters, and came straight to the bus with a dozen people.

"Shut the window! Shut the window! Shut the window!"

The driver yelled.

Everyone likes to open the windows when the bus to the township is driving, firstly to let the wind blow, and secondly to ventilate.

And the windows of the bus are so huge that adults can jump out of the windows if they want to, not to mention the cat demon who is only 1.6 meters long and thinner than humans?

This will make the cat demon rush in...

"elder brother!"

Seeing this scene, Li Yunyao turned pale with fright.

Lin Xiaolu stayed on the spot even more, with his eyes wide open, he became stiff and motionless.

"It's too late."

Li Mi's brain calculates at an extremely fast speed.

At the speed of a cat demon...

It was too late to close the window.

This cat demon must not be allowed to rush into the car, otherwise, under the chaotic battle, even Li Mi can't guarantee the safety of Li Yunyao and Lin Xiaolu.

He also can't take the initiative to rush out of the bus and fight the cat monster in the wild.

The most common ferocious beasts can only be killed by Gang Jin Grandmasters... Theoretically, only star refiners can kill them without injury.

With the sensitivity of this cat demon...

Master Dan Jin is afraid that he will be played to death by it.


There is only one way.

When it rushed into the car through the window, with the help of the unique structure of the vehicle, it was killed with a thunderbolt.

"Sit tight."

Li Mi let out a low snort.

His eyes were fixed on the cat monster.

This kind of monster is impossible to appear on Blue Star, its sharp claws are so sharp that they can tear tigers and leopards apart.

At this moment, the spirit climbed to the extreme.

Even though he had fought to the death more than once on Blue Star, he still felt the adrenaline in his body start to secrete crazily, and an indescribable feeling flooded his whole body.

nervous! Horror! fear!

as well as……



This cat demon flew towards it at a speed that was almost hard for ordinary people to see clearly. Through the window, he jumped up, and his body was so sensitive that it exceeded the limit of human flesh and blood.

And just when the cat demon jumped up, Li Mi's body moved.

In his mind, he had early visualized a terrifying ancient ferocious beast, screaming up to the sky, bursting out with a terrifying and fierce aura, and his heart seemed to be burning like a raging fire, pacing violently, and the power of blood was boiling, mixed with The madness of strength is sent to every corner of the body.

When the cat demon rushed into the bus and entered the bus with half of his body, but before he landed in time, the carriage made of fine steel shook violently under Li Mi's feet.

At the moment of this shock, his whole body seemed to turn into a beast more terrifying than the cat demon, brazenly meeting the cat demon that plunged into the car.

The strength of the body passed through the thighs and the waist during this culling, passed layer by layer, condensed in the arms, and finally turned into a punch that smashed the air.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see that he was bathed in fire, burning violently, as if he was going to burn everything.

Eight evils are really hot!



The cat demon instantly sensed a great crisis.

Its body, which is far inferior to that of a human being, turned and squirmed at an incredible speed, and at the critical moment, it turned around its own body, and its sharp claws were like a dagger that tore apart the fine steel. He slapped him hard on the head.

But Li Mi's expression did not change.

The martial artist punched and went forward without hesitation.

When this punch was punched, not only his own strength, blood, but also all his spiritual will were condensed.

At this moment, apart from trusting his body and the strength of his fist, he will not have any distracting thoughts.

It will not be shaken by any external force or object.

The mind is clear.

Just one thought——

I am invincible!



Accompanied by a muffled thunderous bang and the sound of bones breaking.

The cat demon who rushed into the car before landing on the ground seemed to be hit by a giant hammer, his hair rippling in circles, his whole body bent unnaturally, and then flew out violently backwards with the inertia.

Its claws tearing down like fine steel daggers, accompanied by the force of the fist, almost brushed against Li Mu's cheek, pulling it farther and farther...

The sharp edge carried by the claw tip even left three faint bloodstains on his face.

His fist strength must be half hesitant.

The claw of the cat demon will directly tear half of his head.

No worries.

No luck.

Li Mizhi, who blasted away the cat demon, felt that her heart had become more ethereal than ever before.

In the ethereal, he seemed to be able to feel the cheers from every corner of his body, and every cell was transmitting a sense of joy to him.

tell him……

This is the true meaning of practice.

This is the great desire of life.

Under the urging of this great desire, and in this state of cheering his body, his energy and spirit were unleashed, and his body seemed to be burning with fire.

There was almost no pause under his feet, and his strength broke out again.

The whole person caught up with the cat demon who was blown out of the window like a spring, but it was definitely not so easy to die.

He turned his body and rushed out quickly.

During this process, his body was so flexible that he could stretch as much as he wanted, as if he had turned into a snake.


When he flew horizontally and jumped out of the car window, it was more like a big snake riding the wind, as if it was going to ride the clouds and fog, and go straight into the sky.

Eight evils are really hot!

Teng snake!

Li Mi didn't care about her slightly reddened arm. At the moment the cat demon was blown away, she flew into the air like a giant snake, and adjusted the state of strength that she could exert to the extreme.

Then, with the body in the air, carrying the gravity of falling down, the eagle strikes down.

The cat demon who flew upside down let out a piercing scream, and his figure seemed to be struggling to get away from this place.

However, Li Mi's energy and spirit were always tightly locked on its figure, and her gaze seemed to penetrate its body structure.

In the end, the cat demon watched helplessly as Li Mi concentrated all her strength into a fist, and once again hit the waist where it had received a burst of strength before.


The penetrating strength shattered all the internal organs and bones inside.

The cat demon that was already blown away seemed to be accelerated again, and hit the ground heavily at a speed several times faster than before.

The solid concrete road was dusty.

Before the cat demon had any room to breathe, react, or even...

It didn't even have a chance to struggle in pain.

Li Mi's figure followed the fall without a moment's hesitation, and her right foot, which was still in the air, was raised high, aimed at the cat demon's head, and trampled down heavily.



Bones shattered!

Blood spurts!

The head of the cat demon was trampled and crushed, bloody and bloody.

Since then, no matter how tenacious the vitality of the cat demon was, his body was still twitching and gradually lost its vitality.

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