Chapter 154

Gaia rarely uses aircraft.

High-speed trains are also quite rare.

At this time, Li Mi and the others took a regular express train and headed towards the core of the Tianyuan Federation—the Tianyuan Dynasty at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

Although the entire Tianyuan Federation is divided into many countries, there is no need for visas between countries.

Some people may buy vegetables in this country in the morning and go to another country for dinner in the afternoon. It is very convenient to travel between countries.

Coupled with the Tianyuan Dynasty, the big brother with absolute authority, the competition among the countries within the Federation is not fierce, and they support each other and unite as one.

In this general environment, going abroad within the Federation is like crossing cities.


"Crack, click!"

At this time, in the compartment where Li Mi and the others were alone, Li Yunyao was facing the outside of the train. The two statues, which were more than two hundred meters high, looked magnificent and spectacular, and kept taking pictures.

These are the two greatest figures of the Tianyuan Federation.

One is the pioneer of the Federation, the first president and great star refiner, and also the greatest emperor of the royal family of the Tianyuan Dynasty, Wan Guliu.

The other is the first legendary star refiner of the Federation, and also one of the strongest survivors of the Federation, Yuan Fax.

It can be said that it was the existence of these two people who turned the tide in the turbulent era and formed the Tianyuan Federation, which allowed the countries of the Federation to have the glorious unity they have today, and enabled the people of all countries to enjoy peace and live in peace.

If it weren't for these two great figures, other countries dare not say that the Taibai Kingdom would definitely not be as comfortable as it is now.

After all, in times of turmoil, more than two-thirds of the world's countries have died due to various causes.

Either fall directly and become a monster paradise.

Either be annexed by a big country and become a state in its territory.

So far, although the world has formed a six-pole structure in the world, there are still gossips about the fall of some small countries from time to time.

Of course, what people hear more is which area the Tianyuan Federation recovered and how much land it regained for the human race.


For example, the area occupied by the Fallen Temple has not been specifically notified so far.

"Brother, do I look good like this?"

Li Yunyao was leaning against the window, bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, with her ponytail curled up, asking questions charmingly.

"Well, it looks good."

Li Mi nodded.

"Then help me take a picture."

Li Yunyao urged.

"Is not It Cold?"

Li Mi asked.

It is a full 3,900 kilometers from Taibai to Tianyuan, and the train journey lasts two days and two nights. This carriage has been decorated into a luxurious and comfortable small suite with relative privacy.

So much so that Li Yunyao is very casual in dressing.

Wearing a white sleeveless suspender dress, revealing the white as jade collarbone, wearing a crystal necklace on the neck of the jade, flashing fluorescent light, the necklace goes down, the pleats are lace-shaped, trimmed with a layer of tulle, and a few embellishments are dotted on it. Flower ornament.

"Cold? Isn't it cold?"

As Li Yunyao said, she opened her hands: "Brother, hurry up, take a picture for me."

Seeing this, Li Mi had no choice but to pick up her phone, and dozens of photos came in a snap.

He doesn't know how to take pictures, the only thing he can do is to take a few more pictures, and let her choose which one looks better at that time.


Li Yunyao's own appearance is so good, even Qin Rouran, who is a star refiner, is inferior to her, and she can only regain a little score on the skin. Can be used as wallpaper.


As Li Mi said, she picked up the shawl she had put aside casually: "Put it on, don't get cold."

"I'm really not cold. The weather forecast says it will be 26 degrees today."

As Li Yunyao said, she even fanned the air with her hand.

On the other hand, Qin Rouran, who had no sense of presence, said in a low voice: "Brother, he seems to want you to pay attention?"

Lin Xiaolu on the side nodded.

It's also fortunate that Li Yunyao's figure and sexiness are not attached to it, and she is purely cute, otherwise, her dress would easily make people think about it.

At least, she didn't dare to wear it like this at home, let alone outside.


After being reminded by Qin Rouran, Li Yunyao finally realized something, and finally put on her coat reluctantly: "There are no outsiders here, so what does it matter? They are all family members. Pay attention to this and that, isn't it too tiring?"

"This is not home, it's on the train."

Li Mu said.

"I see, I'm still thinking about changing another dress and taking another set of photos."

Li Yunyao was a little unwilling.

"Boom boom."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

At the same time, there was also the greeting from the Sixth Princess Su Feiyu: "Li Mi? How are you resting? If you have time, come to the second compartment. The intelligence personnel have passed the information."


Li Mi responded.

Immediately tidied up a little and opened the door.

Outside the door, Su Feiyu was waiting.

Seeing him, they nodded, and the two came to the second carriage.

Here, several people are already waiting.

In addition to the other two youth group contestants who received invitations to the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Competition, Liu Xuanfeng, president of the Taibai Martial Arts Association, Prince Su Mai, who was in charge of leading the team, and Su Feiyu's teacher, Martial Saint Tuo Bafeng, were all in the carriage.

"Li Mi is here."

Su Mai greeted Li Mi with a smile.

When she was in the capital, Li Mi had already met the prince.

At the same time, he also knows that he is the real giant of the royal family, or the entire Taibai who is in charge of matters in the martial arts world.

The deputy speaker of the Supreme Council of Taibai.

To some extent, he is Liu Xuanfeng's immediate boss.

A heavyweight who truly has the ability to influence Taibai's national policy.

Looking at the entire Taibai Kingdom, the power he possesses is enough to rank among the top 30.

However, such a state-level figure faced Li Mi with a smile on his face.

"Sit down, you're here, let's talk about the opponent you have to face this time."

Su Mai beckoned Li Mi to sit down, then said with a smile: "This year's No. 1 Martial Arts Competition in the World, we Taibai can only count on your youth group to win honor for the country."

adult group...

Don't mention it.

"I will do my best to deal with each of my opponents."

Li Mu said.

"Haha, I believe you."

Su Mai smiled and said: "This World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference seems to attract all the young talents under the age of 36 in the entire Tianyuan Federation due to the Longmen Pavilion releasing the authority of the dragon, so that the competition is fierce. The first since its inception…”

Then, he paused: "In addition, I can also reveal to you that if you can really perform well in this conference, not only we, Taibai, will spare no effort to train you, but also all kinds of precious materials from the Federation. It is enough to completely pave the way for your next growth."

After hearing this, Li Mi thought of something: "This year's No. 1 Martial Arts Contest puts so much energy into it, is it related to the monsters that have not been eliminated in the fallen temple so far?"

"Yes and no."

Su Mai responded: "The details, even in my capacity, I don't know. The only thing I can tell you is that I hope you can play a full-fledged state to deal with this conference. As long as you perform well enough, future Even if your growth exceeds mine, it may not be hopeless."

As soon as these words came out, the other two contestants Tuoba Hai and Zhao Xingge were shocked at the same time.

Surpassed Prince Su Mai! ?

This is the real top existence of the Taibai Kingdom!

Not to mention martial arts practitioners like them, even the blessed star refiners dare not say that their future can surpass such giants.

But now he actually...

"The adult group is equivalent to a battle of the century in the Tianyuan range, and the competition in the youth group will also be fierce to the extreme."

Su Mai took out a document and handed it to the four contestants including Li Mi one by one.

Li Mi opened the file, and there were a dozen quasi-martial saints listed by Tianyuan Society.

"Let's not talk about the three Martial Saints and the two existences that are not Martial Saints but are better than Martial Saints. The opponents you need to face first are these nineteen people."

Su Mai said, and added: "Not counting you and Feiyu, there are seventeen opponents of yours."

"Why don't you count those five people?"

Tuoba Hai seemed a little unconvinced.

"Heh, it's good for young people to be aggressive, but they must also learn to recognize reality."

Su Mai smiled and said: "In fact, compared to Fei Yu and Li Mi, you two are just here to run with you, so you don't have much hope."

These blunt words made the faces of the two of them flush slightly.

But in the face of Prince Su Mai, even if they grow up to be a top figure who is difficult to match, even if they are dissatisfied in their hearts, they dare not show it.

"In addition to the 22 people, I have also selected 26 people who are suspected of threatening your safety from a total of 165 contestants. For these 26 people, if you can avoid them Avoid, can't avoid, remember to do your best to deal with it, don't be negligent in the slightest."

Su Mai said.

"Avoid it if you can?"

Li Mi was a little surprised: "The rules of this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Competition..."

"Fighting fierce beasts and monsters."

Su Mai said directly: "When martial arts has reached your level, it is no longer necessary to confine your attention to the inside of the human race. You should stand up and face the greatest enemy of our human race."

He pressed a button on an instrument, and soon, a three-dimensional map was projected.

It marked the location of Taibai and surrounding countries in detail.

And the most conspicuous thing on this map is a huge forest spanning several countries, including the Tianyuan Dynasty.

Su Mai pointed to one of the places and said, "This is the place for your competition."

"Shadow Forest."

Li Mu said.

"Yes, the Shadow Forest is composed of two parts. One part is the monsters who hide underground and have built palaces underground, and the other part is the fierce beasts active in the Shadow Forest."

Su Mai sighed: "In such a big forest, how many species exist in it? I don't need to tell you that these species may mutate into fierce beasts and monsters at any moment, just like some people in our human world visualize the stars at any time. God is as successful as he is, he can't be killed, he can't be banned."

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