Chapter 166 Strength

One person and one tiger, one in front of one behind, one up and one down, passing by staggered.

The whole process can be said to have happened between lightning and lightning.

So fast that it's overwhelming.

But it was such a simple action that couldn't be simpler, but it was like splitting a bullet with a knife.

That is a manifestation of 100% trust in one's own strength and anticipating the enemy's prophet!

The current facts prove that...

Li Mi has the strength of self-confidence.

His figure completed a 360-degree somersault following the inertia of the flight, and landed firmly on the ground.

Stand up straight.

behind him...


The red-toothed tigers staggered past screamed in pain. Lingfeng's long sword pierced through its head and protruded from the lower jaw, greatly destroying the nerves in the brain. It landed on the ground and slid, hitting more than ten meters, splashing dirt, smashing a tree and tearing a bunch of bushes.



The breath of life quickly faded away from it.

until it dies.

a sword.

Relying on his mental growth and his keener perception of the outside world, he has a precise insight into the trajectory of this beast.

It's like installing a supercomputer in my mind, quickly simulating and calculating an optimal attack route based on various data such as the red-toothed tiger's running track, body characteristics, and force mode.

And he...

It can also accurately grasp the best attack route, soar into the air along this route without any mistakes, and finally complete the fatal blow to this medium-sized beast!

He stepped forward step by step, walking towards the corpse of the red-toothed tiger.

At the same time, his eyes were constantly focused on the Son of the Great Sun.

Even if the fame of the Son of Heaven is not included, his strength as a Martial Saint alone is enough to arouse his attention and curiosity!

After all, Martial Saint is the ultimate way of martial arts in this world!

But in Blue Star, this is an unprecedented realm.

In layman's terms, this is a brand new version limit.

Therefore, the strongest form of the strong is going to confront the orc warriors who are comparable to the official star refiners...


Da Ri Sheng Zi was hammered back at a faster speed than rushing down.

Bright red blood spurted out from his mouth, and his gloves and sleeves were all torn to pieces by the violent force.

The arms seemed to be scrapped directly.

That bloody look...

It hurts to look at it.

The practice method of this martial sage is the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, and his path is bright, domineering, and blazing.

This skill not only makes him extremely brave in frontal fights, but also provides amazing defense.

Even if you are shot directly by a small-caliber gun, you can rely on the physique tempered by the Dainichi Tathagata and the amazing vibration to bounce the bullets away, and no matter how bad it is, it will be stuck in the flesh and it is difficult to penetrate an inch.


This way of going head-to-head and tempering the physical body has a unique advantage in fighting with warriors of the same realm. He has even defeated martial saints of the same realm more than once by relying on this top-notch inheritance.

But against the beast...

And a beast with a qi and blood intensity exceeding 110 is really bad, not even a tiny bit.

He had dealt with low-level fierce beasts before, and he directly sacrificed his Tathagata Dharma Body, rushed over, and it was really like Buddha descending into the world, saving the world, and killing randomly.

But facing that orc warrior who is equivalent to a medium-sized beast...

The other party simply ignored these bells and whistles.

There is no ultimate move.

There are no tricks.

A stick swung down with absolute power and absolute speed directly smashed the so-called Tathagata dharmakaya and Buddha's incarnation into pieces.

If it weren't for the fact that the glove in the hands of the Great Sun Son is top-notch among genuine star weapons, and he also wore a piece of natal star armor, which offset a lot of violent impact, and replaced it with another grandmaster...

He was directly shocked to death by this orc warrior.


Li Mi tilted her head.

My mind is full of question marks.

"That's it?"

A stick blasted the Holy Son of the Great Sun so that he vomited blood and flew out. The orc warrior obviously knew that this kind of waste could not pose a threat to it.

Its gaze immediately fell on Li Mi who had just walked to the Chiyahu and pulled out Lingfeng's long sword.

Eyes full of fear.


The orc warrior roared.

It seems that... also speaks some kind of language.

This amazing speed of evolution is also the main reason for the word "human" in their names.

Even though they actually evolved in the direction of the great star god, it's just that the lofty star god maintains a human-like image for some reason.

"So, that's what you mean when you say the winner takes all?"

Li Mi glanced at the still angry Son of Heaven, and said.

In a word, the face of this seeded contestant who was most hopeful to compete for the youth group champion of the world's number one martial arts competition turned red, and his body couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Bastard... how dare... I am... Son of the Great Sun..."

Da Ri Shengzi struggled, even though his arms were completely red with blood, he still held on, trying to get himself up again.

But at this time, the orc warrior who saw that Li Mi hadn't "responded" for a long time roared, strode forward, and charged towards him suddenly.

The two-meter-five-six-meter figure is full of physical oppression, coupled with the ferocious face of the green face and fangs, and the fierceness accumulated in the blood, even if it is just an orc warrior, he has the aura of a thousand troops.

In fact, such an orc warrior with more than 100 qi and blood was really placed in ancient times...

It is indeed comparable to thousands of troops!

Li Mi locked her eyes on the orc warrior.

According to the injury of this orc warrior, he judged its fatal flaw at a glance.

change direction!

Tactics were quickly constructed in his mind, and his spirit was constantly condensed.

The qi and blood all over the body are involuntarily accelerated under the traction of spiritual power, and the brilliance of the sun simulated based on the idea of ​​​​the chaotic star god concept is projected from the spiritual world to every qi and blood...

In other words, it is transmitted to each red blood cell with bioelectricity according to the nerve signal.

Let the cells and organs run and pulsate crazily, so that the body functions can be adjusted to the peak.


Overcome instinct!

Break the shackles!

Beyond the pinnacle!

Beyond the limits!

120% exert physical strength!

His figure involuntarily squats, maintaining the best posture that can explode.

The power of the blood pill and the power of the burning blood secret technique are still circulating in his body, making his body seem to be plunged into a strange high temperature.

Just like atoms will spontaneously fuse and burst out incredible energy at a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees.

His current state...

The same is true.

Forty meters!

Thirty meters!

Twenty meters!

Just when the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters, the orc warrior had already swung the bone club in his hand high, and was about to smash the creatures in front of him, even the boulders and fine steel, with a thunderous blow. Moved.

At the moment when his figure shot out like an arrow from the string, the world seemed to slow down.

Even the traces of the bone club wielded by the orc warrior were clearly visible.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mi realized something.

It's not that the world has slowed down.


His perception quickened.

The talent of "insight" allows him to clearly feel every change in himself, including the operation of every cell, and when people immerse their thinking consciousness into the microscopic field, time will involuntarily slow down.

Many times, Li Mi thinks that a long time has passed between observing the subtle changes in herself, but in fact the elapsed time is completely different from the concept of time he perceives.

Right now, as his spirit continues to strengthen, he has used the top star device more than once, and has learned a new way of "perception", and this ability of interlacing speed and slowness has also extended beyond himself.

So much so that now, when he is concentrating to the extreme and his thinking is running fast to the extreme, there is a dislocation in which the world has slowed down.

These changes are unknown to outsiders.

In Da Ri Shengzi's eyes blurred by the blood, he could only see that when the orc warrior was about to charge to Li Mi and slapped him to death with a stick far faster than him, his body moved.

Stride forward, the figure flies vertically.

Still rising, it has already volleyed sideways.


Miss it.

Obviously, one of the two is less than 1.8 meters tall, while the other is as strong as 2.56 meters, relying on the explosive strength of galloping and lifting, but he seems to be passing through the armpit of this orc wielding a bone club!

The moment he missed half of his body, the Lingfeng long sword in his hand pierced out at an incredible speed.

At this moment, Son of the Great Sun could not describe the precision and skill of this sword in words.

With such a sharpness that could go a thousand miles away with a slight difference, this sword ruthlessly pierced through the temple on the left side of the orc warrior's head, and then pierced through the temple on the other side.



Draw your sword!

Flowing clouds and flowing water, pleasing to the eye!

But the skill and danger contained in it instantly suffocated the Son of Heaven who witnessed this scene with his own eyes!

The shock brought by this sword continued to impact the mind of the Son of the Great Sun!

Thousands of words can't describe the amazingness of this sword.

"How can it be……"

This sword...

As long as there is any deviation...

The orc warrior's bone stick fell faster.

The orc warrior shifted his body slightly.

The sword he stabbed was slightly slower by half a minute!

The results will be very different.

The bone stick dropped by the orc warrior accelerated, and Li Mi would be crushed to death by a stick.

The orc warrior shifted his body slightly, and the two collided at a high speed. With the physique of the orc warrior, Li Mi would be hit head-on to death like a mortal hit by a high-speed car.

The assassinating sword was a little slower by half a minute...

With such high-speed mutual movement, even the slightest difference in speed for assassinating a target as small as a head would cause the sword to fall into the void.

However, once the thunderbolt sword that exploded with blood pills and sacrificed secret techniques fails, it will definitely make Li Mi lose her balance. At that time, the orc warrior will return with a stick...

His whole body will be smashed into blood foam!

At this moment, Shengzi Da Ri couldn't help but think of an ancient school of training.

Apprentices are required to accurately avoid high-speed cars on the highway and insert leaflets in the gap between the car's mirrors.

That kind of ancient training that was so harsh that the whole sect would be eaten by the slightest carelessness was so similar to the sword stabbed by Li Mi in front of him! ?

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