Tian Yuan.

Although the formation of the special joint team was completed, the first round of operations did not go as smoothly as expected.

In the final analysis, the real combat strength is only equivalent to the top legendary Yuan Zhenchuan, which cannot overwhelm everyone in the joint team.

Under such circumstances, even though they tried their best to set the first goal of eradicating the fallen temple on the fallen temple, so far, they have not discussed how many people to dispatch and how to arrange tactics.

However, this does not affect Tianyuan's internal comprehensive research on the "War God".

At this time, Xiang Tianxing, Chongguang, Xuanyang, and Kaiming, the star refiners who developed the star master system, are in a virtual conference room.

The conference room is not a product of technology, but a communication space built by a legendary powerhouse with special star equipment. The dozens of people in the conference room either exude a powerful aura that belongs to the legendary star refiner, or exude an aura not inferior to that of a legendary star refiner. The majesty of the legendary star refiner.

The kings and presidents of the Tianyuan Dynasty, the Central Dynasty, the Xuanniao Kingdom, and the Xiya Republic are all among them.

"With the selfless assistance of several legends, we have initially completed the tracing of Li Mi's Martial God One, and sorted out the characteristics of the Valkyrie One..."

At this time, Zhongguang, who is a great star refiner, is speaking.

"So, we can also cultivate a Valkyrie? The kind of powerful existence that bursts out with all its strength, enough to kill legends!?"

The president of the Shia Republic couldn't help asking.

"Your Excellency Yadong, although we can cultivate a warrior god, but... the warrior warrior we cultivated may be somewhat different from the warrior god we expected."

Heavy light.

"no the same?"

It was the Emperor Wan Xinghua of the Tianyuan Dynasty who asked the question.

Even though he is not a legend, even the legends of any country dare not underestimate him in his position.

"What's the difference?"

"Please allow me to introduce our backtracking on the realm of Valkyrie."

Chong Guang said, with a little empty hand, a tree diagram similar to career promotion was projected.

"The core of the Martial God Realm has two points, namely the life force field and the star force field. Thanks to Li Mi's development of the life force field, we have found a solution, that is, the legendary star device. When a person refines his spirit to the extreme, Supplemented with legendary star artifacts, and refining a secret method of condensing energy and spirit, it is indeed possible to condense a life force field. We have conducted 30 rounds of attempts, and twelve people have successfully succeeded..."

"Wait, why twelve? What about the other eighteen?"

someone asked.

Chong Guang was silent for a moment, and said: "My Majesty Fu Qingtian once said that it is impossible for a living Martial Saint to condense the life force field, because at the moment when the life force field is condensed, all the energy and energy of the Martial Saint's body are stripped from his body, which is equivalent to an In the process from life to death, from death to life, even with the assistance of legendary star artifacts, we still cannot completely reduce the risk to zero. Out of 30 experiments, 12 people succeeded, and the other 18 people... quite wasteful of energy Exhausted...unfortunate death..."

Speaking of this, he immediately said: "However, nine of the twelve people who successfully condensed the life force field have said that they have touched the power of the star god... In other words, if they wanted to switch to cultivation at that time Stars are bound to succeed."

"Thirty people...twelve people, this probability is still within the scope of our acceptance, much higher than the probability of the final sublimation to star cultivation."

A legend said: "However... what we want is not a star refiner, but a martial god who is strong enough to kill legends! Even if one person can only drag one legend to the end, it is very cost-effective."

"I said that the Valkyrie we have cultivated is different from what we expected... It is because of this, Your Excellency, Legendary, and Legendary Mage are different."

Heavy light.

Many people quickly guessed what it was: "Astral body?"

"Yes, the astral body that can gather and disperse can resist the crushing of the star force field. After all, even if the Martial God burns jade and rocks to trigger the star force field, the time it can last is very short, and the astral body... any top alchemist Stars can gather and disperse several times, and the time can last more than ten seconds, let alone great star refiners and legends."

Chong Guang said: "That kind of power looks vast, but it can only bully those who don't have astral bodies."

As soon as these words came out, many people frowned at the same time.

"In addition, there is the comprehension of the star force field... Even after mastering the life force field, it is extremely difficult to comprehend this power and become a martial god. Among our twelve test subjects, nine of them have practiced for nearly a month, and they have no eyebrows at all. No, for the other three, we used astrology to induce the atomic will to simulate the movement of the stars for them to comprehend, but we helped them cultivate the star force field, but... it is very weak."

As Chong Guang spoke, he couldn't help but add: "The force field of life plus the force field of stars, even though it is considered a martial god, is probably half a chip weaker than high-level star refiners. At best, it can rule the roost at the stage of ordinary star refiners."

All the dignitaries who participated in the announcement of the research results of the Valkyrie looked at each other and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Finally, Yuan Zhenchuan said: "So, your conclusion is..."

"There are six conclusions."

Chong Guang said: "First, it is very difficult for Martial Gods to comprehend the force field of stars by themselves! It is very difficult, so difficult that there is almost no promotional value! And if we let us use astrology to simulate the movement of stars, for some reason, it will cause them to change. very weak."

As he spoke, he added: "Secondly, Martial Gods are not as powerful as imagined. At least, their magnetic field is not a big threat to the top star refiners who have cultivated astral bodies. The reason why the volcanic islands can bring us such powerful The shock, on the one hand, is our ignorance of this force... on the other hand... people!"

What is powerful is not some kind of cultivation system!

It is the person who masters this cultivation system!

"No! To be able to cause such powerful damage, we can't deny the power of the Valkyrie. We can only say that the astral body of the top star refiner restrains the magnetic field of the Valkyrie's stars. If the opponent is a fierce beast, this kind of power can still be dispatched." Useful."

Fu Qingtian interrupted Chongguang's words.

After hearing this, Zhong Guang nodded, "Your Majesty Fu Qingtian is right."

Next, he added four more conclusions.

After the narration, he said in a deep voice: "So, my suggestion is that the Shenwu Sect can be established, but... just like what Fu Qingtian said, the Martial God should not become the new mainstream, and the Martial Saints cultivate their vitality. After the battle, you should immediately embark on the road of star refining. Thanks to the stage of the life force field, the success rate of the martial saints has basically increased from 10% to 30%! This is the real contribution of the martial god!"

After the statement was over, he stopped talking and quietly waited for the big shots to make their decisions.

And these big shots also quickly discussed.

Thanks to the fact that there are many legends among them, they always focus on efficiency in doing things. In less than an hour, everyone has already made a decision.

"As you said, publicize the strengths and weaknesses of the Martial God One, and after condensing the life force field, those who have a good understanding of the star force field can be recommended to join the Shenwumen. Other Martial Saints... should immediately transfer to star cultivation. "

Yuan Zhenchuan announced loudly.

The turmoil of the Martial God Realm created by Li Mi has been finalized since then.


modern warfare...

There are more than a dozen modified pickup trucks, none of which have artillery, and the main weapons are rifles and submachine guns...

Let's consider modern warfare.

Li Mi had never seen this kind of war before, but found it interesting.


He underestimated Wen Yusheng's execution ability.

Although the lord looked easy to bully, when he made a decision, he acted extremely fast.

That night, three martial sages, Wen Ruxiu, Wen Xingchen, and Qiao Yuanshan were allowed to infiltrate Xiangshi collar, and directly leave an engraving in the bedroom of the lord Cuisheng.

The next day, when Cui Sheng woke up, he was frightened and furious. He was about to mobilize the army, but found that Xiangye City had already set up heavy defenses on the main route on the grounds of the Ginkgo Village tragedy to defend against monsters, as if it was planning to fight a real battle.

Although there are 3,000 defenders in the Xiangshi collar, the 3,000 defenders were deployed to defend against the invasion of Kanyun Kingdom. If the 3,000 defenders suffered heavy losses because of Cui Sheng's selfish desires, Kanyun Kingdom took advantage of it and lost it. Territory, even if Cui Sheng is the uncle of the country, he may not be able to take on this responsibility.


Xiang Shiling calmed down.

Three days later, the claim of asking for millions of funds has also disappeared.

But Wen Yusheng and others knew that this time, the two sides had completely torn their skins apart.

The next time Cui Sheng makes a move, it may not be as simple as blackmailing and beating the autumn wind. Once he can't bear it, what awaits Wen Yusheng and others will surely be an inevitable end.

But these have nothing to do with Li Mi.

He felt a little regretful that he didn't see a "modernization war", but when he thought of the poor people in Xiangye...

War, if it can be fought, it really shouldn't be fought.

At this time, Li Mi has arrived at the black gold mining area.

This time, it was no longer Qiao Yuanshan who was in charge of acting as his guide, but Wen Yu's eldest son, Wen Xingchen.


"When I became a martial saint six years ago, I sneaked into the black gold mining area more than once. I wanted to collect some fine gold and mithril to improve the people's livelihood in the territory, but... the black gold mining area has narrow paths, and there are too many living corpses and demons. A space for people to sneak into."

Wen Xingchen said in a deep voice: "In addition, some living corpses like to bury themselves in the ground. There is no abnormality on the surface. When we pass by, they will suddenly appear and attack us. There may even be ten corpses buried in a piece of land. Among the eight living corpses, more than half of the martial saints who sneaked into it were killed by such living corpses."

Li Mi nodded.

Soon, a living corpse appeared at the end of his vision.

Wen Xingchen quickly made a gesture to restrain his breath...

Then, they bypassed the living corpse tens of meters away.

During the whole process, the living corpse didn't react much.

"Living corpses and demons are most sensitive to star power, followed by qi and blood. As long as we don't fully stimulate qi and blood, it will be difficult to attract a large number of living corpses."

Wen Xingchen said.

"I heard that monsters can sense star refiners more than ten kilometers away?"

Li Mu said.

"A dozen kilometers is an exaggeration. Unless it is those top star refiners who have entered astralization, ordinary star refiners, and high-level star refiners, it will be difficult for living corpses and demons to sense them five or six kilometers away."

Wen Xingchen said.

"It's hard to sense it five or six kilometers away... that is to say, three or four kilometers is not a problem?"

Li Mi said, looking at a mine in front of her.

Although the black gold mining area is the largest mining area in the Dayue period, and the mine tunnels extend in all directions, the general width is only a dozen meters, and some narrow places are only a few meters.

Living corpses and demons moving within a range of three to four kilometers...

I dare not say dozens of them, but there are definitely ten or eight.

Surrounded by ten or eight living corpses and devils in such a small environment, is there any way for ordinary star refiners and high-level star refiners to survive?

At this moment, he finally understood why there was no strong organization to clear up the dangerous place of the black gold mining area.

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