From Mortal Flesh To Smashing Planets

Chapter 388: True or False

Li Mi looked around.

However, this different space is much larger than the Taoyuan Secret Realm of the Lin family.

After thinking for a moment, he flew straight ahead, intending to see if he could find some clues in the center of this different space.

At this moment, a dark green figure teleported again and appeared behind Li Mi.

Although Li Mi sensed this monster immediately, she still habitually swept the sword of fate towards her back.

Just like dealing with those monsters in the past.

But then, he realized something strange.

An extremely condensed thunder light that was many times stronger than the previous dark green monster erupted from this monster. The violent thunder light instantly shook away the sword of fate that had swept up, and ruthlessly bombarded Li Mi's body. .

Li Mi, who realized something was wrong, ran the star magnetic field at the first time, but that was the case, the blazing and violent thunder force still ran along the star magnetic field, destroying his body wantonly.

The surface of the body, the internal organs, instantly turned into scorched black under the high temperature.


Li Mi's spirit was shocked!

At the critical moment, he immediately cast the Nine Heavens Kunpeng and flashed quickly.

At the same time, he quickly took out the Heavenly Demon Armor from the storage order and put it on in one fell swoop.

It was also at this time that the second round of attacks from the dark green monster came quickly.

Even with the defense of the Heavenly Demon God Armor, the fiery and violent thunder still crazily eroded towards his body, melting his body.

In the moment when he had just become a top warrior, this kind of injury would have been fatal to him.

But at this moment...

Relying on flesh and blood, the scorched internal organs and ablated body were growing crazily, and Shengsheng pulled him back from the danger of hanging by a thread, and quickly recovered.

But the immediate crisis is not over.

A large number of monsters are still surging from afar.

No one knows whether there are quasi-legendary monsters like dark green monsters hidden inside.

"Heart, high."

Li Mi said in her heart.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength!

First the orc warriors, and then this dark green monster!

Today is already the second time he has fallen into crisis!

Fighting Xiao Qianyuan was called the strongest in the world by Ge Lin. Invisibly, he seemed to have relaxed a bit.

Right now, the dark green monster's teleportation blow gave him a blow to the head and woke him up again.

He turned around and looked at the dark green monster that continued to chase him.

This is just a quasi-legendary monster.

Of course, its teleportation-like attack is extremely threatening to any creature.

Including legends!

After all, compared to the Great Star Refining Masters, what Legends only enhanced was their ability to attack. In essence, they still relied on the astral body in defense.

Li Mi watched the monster's attack, and faintly realized the difference between it and other monsters.

Wisdom awakened.

He successfully visualized the Star God, and thus grew from a biological weapon similar to a clone to a real quasi-legendary monster.

"Even though it's just a monster... out of respect for the fact that you woke me up... I will do my best... to tear you apart."

Feeling the regenerated and recovered viscera, the fast-flying Li Mi suddenly turned around.

The sword of fate in his hand concussed and assassinated.

Sword Qi Galaxy!

Dozens of sword gangs roared through the void.

Although there is no Gaia star force field blessing here to increase speed and power, the dark green monster behind him is chasing at full speed, facing Li Mi's sudden counterattack, he is also caught off guard.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

Four of the dozens of sword gangs passed through it.


The blood spilled, causing the monster to let out a roar full of anger mixed with pain.

The next moment, its huge body suddenly turned around, and its sharp claws, wings, and the burst of lightning all turned into its most violent means of attack, and swept towards Li Mu at the same time.

Whether it is its powerful physical body close to a legendary monster or the violent thunder power contained in its body, every attack it has has the power to tear the body of a great star refiner. , there is no option other than astralization.

But once starlighted, these monsters only need to swallow a mouthful suddenly, and the great star master will immediately lose half of his life.

However, Li Mi is not a great star refiner.

Holding the sword of fate tightly in his hand, he was extremely calm in his heart.

But the boiling fighting spirit was like a flame, burning blazingly.

With the fusion of fiery and calm, he stimulated his perception, clearly and accurately capturing the trajectory of every attack of this dark green monster.

The moment this monster attacked...

"call out!"

Driven by the electric current, the Sword of Destiny seemed to turn into a ray of light, and met the monster's slapped wings, torn claws, and the burst of lightning with incredible speed, and then...

Under the magnetic field, the lightning shattered!

Sword light vertically and horizontally...




Three Swords.

Relying on the "armor-piercing" characteristic of the Sword of Destiny itself, even though the blood value of this monster may exceed 2,000, it was still cut off one wing and one sharp claw one by one in front of this sharpness. One sword almost beheaded the monster on the spot!

At the critical moment, this monster seemed to activate its almost "teleportation" talent again, and a flash appeared directly hundreds of meters away.

But almost at the same time that the monster appeared hundreds of meters away, Li Mi's gaze had precisely re-locked on his body, following his body slightly bent and squatting!

next moment……

A violent electric current visible to the naked eye exploded in the void!

A circle of white air waves exploded in a trend visible to the naked eye.

His figure is like a gigantic sword tearing apart the sky and shattering the clouds, piercing the void directly. The moment the monster reacted, a brilliant electric light enveloped his huge body, which seemed to contain a kind of A powerful binding force.

This restraining force coming from all directions is not strong for a dark green monster with more than 2,000 qi and blood. It is fully capable of breaking free, but this restraining force distorts and interferes with its surroundings, making it unable to move again. Inspire the kind of innate magical power similar to "teleportation".

With such a delay, Li Mi, holding the Sword of Destiny, collided with this monster that was trying to avoid it.

It's like a meteorite falling from the sky hits the earth!


The bursting air waves mixed with dark green blood swayed in all directions in the void.

Li Mi, who bumped into the dark green monster, directly pierced the sword of fate into its thick neck. When the blade picked up, the indestructible "armor-breaking" feature easily chopped the flesh, trachea, and bones on its neck into pieces. , the small half of the head was directly torn apart, turned into flesh and blood, and rolled into the void.

If it were a human being, this kind of injury would have already killed him.

However, quasi-legendary monsters with more than 2,000 qi and blood still maintained a tenacious vitality.

Not only roaring ferociously, but also the abdomen suddenly became gorgeous, and the electric light dissipated, as if there was terrifying plasma inside.

And actually...


This monster not only has the talent of teleportation, but also feeds on some special minerals similar to the magnetic crystal, which makes the body like an electric eel, condensing a huge current.

When the terrifying high temperature contained in these electric currents rises to the extreme, it will react with a special organ of itself, and some elements in the body will be heated into a plasma state, and then released through its own structure, forming an explosion similar to a plasma cannon. The terrifying killing move.

If this plasma energy hits the target, let alone a mortal body, even an aircraft carrier weighing more than 100,000 tons will be melted on the spot and sink into the sea.

It's a pity, before the plasma cannon-like attack in the monster's body had time to finish brewing, Li Mi, who raised her sword straight to the sky, turned around quickly.

At the moment when this monster's innate supernatural power was about to be released, the sword of fate in his hand had already pierced through the air!

Sword Qi Galaxy!

Moreover, it is also a galaxy of sword energy without the force field of Gaia's stars!

At this time, Li Mi carried the sword glow straight up into the sky, tens of meters away from the monster. Theoretically, the Sword Qi Galaxy, which has no boost, could do nothing to this quasi-legendary monster with more than 2,000 energy and blood. Serious injury, leaving a little bloodstain on its body is the limit.

But when the sword gang of this sword actually shot down, there were lightning flashes on it.

That is……

The electric light that belongs to Li Mi's own stellar magnetic field!

Under the traction of Jian Gang, these electric lights formed a special force field, and while shooting out a large amount of lightning, it also caused a strange frequency.

When these swords slashed the monster, the strange frequency exploded to the limit.

Obviously, all the sword gangs have not caused any substantial damage to this monster, but with the outbreak of this strange frequency, the dark green monster's body is used to restrain the plasma state, and it is about to form a supernatural power like a plasma cannon blow was disturbed.

that feeling...

Just like the critical period when the nuclear fusion experiment was being carried out, there was a sudden power outage.

Although it only stopped for a moment, for the dark green monster that was restraining the plasma energy, it was enough to make the destructive energy in its body completely out of control.

Under the terrified eyes of this monster, the light from its abdomen became brighter and brighter, almost shining through its body.


Not almost!

The next moment, its abdomen was melted by the terrifying high temperature, and a large amount of azure blue plasma energy surged out, submerging the monster in an instant.

But before the monster had time to release all the energy, Li Mi, who had turned around, had already fallen from the sky.

With the help of the eruption and falling momentum of the natal magnetic field, the sword of fate with the characteristic of "piercing armor" seemed to be cutting tofu, and it was easy to cut on its head, which had lost half of its own head. Defeat this monster with a sword.

Losing his head to give orders, the plasma energy, which was already difficult to control, could no longer be suppressed and exploded.

The green blood mixed with extremely hot plasma exploded from the sky, like a gorgeous firework, illuminating this void illuminated only by dim moonlight like daytime.

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