Listen to the continuous description of Yuan Zhenzhuan, as well as the supplements of other powerful people.

Plus the information in Li Mi's hand.

He gradually understood why the human race didn't pay much attention to the existence of different spaces.

Rules limit...

They feel that even if there is a civilization eyeing Gaia, they can only secretly support the local monsters and let the local monsters stir up trouble.

As for the different space...

Local creatures and local monsters may be able to get help from there, but creatures from other civilizations cannot really come to Gaia.

The corpse that happened in Taoyuan Secret Realm is the best example.

"You didn't try to contact the civilization over there through a different space to determine whether the news is true or not?"

Li Mu said.

"Of course we tried."

Yuan Zhenchuan said with some emotion: "Otherwise, how do you think the Beast Familiar System and the Star Palace System came about?"

Li Mi was stunned.

The Beast Familiar System and the Star Palace System actually...

"But that's all."

Riyao Tianzun said: "Because, just like we can't judge the truth of what the people of the Dragon Empire said, we can't accurately judge the purpose of these civilizations to give us this information, and what's more, the two systems they gave us... basically They are all limited to the star refiner class, and the routes of the legendary class are all deduced by us based on the information they gave, which in itself represents their defense against us."


All enemies and competitors!

"We are fortunate that our competitors are only the civilizations in the river system we are in. The outside civilizations are restricted by rules and cannot compete with us. In addition, even now, there is a huge gap between civilizations, but as long as we can If you survive the early stage and persevere, you will have nine hundred years of breathing space. Under the guidance of the Human Alliance, these nine hundred years should allow us to shorten the gap between us..."

Sun Yao Tian Zun Dao.

"Tianzun, I want to reiterate that the authenticity of this news has not been confirmed. Perhaps there is no human alliance at all, only some evil invaders around our Gaia civilization."

Wood said.

Seeing this, Riyao Tianzun stopped talking.

Yuan Zhenzhuan did not continue on this topic: "I will send you all the information about different spaces and alien civilizations. As for whether it is true or not, it is up to you to judge, but no matter what... there are two points that are worthwhile. Definitely, the first point, we need to eliminate all the monsters before the end of the protection period of the first stage, and establish our dominance on Gaia! The second point...human nations must unite as one to fight against the dangerous outside world form!"

He waved his hand heavily: "It is imperative to restructure the Human League. We must choose a real president, a capable and courageous leader! Unify all forces to deal with the increasingly severe crisis."

Yuan Zhenchuan's words did not refute.

For these two points, everyone has reached a common understanding.

"So, I wonder, how much time do we have?"

Li Mu said.

"We don't know the exact time when the great star god fell, but we think it won't be too far from the first time we observed his existence, that is to say, the time when the great star god fell is ninety-six years at the latest Before, the time left for us is six years at most, but we can't calculate it in six years, the deadline we set is three years!"

Yuan Zhenchuan's expression was full of sternness: "We must complete the elimination of these dangerous places capable of establishing the Kingdom of God within three years, and must complete the restructuring of the Human League within three years and elect the first president."

"Three years..."

Li Mi was stunned.

Up to six years.

Time is really running out.

At this moment, he finally understood why the movements of the world's six poles have become more frequent recently.

Originally, a series of major events that would have taken several months, or even more than half a year, passed in a very short period of time.

"With regard to the candidate for the first president of the Human League, every Xeon is eligible to be nominated, but the key lies in who can be recognized by the majority."

Yuan Zhenchuan glanced at Li Min: "Next, do your best."

The meeting has since come to an end.

The other powerhouses silently sized up Li Mi, stood up, and disappeared.

Li Mi glanced at the commander-in-chief of the special joint team, and thought of the many messages she had received, and felt that he needed to go back and digest it.

As the surrounding environment changed and the simulation space was closed, Li Mi appeared in a room with a sense of technology.


Almost before Li Mu regained consciousness, his wristband vibrated slightly more than ten times.

Li Mi took a look.

Detailed explanation of different spaces.

Research on Alien Civilization.

The permission of the legendary treasure house is opened.

Introduction to the powers and responsibilities of directors.

4.3 billion credits arrived.


Li Mi checked them one by one.

Among them, the more important ones are the 4.3 billion credits and the opening of the legendary treasure house.

The 4.3 billion points come from his contribution to flattening the Death Valley.

As the name suggests, the legendary treasure house is a treasure house for exchanging and exchanging legendary cultivation resources.

Li Mi flipped through it for a while, and the legendary star artifact was clearly within the scope of exchange.

Different types of legendary star artifacts have different prices.

The high ones are several billion, and the low ones are more than one billion.

Li Mi's 4.3 billion points may seem like a lot, but in fact, they can only be exchanged for two or three legendary star artifacts.

"If you can exchange for legendary materials..."

Li Mi searched for a while, and soon found Shenyuanzhu.

The exchange price of this kind of treasure also reached 300 million.

Considering his lack of spiritual value, he directly exchanged all 4.2 billion points for 14 Shenyuan beads.

As for other supplies...

These include some treasures that are similar in effect to the Lightning Magnetic Crystal, but are much higher in quality.

But under the trade-off, he still chose the Shenyuan Orb to temper the spirit first.

As the mental value increases, he can dig deeper into the power of genes, so that the blood can grow faster.

In addition, the improvement of spiritual value and the magnetic field of stars are also complementary.

Therefore, exchanging points for Shenyuan beads is the best choice he needs now.

"Finally enjoying some of the benefits of being a high-ranking human race."

Li Mi said in her heart.

Sensing Su Dongfeng's presence outside the door, he had been waiting for a while, so he stood up and opened the door.

Outside the door, Su Dongfeng who saw Li Mi immediately smiled and cupped his hands in congratulations: "Congratulations to Palace Master Li for being promoted to director."

"With great power, great power comes great responsibility."

Li Mu said.

"I have never had any doubts about Li Dianzhu's ideological awareness."

Su Dongfeng nodded in admiration, and then said: "I have already arrived in Jiangzhou City. Why do you want to visit Shenwumen, Master Li? Everyone in Shenwumen is eager for your arrival."

"I won't go to Shenwumen. Time is running out. I need to rush to Xuanyue Island as soon as possible. Before that... let's meet some acquaintances."

Li Mu said.

"Let it be arranged by Dianzhu Li."

Su Dongfeng agreed immediately.


Li Mi finished the enlarged meeting of the Human Alliance, and when she went to meet Li Mu, Lin Xiaolu, Qin Rouran and others who were familiar with her, the five legends of the Star Alliance who also ended the meeting also gathered together with gloomy expressions.

The most powerful and the leader of the Freezing Ring, Wood!

Lincoln, White Eagle, Zuo Xiangfeng, Offee.

"Our application has been rejected again!"

Wood said in a deep voice: "We are more aware of the danger of the tenth heaven than anyone else, especially the tenth dragon slaying hall. There are so many monsters, and the manpower and material resources that our Star Alliance invests in it every year are innumerable. Turn a blind eye to this!"

His eyes swept over the four of them: "I suggest, implement the second plan."

"Do you really want to let the monster spread to increase the danger level?"

Offee frowned and said, "The risk is too high! Once these monsters rush out of the Tenth Heaven Realm, maybe... the entire south of the alliance will be completely paralyzed!"

"As long as we can implement this plan during the period when Xuanyue Island is wiped out, and then let the Human Alliance launch an emergency plan, the legend of Xuanyue Island, the great star refiner, will definitely rush to help as soon as possible, and wipe out ten Heavy Heaven Realm is the first sequence."

Wood said heavily: "Time is running out, this is our only chance."

"I agree with His Majesty Wood's statement."

Zuo Xiangfeng said in a deep voice: "Why can the big merchants develop rapidly and become the most promising candidate for the next president of the Human League? It is because they are not dragged down by the top dangerous places in their territory, so they can freely attack everywhere and increase their international presence. Influence."

He glanced at several people: "If our Star Alliance can also destroy this dangerous place in the territory and draw out the great star refiners and legends guarding the tenth heaven realm, other countries will still have to ask us to do things. In this way, Not to mention that we can take advantage of the opportunity to gain more benefits, and our international influence will also increase, and when the election for the chairmanship of the Human League, we will not worry about them not voting for us."


Bai Ying also followed suit: "Even though the words of the people of the Dragon Empire cannot be fully believed, what if what he said is true? At that time, whoever can become the first president of the Human Alliance will be equivalent to the Gaia civilization." The leader who is connected with the Human Race Alliance! What does this mean!? It means that the support given by such behemoths as the Human Race Alliance will be distributed by us, and by that time, our Star Alliance will be the uncrowned king of Gaia civilization."

The two legends Lincoln and Orpheus were silent.

"How insignificant are human beings compared to the great star gods? How insignificant is Gaia compared to the vast sea of ​​stars? If we can contact the Human Alliance, we can not only hope to make further progress on the existing basis, Becoming above the legend, even close to the life form of the Star God, the brilliance of Gaia will continue to sprinkle the galaxy under the leadership of the Star Alliance!"

Wood said heavily: "The other legends of the Human League simply don't have enough courage to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Only we can make a decisive decision. In the face of the vast universe, let alone the paralysis of the south, no matter how great the sacrifice and effort are It's worth it!"

"Star God, Universe..."

Lincoln and Offee looked at each other.


In this vast and boundless universe, it is indeed too small.

Those who make big things don't care about small things...

"If you insist, then do it."

Lincoln sighed.

Offie didn't speak, but apparently acquiesced to his decision.

"Thank you two best friends for your trust! Believe me!"

Wood clangs forcefully: "I will definitely make the Star Alliance great again!"

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