"The star gate is open, I'll go through it."

Li Ma glanced into the distance.

"Go ahead."

Bai Chao nodded.

Watching Li Ma leave...

He felt a little sorry for this young hero.


Just a little bit closer to becoming the direct successor of the ruler!

What an honor it would be once you become the direct descendant of the Lord! ?

Really reach heaven in one step.


After all, it is the master’s personal inheritance!

How high is the master's vision?

Although Li Mu has performed extremely well, in ten star years, she has practiced a supreme method to almost the fourth level.

Even with the help of the special environment of the Golden Land, coupled with a large number of gold coins and luck blessings, ten star years can be compared to thousands of others...

Is the advantage more than just a tiny bit greater?

But the Lord...

Except for the creatures of the same realm, no matter how powerful the genius is, this is probably the only thing they can do in their eyes.

In addition, Li Mi is taking the supreme route rather than dominating...

In the end, there was still a slight chance.

Almost immediately after Li Mu walked towards the star gate, two figures hurriedly projected in their avatar form.

It was the master of Yuntu Palace and the master of Ran Shenji Palace who were half a beat behind.

"Where's Li Li?"

Yuntu Star God immediately asked, and then said: "The master of the palace meets him."

"Palace Master?"

Bai Chao was slightly startled and quickly looked in the direction of the star gate.

But the star gate...

It has been opened and there is no trace of Li Mu.

"Should I send a message to Li Mu and ask him to come back?"

Bai Chao immediately said.

"No need, I will already be here when you come."

At this time, a powerful divine thought swept across.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a phantom and projected in front of the star gate.

It is none other than the Master of the Void Divine Cang Palace, Zhouguang Muhai, who is also known as the Light of Twilight.

Compared to Yuntu and Ran Shenji, what he sent was just a divine thought. Except for the three deputy palace masters who could sense it, no one around him was aware of it.

"Palace Master."

Yun Tu, Bai Chao, and Ran Shenji saluted at the same time.

"Let him deal with the trivial matters first."

Muhai Zhouguang said.

Several people nodded as they thought about the situation in Yinluo Galaxy that was about to end.

For a moment, Bai Chao hesitated and asked: "There is no doubt about Li Ma's talent. In ten years, she has cultivated the original supreme method to almost the fourth level. It is not an exaggeration to call her a supreme genius. This kind of talent is beyond doubt." The talent is close to me... If I become a disciple of Taishi, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Muhai Zhouguang glanced at him, but knew what he meant by what he said.

I was helping Li Mu ask if it was possible for him to become Taishi's disciple.


The master of the Void Divine Palace shook his head: "I'm afraid it will be difficult."


Bai Chao, Yun Tu, and Ran Shenji were startled at the same time.

"First of all, whether it is the supreme or the master, at their status, they and the living beings below them belong to two different concepts. The gap between them is not inferior to Zhou Guang and Sun Yao, and is even greater. In short, for them, whether to accept a disciple or not has never been about whether the person's talent is outstanding, but whether they have the mood. Without this mood, even if you are the supreme genius who dominates an era, they will not bother to care. "

Muhai Zhouguang said: "Li Ma's performance in the Heavenly Prison World is indeed worthy of being called the supreme genius, but... the Heavenly Prison World is special after all. It gathers thousands of destinies under one body and can create any miracle." possible."

"That's the case, but why is it that only Li Mu can almost complete the fourth level of a supreme method? Others... such as the best group of people are also stuck in the third level, especially Li Mu. It only took ten years to get to this point! From this point you can see the difference between him and others.”

Bai Chao Xing Shen Dao.

"That's why I say he deserves to be called the supreme genius."

When Mu Hai Zhouguang said this, he sighed: "But Li Ma seized the opportunity of the Heavenly Prison World, but missed the opportunity of the Supreme Personal Transmission. It can be seen that although he has great luck, this luck is not enough. It is so strong that it can change your destiny."

"Did you miss the chance to pass on the supreme inheritance?"

The Yuntu Star God on the side thought of something: "This time, the person in charge of besieging the great master in the Supreme Council seems to be His Majesty Taishi..."


Muhai Zhouguang nodded: "If in the past, in the Temple of Humanity, Li Mi could practice the original supreme method to this extent in just ten star years, and then apply to become a disciple of the great Taishi Supreme, this supreme majesty There is a high probability that they will agree to include him in the door wall, but this time..."

The twilight light sighed: "The great master was besieged by Taishi Zhigao. Afterwards, the master specifically proposed to keep Li Mi, intending to accept him as a disciple. However, Li Mi missed the opportunity not long after. Failing to stay with the great master, in this case, what does it mean for Taishi Supreme to accept Li Mu again?"

Although he had vaguely had similar thoughts in his mind, Bai Chao still felt his heart sinking when he heard Twilight Light speaking out this speculation in person.

What does this mean? ?

It means that Taishi Supreme is picking up the things abandoned by the Lord of the Black Abyss and accepting them as his disciples like treasures.

"Of course, Taishi Supreme is by no means a superficial person. Even if he does this, he will not take it too seriously, and it will not have any impact on Li Fei's future growth. But I also said it at the beginning, For the supreme beings who stand at the top of the universe, when recruiting disciples, what they value most is never whether the disciple has outstanding talent, but whether they are in the mood..."

Muhai Zhouguang sighed: "The occurrence of this incident will undoubtedly reduce Li Mu's impression in the minds of the supremes, thus making the great supremes lose interest in him preemptively..."


Yuntu Star God listened to his palace master's narration and somewhat understood the thoughts of the supreme ones.

For those big shots at the top of the universe, how valuable is their time and energy?

The idea of ​​taking on a disciple is not an easy thing in itself.

And as soon as they plan to recruit disciples, some people are willing to recommend themselves.

Even for nobles at the pinnacle of power in the mortal world, when recruiting secretaries, good connections are more important than ability.

Because everyone who can enter his secretary's pre-selected list is the top talent in this industry and has reached the peak of his ability.

If the earthly dignitaries are like this, how much more the supreme being in the universe?

Thinking of this, Yuntu Star God sighed: "Li Ming... is really unlucky."

"The times are bad. How can you, including me, be qualified to evaluate Li Mu like this? Li Mu is obviously a person with great luck. Otherwise, how could she stand out in the world of hell and gain access to the supreme Dharma with her mere sacred body?"

Muhai Zhouguang shook his head: "It can only be said that the balance of heaven and earth cannot be monopolized by one person."

Yuntu, Bai Chao, and Ran Shenji nodded regretfully.

"Well, no matter what, Li Ma has such a talent. In the future, he can only wait until he enters the star realm, which will take up to a thousand years to achieve eternal solar glory. After becoming eternal solar glory, as long as he can pass the test of condensing the true spirit. , will surely become the Zhouguang Monarch, and by that time, when all of us see him, we will have to hold him in our hands and call him His Majesty."

Muhai Zhouguang said and laughed: "I was able to witness the birth of such a supreme genius when I was the master of the Void God's Palace... It's interesting, it's really interesting, hahaha."

Amid laughter, his mental fluctuations quickly dissipated.

When Yun Tu, Bai Chao, and Ran Shenji saw this, they also thought of Li Ma's potential, and quickly put away their regrets.


No matter how bad you are, as long as you survive the test of condensing the true spirit, you will be able to reach the realm of Lord Zhouguang in the future.

where are they?

Let alone Lord Zhou Guang, there is no hope of condensing the true spirit to achieve Zhou Guang.

Who have the right to feel sorry for such a talented person who will surely surpass them in the future?

Yuntu Star God glanced at Ran Shenji, who was standing aside, and even tried to persuade him: "Palace Master Ran, when Li Xianxian first arrived at the Void God's Cang Palace, your attitude towards him was a little unfriendly, which may form a problem that will be difficult to unravel in the future. misunderstanding... It is better to find an opportunity to apologize to Xianxian Li... Otherwise, when Xianxian Li becomes a true spirit and becomes a king, it will be too late..."

Ran Shenji frowned but said nothing.

Yuntu had no choice but to say again: "Perhaps Xianxian Li won't care about you because of your love for being born in the Void God Cang Palace, but as a Zhouguang Lord... in the future, there will be too many people coming to curry favor with him. I'm afraid that some people will take advantage of this matter and take action against you... Afterwards, even if Pioneer Li had no intention of dealing with you, you have already suffered the hardship you deserved."

other people……

Ran Shenji's expression changed slightly.

He knew that Yuntu Star God was by no means an alarmist.

Almost every one of them has experienced this kind of thing.

When he became a Star God, some passers-by who had no more than verbal disputes with them were also picked out by those forces who wanted to gain his goodwill.

He still clearly remembered that a young man from the family who only bid with him at the auction made him quite angry at the time, but completely forgot about it afterwards. One year after he became a Star God, he was directly destroyed by the forces that attached to him. The whole clan.

What did he say when he found out about this?

I don't think it's necessary to do this.


Everyone is dead and there is nothing left to say.

Those dependent forces have good intentions after all.

So be it.



Thinking of this, the Sun Yao Palace Master took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I understand... It is better to dissolve enemies than to make knots..."

Yinluo Galaxy.

The Human Alliance is stationed in a star gate not far from the Yinluo Galaxy office.

Yan Qing, who came from an extraordinary background and got the news from the Shenzang Palace news channel, waited directly in front of the star gate.

Also waiting in front of this star gate like him were Xia Yan, a member of the Shenzang Palace, the overlord of the Yinluo Galaxy, and the three overlords of the Lin family, Ying family, and Shuo family.

However, compared to the high-spirited Lin Yu, the head of the Lin family, the heads of the other two families were directly restrained and all their powers were blocked.

Even the star gods behind these two families have descended into incarnations and are waiting anxiously aside to accept the next trial.

As the star gate overflows with light.

A figure stepped out from the ripples of space.

It's Ms. Li.

Almost at the same time that Li Fei appeared, dozens of people waiting outside the star gate respectfully greeted and saluted: "Welcome Li Tianjiao back."

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