"This website is too old!" Jiang Han remained calm.

Because, he knew, he was right.

Although Pomodoro has some of the characteristics of station B, more of the characteristics are the same as other websites, and the traces of the times are too serious.

This kind of platform is obviously not suitable for the development of ACG's young industry.

Therefore, he had the idea of ​​creating station B.

the other side.

Feeling the corners of my clothes being pulled by my baby girl, he sighed slightly, and then patiently continued to ask:

"Old? What do you mean?


"I mean, your website doesn't understand young people at all, and it's not suitable for the rhythm of young people!!"

Jiang Han's tone is very confident.

He is confident enough,

Take the previous life, the most popular website among young people should be the B site.

Even a New Year's Eve party at a small break station can hang all kinds of TV stations.

It can be said that the website that understands young people best.

It is precisely because of this example that he knows what type of young people like.


Strictly put down the wine glass and looked at Jiang Han with bad eyes:

"I want to know, what answer can you give me."

"Of course!" Jiang Han smiled slightly.

Then, I told the general situation of station B behind.

Of course the biggest feature is the theme and barrage.

Back then, watching things at station B was basically rushing to the barrage.

Then, there is the ‘ghost animal area’ of the soul area.

After all, station B is known as the next two areas, the ghost animal area and the material area...

And, live and self

media! !

Even B station has a unique registration method.

He eloquently said a lot.

After he finished speaking, he frowned and was silent.

It seems to be thinking about the feasibility of these suggestions.

Nongyu opened his mouth slightly, and he couldn't believe that these novel ideas were actually thought of by his boss.(Read more @ wuxiamtl.com)

Even if she is not proficient in website operation, she can still feel the attractiveness of this website.

After Jiang Han finished speaking, he was not in a hurry and drank a cup by himself.

Looks indifferently, it seems to be accurate and strict


"Seriously, your idea is very novel!!" Yan Yan was silent for a while, then slowly said.

Jiang Han did not answer the call immediately.

He knew that there must be something to do with tightening.

Of course, if he did so, Nong Yan was a little depressed.

Seeing no one answered the call, he also coughed dryly, and then spoke again:

"However, these are all your thoughts, and there are still many questions!"

"Oh, those questions?" Jiang Han was still confident.

"For example, what you said, this barrage, although it is an idea, but

The disadvantage is that it is too obvious. If too much, blocking the screen, it will definitely cause the viewing experience, and it needs to be cleaned up regularly. "

"Secondly, the registration of the answer you said is absolutely impossible."

"There has never been a website that drove customers out. You will lose a large number of users like this!!"

"If you are like this, although you can stand up to new ideas, the gains outweigh the losses."

Tightening is also extremely serious at the moment. As a boss, he is still very capable, and he thought of these shortcomings the first time.

If you look at his timeline, his opinion is that there is no question


But sorry.

Jiang Han said that I just opened the hook and it was totally unreasonable.


Hearing this, Jiang Han refuted without hesitation:

"Uncle Nong, that's a bad word."

"The role of the barrage is to influence the viewing of the movie, pull people out of the video, and show that the communication and discussion between people is a communication tool. In many cases, the barrage is even more attractive than the video itself."

He didn't talk nonsense about this.

I think back then, he went to station B just to watch the barrage...

Even, the barrage at station B is much better than the original film and television, and the barrage is endless,

"As for answering and registering, this is precisely to screen your loyal users."

"Since we are a platform with themes, while screening content, we must also screen users."

"Although these loyal users are not as many as ordinary people, the paid conversion rate is very high."

"Although he will lose some useless traffic, he will get a relatively pure, quiet and peaceful platform."

"Moreover, they will cherish the account obtained in this way!"

This is true.

Although the quality of the barrage at station B has declined a bit over the years, it is still far higher than other websites.

Answer registration, it really cleans up the environment of the entire B station.

Besides, don’t those who answered incorrectly still have an invitation code? ?

Therefore, he didn't panic at all.

Hearing his explanation, Nong Yan did not immediately respond.

Instead, he was silent, thinking about the pros and cons.

Seeing this, Jiang Han also said immediately:

"Uncle Nong, let's do it, do you want us to make a bet?"

"What to bet? How to bet?" Yan Yan also became a little interested.

"I come up with ideas, you contribute funds and equipment, and we will build a new platform together. We bet that this platform will reach the top five in China in terms of traffic within one year!!"

Yan Yan did not speak.


After a long time, he went on to say:

"Why create a brand new platform?"

PS: Please support! ~!


Read more @ wuxiamtl.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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