See here.

Jiang Han also nodded. In his company, you can have a weak foundation, but you must accept it.

People's mentions.

Therefore, he did not delay, and began to seriously flicker?? Bah, to guide. "What do you think is the advantage of our park over other parks? Yun Yun, you can also

Just think about it and see how you are learning in this way.

Hear the words.

Both women frowned, both thinking about the mystery of Jiang Han's words.

Aisha was still at a loss.

And Yun

Yun has been trained many times by Jiang Han, and gradually, her way of thinking has changed.

Some are inclined to Jiang Han.

So, after thinking about it for a while, she also suddenly thought of

Sao operation.

There was a flash of inspiration, and he replied with some uncertainty:

"Because?? Our park can rub IP?"

Heard this.

Jiang Han hasn't responded yet, but Aisha next to her showed a suddenly realized expression.

Instead, he looked at Jiang Han with admiration.

"Yes." Jiang Han also affirmed, and then did not give the two women a chance to buffer, and continued to ask:

"But how can you let others know? I mean how can you let you

People in the park can tell the difference from other parks?"

This passage is a bit forgiving.

After the two women heard it, they were all at a loss:

"Boss, I don't quite understand

"What's wrong with this." Jiang Han shook his head and smiled: "What do you think is the purpose of tourists going out for fun? Or in other words, you


Do you want to attract customers only locally, or do you want tourists from all over the world to come here?

"Of course there are people from all over the world!" Aisha replied impatiently.

"That's right! Then I ask you, what is the purpose of tourists traveling for?"

"To relax?" Aisha tried to answer.

"No." Jiang Han shook his head:

"Traveling is more tiring. I don't dare to talk back when I go out to get angry. I climb up and down every day, and I'm tired!"

"Only the wealthy travel is relaxing, and ordinary people travel is suffering! But they still

It’s always fun, why is that?"

Naturally, the two women are also wealthy people who are all evil. On vacation and travel, they usually walk in five-star hotels.

So, they don't know, why.

"Why?" "Because you can show off!" Jiang Han shrugged:

"At a place, crowded, and then take a selfie with a landmark in the background, then

I want to get likes and envy from others on the Internet. Isn't this the true essence of tourism?"

The two women thought about it carefully, remembered it carefully, verified it boldly, and then found that it seemed to be nothing.


"So Boss, what do you mean?" Aisha seemed to think of something, but it seemed to be separated

A layer of paper, a little fuzzy,

"Brand, brand!" Jiang Han couldn't help knocking Aisha on the head. She was so shy.

In his eyes, he said again:

"The most important thing is to build a brand! To distinguish Disneyland from other parks!"

However, I heard this.

Aisha suddenly understood something, a bright light came out of her eyes, and she replied hurriedly:(Read more @


Board, I understand, we should use our own IP as the core to create our theme


Speaking of this, Aisha is so excited.

She got it!!

What Aisha can think of, Yun Yun can naturally also think of it.


She thought a little deeper.

The success of "Study Beach" has verified the horror of the IP economy.


Even though the flow of "Situo Beach" has dropped a bit now, it still ranks at the top of the list.

The largest Middle Eastern game makers can’t afford to raise their heads.

You know, it only has a G size baby!!

Although the results are so good, the quality of "Situo Beach" is naturally not bad.

However, because I got to Qin Shi’s IP, I took off directly, keeping up with the next floor, and even growing.

The time is saved.

This is the hot spot of the IP economy.

To this.

Jiang Han didn't end, but shook his head and continued:

"These are far from enough!"

"Huh? Not enough?" Two women

All dumbfounded.

After Jiang Han’s suggestion, they thought that they knew Jiang Han’s path, and it turned out that there were still

Deep meaning.

How can this not surprise them.

Seeing the dumbfounded look of the two women, Jiang Han did not speak immediately, but pointed to the opposite CEO’s office.

A delicate glass bottle inside asked:

what is that?"

The two women looked suspiciously in the direction of his fingers:

"Mineral water, what's the matter? Boss??" "How much?" Jiang Han asked after him. "A thousand dollars!" Aisha had some marks on it.

Elephant, reported a super high number. "Then what is the difference between the taste of this water and a bottle of bottled water?"

"It doesn't seem to make a difference." Aisha was a little dizzy.

"Then why do you want to buy it?" "Uh, I didn't buy this, but Mr. Joey wanted to buy it." Aisha raised her small hand, weak


She is now the position of the president of Shengdao. Naturally, she didn't buy the bottle of water.

Jiang Han: ""

Although his pretense was interrupted, but based on his mental quality, he naturally adjusted it immediately.

Come over, again

Added a question:

"Then in the future, will you buy this high-end water??"

Hear the words.

Aisha thought for a while, and then replied seriously:

"Yes, because I need some high-end products to set off my status."

"Even if you know that the water is a pit of money?" Jiang Han smiled.

"Yes, even if I know it. Or, because I know it, I will buy it." Ai

Sha nodded brightly in her eyes.

To this position, whether you save money or not, you have to spend something


And this bottle of water is naturally one of them.

It is precisely because of the'limited' and'high price' of this bottle of water that it has the value as an embellishment.

People like them who have long been financially free have never said that their money is worthless, but

Can this thing bring him pleasure.

Obviously, the "limited" and "price" of this bottle of water can bring him pleasure.

Especially when other people came into her office and saw the bottle of water, they were shocked and envious.



Let her soul be satisfied and set off her status, which is worth a thousand dollars.

This is also the true psychology of many wealthy people when they buy things.

Aisha's vision is naturally very long-term.

The point is here, she naturally saw it: "Boss, what do you mean?? Packing? Packing our Disney theme park into a relatively high

The kind of end?

Heard this.

Jiang Han showed a teachable smile:


"Then how do you do it?

What? "Yun Yun is very curious about this.

Jiang Han smiled slightly:

"It's easy, add money!!"

Having said that, he really wanted to see it.


He wants to make Disney a real money maker, just like treating flower growers in the previous life.

To treat Americans more severely,

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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