-"What 1 do you want to buy Dituni?

In the hotel suite, Yun Yun looked at Jiang Han in a daze.

"What's wrong? Surprised?" Jiang Han was very calm.

"That's Dituni, the U.S. official capital injection, they can let you buy 2?" Yun Yun didn't believe it.

"That was before. The US government had already withdrawn its capital a long time ago. They are now a dead mouse on L." Jiang Han shook his head.

"But...but." Yun Yun was a little tangled _ but she couldn't think of a reason to refute, she was a little anxious.


She is not optimistic about the acquisition of Disney.

Although, the acquisition of Disini can open up the U.S. market and buy a nail in the U.S.

However, after opening the market, they didn't have anything to send in.

Just rely on "Cat and Mouse"?

To know.

"Super Seminary" is forbidden.

Such things as "Sixty-Five Zero" Fox Demon, "God of Chess". The audience is very small.

In summary.

She really doesn't understand e

However, Jiang Han is very determined I

However, he seemed to have thought of something again. Some awkwardly asked Yun Yun;

"That... Yun Yun, do we still have money? 2"

Yes, after working as a shopkeeper for a long time, Jiang Han really doesn't know how much money he has.

Or how much is the mystery now.

He only knew that the mystery seemed to be quite profitable, but he didn't know how much it made.

Hear the words.

Yun Yun, who has always had a good temper, couldn't help but give it to him. He rolled his eyes.

She dare


Jiang Han is definitely the first boss in history. He doesn't even check how much money the company has.

I don’t know if I get scammed


Although she was very speechless about Jiang Han's appearance.

But, think about it-= Next. I am very happy again.

Jiang Han's doing this is not a side description. Does Jiang Han trust them?


Isn't this feeling that L is for them to control the money?

Take care of the money, take care of the money_. Isn’t this the division of labor for the wife and the west?

Thought of this.

She also seemed to have eaten honey in her heart-: said with a smile at the corner of her mouth,

"Boss, this won't work anymore"

"Hmm, go on" Jiang Han nodded again and again, let's talk about it when he's dealt with it.

Seeing him like this. 2 Yun Yun also knew that he was not interested.

However, at this time, she was in a mood. I haven't struggled with this matter anymore

Regarding the question of Jiang Han, she has memorized it backwards. There is no dull start to report numbers,

"Boss, let's talk about station B first. For the first item, we account for 4% of the shares. Excluding transportation

Operating costs, the cost of purchasing other works and the necessary working capital. We pay dividends 5

"In the second month, because of the opening of the comics section, your income increased sharply, with a dividend income of 57301.

"Speaking of animation, _ "Qin Shi> sold to B account, each episode of 20 L. A total of 20. QW. Sold to CCTV..."

Hear here.

Jiang Han has a headache.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

He is really insensitive to these.

He doesn't like money. He has no interest in money

Hearing these two sets of data, I was a little confused.


See Yun Yun more and more energetic. He also stopped quickly.

"Stop, stop, cute Yun Yun, just tell me the result. Just say that if we buy Disney now, will 2 put pressure on the operation of mystery 3?"

Yun Yun is in a good mood

Even if I was interrupted by Jiang Han, I didn’t feel annoyed. Just smiled, then whispered softly,

"Boss, you are too unconfident, right? With the current Disney, even if you buy ten, it will not have any impact on our operations!"

Heard this.

Jiang Han was really surprised.

did not expect. Did not expect. _I suddenly became so rich.

If this were in the last life, I can hardly even think about it. ,

You know, that's Di Shi Ni.

. In the last life, he was a big man with a market value of 170 billion dollars.

Now, he can actually buy ten in one go ⊥

Well, though, the two _ can't be side by side.

But if I think about it, Im cool to be the thief" L

Jiang Han said directly to Yun Yun without hesitation.

"Then Yun Yun, you go to draft an acquisition plan, the more

The sooner the better!"

And seeing Jiang Han so resolute, Yun Yun didn't quite understand it though. But after all the orders came out. Naturally, she wouldn't be holding back, and she nodded immediately, "Okay. I'll prepare right away."

After speaking, she did not hesitate. Immediately began to contact the assessment company and the lawyer.

And here while discussing the acquisition of Dituni. .

There are also meetings within the Disney Company.

Headed by Joey and Myerson sat at the front, watching the materials that Aisha handed over

Face milling green 0.

For a long while.

Joey Cai

Holding up the material, / asked L in a cold voice, "Miss Aisha. I hope you can give it to me

Explain. Give me what does the market value evaluation of Xuanji Technology mean. "

As soon as this remark came out.

The whole office == piece of uproar

Now who doesn't know, Xuanji Technology is their enemy.

To know.

at the beginning. There is an official capital injection for their little days. That's called a country.

Delicious and delicious serving the little home

A class. There are still a lot of bonuses to get. Big


It was after fighting with Xuanji.

Their subsidies are acceptable, but they are not as moisturizing as before.

Then, there is Alpha Dog.,


After that, the high salary was cut in half without the I salary.

This is uncomfortable.

It can be said that it is a mystery. Let them fall from the high-class life of being drunk and obsessed, and become a poor life where they are still planning to eat and drink for the next meal.

This kind of hatred is not shared.

And now.

Aisha actually took out

An evaluation of the market value of Xuanji Technology.

Look at the long list of zero market values.

There are also many IP real estate. _

They are envious again. 2 is jealous again. Still puzzled.

What do you mean?

Don't you think we don't have enough heart here? 3

Let’s start with my family 3

Don't bring such a fun L!

For a time.

Aisha has almost become a target of public criticism.

And for this, 4. 0 Aisha can come up with this report. Naturally guess what everyone thinks


Therefore, she was not in a hurry, but rather calmly said.

"I'm not showing you this to hit you, I just want you to know. What kind of existence our former opponent was."

Heard this.

Everyone was depressed for a while.

Now, they know how their opponents are against the sky.

But it’s too late,

Even Joey shook his head straight. Then sighed,

"Now, it's useless to say these

It’s just that he hasn’t finished

.I was interrupted by Aisha. I said a sentence that made everyone dumbfounded:

"No, useful, very useful, since we can't beat it. Then join them!

"Huh??" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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