And when Jiang Han and the women were examining

Although Kikyo still has a calm and elegant expression on his face. However, Jiang Han Yuki's eyes are stuck anal tightly. The slightly clenched palm of her hand shows that her heart is not as calm as the surface.

What would he have of his work: What kind of evaluation? And.

When he saw Jiang Han finished reading the manga, his brows frowned and he looked down in thought. Kikyo's heart suddenly shook.

My heart is both nervous and expectant.

At this time, Jiang Han finally finished reading it. Turned around

, Seriously and really face Kikyo for a ten-year period. _ "Kikyo... What was your original intention for creating this manga?"

Bellflower was a little surprised.

She didn't expect Jiang Han to have such a problem suddenly.. But there is nothing to hide. Having said that, the main reason for creating this work by myself is also to promote my shrine to more people. For the continuation of one's own shrine = contribution-part of the strength.

Hear the words.

Jiang Sai suddenly realized it too.

No wonder. Such hard-core advertisements were implanted in L originally for the purpose of advertising!

And its

His daughters, their faces are even more interesting.

"No wonder Kikyo-san you are wearing such clothes. I thought it was cesplax before. It turns out that Kikyo-san is really a witch."

After listening to Kikyo's words, Guren suddenly opened his eyes too much. He was a little surprised.

"Unexpectedly, Xiahong still has the presence of witches." Cai Ling was also looking at Kikyo with a smile, feeling a little strange. On the contrary, she was even more vigilant in her heart.

This special identity feels more attractive to others.

Except Asuna, no one else knows Kikyo’s true identity...until Kikyo

Geng said that everyone had just realized that now, he was amazed.

Especially the Four Witches, they are all eager to try, if Jiang Han is not there. He must be pestering Kikyo to ask Dong.

After all, the profession of Xiahong is indeed very easy to arouse Taijia’s interest.

After listening to Kikyo's answer, Jiang Sai touched his chin and meditated. He said.

"The only thing you show in this work of Kikyo is the Warring States period. After all, when it was so far back, it doesn't make people think of the shrine you are in now, the sense of separation between time and space."

"Since I want to promote the shrine,

If you want to, why not use the current shrine as a selling point?"

"The shrine now?

Hearing this, Bellflower was stunned. There is indeed such a problem.

She also thought of promoting the shrines of the present time and space. But the background of the story is set during the Warring States Period. How should this be related to the present?

Thought of this. She raised her doubts with a puzzled expression.

Jiang Han didn’t care. He replied casually, “You can set the heroine to live in the current era. Then he accidentally passed through the shrine to Lu Hong’s Warring States period ⊥_

Crossing?(Read more @

Modern people travel back hundreds of years?

Kikyo's eyes widened suddenly. My heart was shaken by this idea!

It’s not just platycodon.. the other girls are also on the stormy sea

Okay, did you play like this?

Kikyo has never heard of such a surprising concept. But once this idea breeds. It is out of control.

People with modern living habits and thinking habits travel back to the Xiahong Warring States period a few hundred years ago, and it was also an era when humans and monsters coexisted.

What kind of sparks will collide


As long as Kikyo = think of this, I feel my heart surging!

It's as if it's a dime!

If you set it this way... it's definitely much more ingenious than setting it yourself now!

And Jiang Han is still going on I

"Moreover, the identity of the male protagonist. It also needs to be changed 1 1"

In this work now. Da Ye is a real monster.: And he is the prince of the monster, and the half-monster in memory. Far away from the base.

.... ask for flowers z__

And when I heard this, Kikyo was just like a head of water

. "I want to change my identity to an adult?

She is really confused.

The core of this work is the love of shemales. She also thinks the biggest selling point.

Now, you want to change your identity?

This is not to shake the foundation. All the plots are negated. L L

Thought of this. Kikyo is still very lost.

And when the women heard this, they were also puzzled

"Boss. If you change to an adult race, it will become another story, right?"

"Yeah.. And. There is nothing interesting about Humans."

"Well. I think so too.

The Four Witches didn't care about these. You have expressed your opinions one after another.

Hear the words.

Jiang Han looked a little surprised.

"Who told you, I want to change the male lead to an adult 21"

"But... Didn't you say that you want to change your identity?" Kikyo couldn't help asking.

"I mean, change the demon clan to half demon"," Jiang Han shook his makeup and went in and out of his settings.

"Half demon?" All the girls were blinded


This is the first time we have heard this kind of word C.

"Yes. A half-demon and a demon-race L," Jiang Han explained.

to be honest. The design of Yasha as a half-demon is a very successful move.

The second is a half-monster that neither A nor the demon are accepted.

The second is a lonely shrine maiden who has always been alone.

because of this.

Inuye has a trace of kindness to the human race again

The two share the same loneliness

It is precisely because of this. ,

Kikyo didn’t shoot again at night like dealing with other monsters


Only in this way, will there be a later story. And it will go on smoothly.

And now it's changed.

Naturally, there are some taboos, and there is no sense of naturalness.

Fei Lujian wake you up, reading = something

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