, Not many accidents

"Fighting Continent" is the same as other animations produced by Xuanji before. Of course, from the data point of view, it is even better than the previous works. This is naturally due to the early online novel.

It has been warmed up to a certain extent and has accumulated a lot of popularity

Jiang Han is still very satisfied

at the same time

The novel website has also entered a stable stage

Because of the popular animation of ``Defight Continent'', many people who have not read the original novel because they can't wait for the progress of a Monday episode, naturally choose to watch the novel first and have fun! This also drives a wave of traffic to the end Chinese website $ Surge

After Nongyu got the compliment from Jiang Han, he went back happily

Watching Nongyu's pretty figure disappear from the door, Jiang Han also shook his head and smiled to himself

This Nizi, I didn't expect to have such a side

After that, his gaze returned to the computer again

Clicked on a transnational document

That was sent to herself by Aisha half an hour ago, the current operation of Disneyland

However, I just put it aside because I wanted to watch the response and barrage of the "Grumbling Continent" at the station first.

There is nothing else on hand now, just take a look

Clicking on the file, it is Aisha's familiar greeting, Jiang Han also smiled slightly

Don't tell me, I'm quite comfortable when I shake my hand at the shopkeeper

He continues to look down

Behind is the response after the official opening of Disneyland, as well as turnover and so on.

Although the price of Disneyland is very high, the revenue from Aisha's amusement park still exceeded Jiang Han's expectations! Jiang Han couldn't help but chuckle when he saw this.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

Sure enough, even if the price is so expensive, it is still a beautiful country that can't stop the enthusiasm! He knows that Disneyland itself is fun.

But more importantly, it is the psychology of comparison! When I was propagating, I mixed some private goods, making everyone subconsciously think that Disneyland is more noble than other parks! Then you have gone to Disneyland to play, naturally you will be right. Others show off

I feel superior to others! You go to other parks for a few dollars to play once, and I go to Disneyland to play for 200 dollars once

Then I'm definitely playing more advanced than you! As soon as this concept comes out, naturally everyone will compare

And no one wants to be content with others

Money is so easy to make! Jiang Han continues to look down

What is written after Aisha is the dispute on the beautiful country network because of the pricing of the disco.

Not everyone will accept this concept

There will always be people who say that this fare is very worthwhile, and it's just a deliberate hype! Disney is cheating a fool! People with normal IQ should not go! They should be resolutely resisted! Jiang Han curled his lips and dismissed it.

Some people who have not visited Disneyland before may agree with this kind of remarks, but as long as they have been to play, they will definitely be resolutely opposed! Otherwise, wouldn't it be that they admit that they are the big fool, the big idiot? Don't go to Disneyland to refute the poor! Maybe it can also stimulate the social conflicts of the people in the beautiful country! Thinking of this, Jiang Han can't help but show a strange smile on his face

He doesn’t have the slightest psychological burden on the wool of the beautiful people! And now there is such a high turnover, doesn’t it mean that the people you see, Amei, have more room to squeeze! Jiang Han touched it. Chin, returned an email to Aisha

There are only four words

Step up! Chuan Jianguo is very angry now

I originally thought that Xuanji Company would definitely lose the money to open this Disneyland.

And even if you book such a high ticket price, isn’t it just digging your own grave! But I didn’t expect that now Disneyland has not only not closed down, but it’s even going out of business! The tax report handed in by the finance department shows, Disneyland has the highest profitability among the amusement parks in the beautiful country! And the second place is far away from eight hundred miles away! His goal is to make the beautiful country great again! How could it be possible to sit back and watch such a reality? The company of the flower growers is growing in a beautiful country! This group of stupid people don't know if they are making money for the flower growers! Chuan Jianguo is very angry! Now he called his staff to discuss countermeasures

"Oh! Dear Commander, are you trying to sanction Disneyland?"

William, one of the staff members, was a little surprised after hearing Chuan Jianguo's plan.


Chuan Jianguo pouted, and put his hands in the classic orchid finger posture.

"Not only Disneyland, but Xuanji Company!"

"Damn it's mysterious company, this is sucking the blood of our country! As the commander, I firmly don't allow such things to happen!"

"No one understands sanctions better than me!"

After all, he played the accordion again

"I decided to do this, do this, do this again"

Chuan Jianguo excitedly said the method he had prepared

"Oh! This is awesome!!"

"You are the best leader, and you are bound to make the beautiful country great again!"

"Sister, look! CSG million!"

William and others immediately flattered

Then, Chuan Jianguo even held a press conference

In front of the media of various countries, the decision was announced in public

The Disney company under Xuanji Company poses a major threat to the security of the beautiful country, and it is limited to the Disney company to sell all the company's business within one month! This news came out!

The fishing boats of the beautiful country and the flower planter were in an uproar! On the Internet, even if it bursts open! Feilu reminds you: Reading three things to collect,

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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