The video ended here. It was very short. Mr. Liu didn't say much, but he gave the parents of giant babies who were chattering loudly in the face.

Didn’t you say that we will learn badly after watching anime?

Didn’t you say that animations are all fictitious and will lead the younger generation astray?

Didn’t you say that our animation distorted facts and tampered with history?

Now, is this answer satisfactory? ?

Liu Lao didn't say much, no need to say more, everything is in the video.

this moment.

Mr. Liu Nanru

Under those three golden names.

Shut up, the giant infant’s parents hesitated, even the navy was a little confused.

These naval forces were originally denied by the six relatives.

However, Chinese people still respect Mr. Liu.

It is really because of him that the flower planters now have enough confidence to proudly say to those foreigners with a history of less than a thousand years:

"We have five thousand years of cultural heritage. We are an ancient country with ancient civilizations in the East, and we are descendants of Yan and Huang!"


Suddenly, the mysterious officer who was originally in the center of the battlefield went down slightly, unexpectedly

The wind and the waves are quiet.

Even the mysterious fans are dull.

Although they like Qin Shi, although they also want the animation to gain the recognition of the world, they never expected that the existence of Liu Lao, a treasure of the country, would stand up to support them at this important juncture!

At this moment, in addition to slowly moving and happy, many Qin Shi fans still have a somewhat unreal feeling.

Even, because of this unreal feeling, many fans of Qin Shi did not show up for a while.

And before that.

As the fuse of this incident,

Numerous players in "The Shore" even don't know anything about it.


Not because they are blocked from news.

It's all because of the outbreak of the Continental War, "Side Land" has long been a mess.

The continental war broke out a bit suddenly.

Because the two largest alliances in Liangzhou were first civil wars.

[Qi Yue Wuyi] Somehow, I found the position of the leader of [Dragon Fighting in the Wild].

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, directly pave the road and prepare to take the leader's city directly.

Then there is the link where I am happy to see the alliance pinch.(Read more @

Then.... Seeing Liangzhou's fierce fight in other continents, they were also ready to move.

A war that swept across the entire server has begun.

Of course, only Yangzhou... peaceful reunification.

Then, when civil strife was struck in other continents, a large number of fortresses were densely piled up outside various border checkpoints.

Everyone knows what Sima Zhao's heart wants to do! !

Then, the Continental War kicked off like this, fighting every moment, and the continuous tug of war consumed most of everyone's energy.

Even the neutral Chika party has been implicated

went! !

Therefore, exhausted, they are busy with the war and do not know the danger of mystery!

Of course, this situation was followed by the news that the “Mystery is in danger, return to the official WeChat account quickly, and support mystery is great!” from a Cheka Party called "Miss is very busy" in the world.

In an instant, the entire world channel exploded.

"Huh? What happened to the mystery?"

"What's the situation, I can't walk away from here, Yangzhou, LYB, I'm unwilling to kill them if I don't kill them!"

"Yes, please, please go out to take a look and find out the situation!!"

"No, I'm going to check it out, now Qin Shi is the most beautiful part of the update, so mystery can't go wrong!"


It didn't take long.

This incident finally spread to the world.

This time.

Everyone is angry.

"Fuck TM, can this kind of dirty water be sprayed on my mysterious body?"

"This f*ck, brothers, can this be tolerated?"

"Yangzhou, what do you think of LYB?"

"What else can I see, I'll be done with TMD

It's up! "

"Yes, there is no one to deceive me?"

"Ledtu went out to expedition, no grass will grow!!"

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops want to meet each other!"

"Go, support the mystery!!"

Most of the fans who entered here for the first time were Qin Shi's fans.

Those who came in later, even if they weren’t fans of Qin Shi, when they were playing this game, after seeing those card introductions, they also became interested in them. They went back to supplement Qin Shi’s anime and became fans. .

Under the influence of this mutual feedback.

It can even be said that the game "Lando Beach" has become the biggest gathering place for fans of Qin Shi.


Someone dared to spray their beloved thing?

Who can bear the big hat of twisting history and breaking the spine?

Needless to say.

Full service, all alliances briefly discussed on the national frequency.

Then, a consensus agreement was quickly reached.

Civil war, time-out, continental war, time-out, all battles are stopped!

Muzzle, unanimously outside!


This agreement has also received a good response.

All the troops that participated in the battle were withdrawn, uniformly, ordered and prohibited, and the ancient marching rules were vividly interpreted.

Download the game and support the mystery! !

In less than 30 seconds, the densely packed world suddenly disappeared, and no one appeared for a long time, just like a ghost costume...

PS: It's going to be on the shelves, everyone, don't ask for more, I just want to ask for a first order! !

Really, this is related to whether there is a recommendation later, it is very important! ! !

Everyone, thanks! !


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