Many online game companies that were on the sidelines are completely dumbfounded.

Originally, they also wanted to watch from the wall, and wanted to let the Zen mutual entertainment and the mysterious snipe and clam compete for their fisherman's profit.

As a result, I didn't expect that just standing in a team, they would be a disaster!

This issue of invoicing is not simple.

One invoice is issued and then sent to the Antarctic Scientific Research Station, let alone whether the Finance Department can complete so many tasks. Just the freight... let them-liver pain. _

Moreover, this matter has intensified and finally affected their games.

Countless army of local leaders have boarded the game accounts of these companies. Then screamed in the world channel, and A began to promote the invoicing holy war.

Of course, it is natural to prevent tax evasion under the banner of national taxation.

And this is not the most absolute.

The most amazing thing is that these local army directly took their own consumption records to officially report these companies for tax evasion.__

So many people reported.

It is impossible for officials to sit idly by. It can only be checked.

Then, some unscrupulous companies were directly planted.

even if

Companies that pay taxes on time. Get this way. All upset L.

For a time.

The entire game production company. Ai Hongbianzi.

The finance department is all ill. They have asked for resignation.”

Even the Ning Group, which was not the target, lay guns down.

Originally, there was nothing to do without them, but still secretly happy.

As a result, the invoice battle didn’t know what it was, it spread to the game they were running.

Then, some players who were dissatisfied with the planning also took the initiative to launch a holy war.

Although, this time the scale is not as strong as the local army, but it is also

Caused a lot of trouble.

For a time.

The entire game circle, because of the army's expedition, was all messed up!

The game circle is turned upside down.

The animation industry is also a little furious.

The first is Wang Bowen, who has been dug out by the bottom team and has always had a mystery.

The starting group is based on many clues. Then, under the leadership of a great god-level hacker named "Angel King", he dug up a lot of his bribery records. Including and not limited to the two seasons of "Leifeng Story", the amount of the selected case is as high as more than one billion.

Then. The Association was exploded.

Say it out immediately. Wang Bowen was dismissed from his post and sent to the judicial department to investigate and handle the mountain

Wang Bowen.0UILL

Next, there are major animation manufacturers mainly based on Guangyu Media, which produced the "Lei Feng Story".

These animation manufacturers are really easy to check.

Bribery of senior management. Take state subsidies. It is no secret in the industry.

It's just that no one noticed this piece and died.

therefore. Start the bottom group a little hands-on. It pierced the sky in an instant.

As a result, it is worse than the gaming circle.

There is still life in the game circle(Read more @


The animation circle is basically annihilated!

So far. This battle ended victoriously at the expense of the annihilation of the local army, the re-involvement of the two major industries with one organization.

Time is fast.

At twelve o'clock in the morning

It's half past one in the afternoon. The enemy army was annihilated. It took less than one and a half hours in total...

After the end.

Li Tu Taijun was still full of thoughts, quite a feeling of "I haven't done anything, why did you fall?" ⊥

Even the leader of the Xuzhou League and Warring States Scholars

This kind of combat power is not as strong as the two leagues next to the ‘dominant world’!’

What he said is absolutely correct.

Think back when they invaded Qingzhou. _The Second League of'Holding the World' was the first to find out and blocked them for three hours. L"

In this way-contrast, the combat effectiveness of this group of scum. Worry ⊥. 1

certainly. This sentence is so powerful that it not only stabs the hearts of those jobs: industry z navy. He also severely stabbed the ‘Xiong Dominates the World’.

And seeing that the foreign aggression was assessed, the'Xiong Domination' would naturally not recognize Cong, and the two families would meet for a game without saying a word. Keep going

1. !

The other leagues are similar.

After all, when they came to fight the fire. It's still fighting, and now it's over here. They naturally turned their friends into enemies and hurt each other.

This ‘Li Tu Tai Army’ came quickly and went quickly.

After passing through the rebels, he hurriedly placed an advertisement on the official website of Xuanji and disappeared without a trace.

Still less than half a minute a

Lead the army, break it into pieces, and re-enter the game. What should I do?

The continental war of the continental war. The civil war of the civil war.

All the battles, not only have not been eased because of the joint fighting, but have become more intense.

The one hit was called a gore.

Conscription and death. Conscription, death. Infinite loop ⊥

Of course, if you just watch the World Channel, it's still peaceful.

Everyone is bragging about how much they have achieved in this holy war.

Then, I rushed in without hesitation for the ‘tea fee’ I obtained in this holy war, and happily draw the card!,!

Then draw a card, and also compliment from time to time-go with you.

Then, secretly

Li is dispatching troops and generals to start shopping and ganging up LIB. Carry forward to the extreme.

And for the outside world e

Seeing this kind of dragon's style of seeing the head but not the end, the jaws of the people who eat melon skirts are all startled.

I left quietly, just as I came in a hurry, I waved my sleeve... Roll up to the dust!,. 0_

However, the Taijun left.

Many surviving game companies took a sigh of relief.

no way. The pressure was given to them by the Tutai Army. The pressure was due to the wife.

The destructive power is too amazing, right?


Fans are all-what the hell is z skirt

And all know.

Look at this posture, unless the mystery is dead. Otherwise, who else would dare to use mystery 3

No that-a company / can afford to be so dismantled 2


While they are afraid, they are also envious.

They also want their players to stand up for themselves.

Of course, they also know. I'm thinking about fart..._

In this battle, there is only mystery. A company with a high degree of fan cohesion would have a chance to facilitate it, right?

Because of this.

And this holy war _ is naturally written down in the annals of history, and it has become a favorite of latecomers.

And this time.

Inside the zen-like room for mutual entertainment.


Xu Qing looked at Yang Tao, who bowed his head in front of him with a cold face.

The more you root, the more mad.

Then, he picked up the plan next to him and slapped Yang Tao's head, fanning while chanting.

"Win, win. Is this your plan?"

"I lost my wife and lost my army again?"


Don’t you listen to it 3"

"Isn't there no one? Who are those people? 2"

Yang Tao hangs his head, his face is ashen

. "

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