For them, these seven minutes are just like a year!_!

They are looking forward to Jiang Han's reply. ,

However, as time goes by, their hearts become more anxious a

"Isn't there yet? When is this? He didn't coax us?" Klein was impatient. I didn't like waiting for someone.

Especially when it is this kind of tension. Even more so. So he was also the first to break out.

Seeing that his emotions were a little wrong, Elisa immediately persuaded L

"Klein, don't worry.,

However, before she finished speaking, Klein had already interrupted again.

"Why not in a hurry? He said ten minutes, and now it's a minute. There is no response. Isn't this showing us a trick?"

In normal times, Ai Xiasha said one ten days. Klein won't refute yet, but at this time, Klein is already stubborn, so naturally he won't take that much into consideration.

With his beginning, other people naturally started to complain.

"Yeah. It's been nine minutes!"

"Isn't it forgotten?,"


Of course, they are just 20 playing on us! "

"This makes me anxious!"

For a time.

The entire conference room was suddenly filled with complaints.

Eliza saw this... Although she was dissuaded, she didn't know what to say.


She herself was a little hesitant.

After all, although Asuna had blown Jiang Han out of the sky, he was the only one on the ground.

But, after all, that person is far away from the flower planter

Even if you have great abilities, it is probably beyond your reach, right?

Of course, she is not the only one who thinks this way, as well as Kayaba's crystallinity.

"Perhaps, we have been treated as abandoned children."

Kayaba Akihiko's heart is also sad

this moment.

He also regrets immensely

Why did I eat lard in the first place? I lost 65% of my shares to others.

it's good now.

There is no golden ground for turning at all.

Now he is already thinking about how to keep this company alive.

As for going further...he_

_I don't have any expectations anymore.

In the office,

A mood called despair is spreading

And just when everyone's emotions accumulate to the end.

Elisa's cell phone finally rang.


Everyone's complaints stopped, like a duck pinched. He stretched out his head and looked at Elisa.

"Is it him?" Elisa was also very surprised at the moment.

He took out his phone in a hurry.

s just seemed to show the local number, the light of hope in her silver was once again

put out.

Although her face is still desperate, her good professional qualities still make her face call(Read more @

"Moximosi, p1ex!"

And the other side responded immediately;

"Hello. This is NMK TV_ Station I'm looking for the person in charge of Aniplex"

Elisa was still a little confused when she heard the NHK TV station, she didn't know what the TV station was calling him.

Therefore, she also immediately replied:

"Hello. I'm the vice president of Anip1ex.. May I ask if you have

What's the matter, right?,"

"Oh, it's like this., we heard that you introduced an excellent animation from Xiahong. We want to buy the right to play it. I don't know if it will be convenient..."_J

And when I heard this e

Elisa was already staying.

"NHK personally carried the phone and came over to buy the broadcasting rights???"

Now she has only one sentence in her head.

Even, because he was really surprised. He didn't even hear the words behind the other side.

Finally, the opposite party was anxious. I couldn't help asking:

"Is the person still there? The anime is sold out? Can you hear me?"

at this time.

Ai Xiasha reacted, suppressing the shock and excitement in her heart, and she hurriedly replied to:

"Yes, here. People are here, things are here

After hearing this reply, the person on the other side was obviously relieved. Then he said quickly.

"That's good. The person who keeps our stuff will come over and sign the contract immediately..." __

Finished. He hung up the phone.

It looks like they are more anxious than them

Listening to the phone

Elisa reacted to her busy tone, and a little sluggishly took her phone away.

The expression on his face is very complicated.

There are doubts, puzzles and deep shock L

And Elisa's performance was naturally seen by everyone.

Seeing her strange performance, everyone also asked L with great enthusiasm.

"Elisa, what's the matter with you 3

"Yeah, don't scare me."

"Whose phone number was just now?"

Hear the shouts of the crowd. Elisa finally recovered 2

Then grabbed Klein's


-Said to them excitedly:

"Sell, sell it, we sell it"

It's okay if Elisa doesn't say it, but everyone is even more bewildered.

Sold out?

What was sold?

Fortunately, Elisa immediately followed up with a sentence that shocked them:

"The Fox Demon is sold out"! "

Heard this.

Everyone was stunned

Sold out?

Really sold out?

Of course, after a while, they thought of something, and they didn't care about the subordinates and hurriedly asked.

"Sold it? How much? Which one?"

At this time, Aixiasha finally stabilized her mentality. Explained quickly.

"It's NHK. It was HK's call just now. They said they wanted to purchase our "Fox Monster" ⊥Little"

Although this sentence is not loud, but for everyone, it is not as loud as a jade.

One 193 hours.

The entire conference room. Everyone was shocked by the name.


They all looked dumbfounded.

It’s no wonder they don’t look like this.

The main reason is that NHIK's name is really too big.

Although, people’s ratings are inverse..

But it is Xiahong's most famous TV station, not one of them.

He is Xiahong’s first and only independent public television station, with a coverage rate of 100%. ⊥_⊥

and. The Xia Hongzheng government once promulgated the "Broadcasting Law." Establish the special legal status of N Mansion, making it similar to the BBC. The model relies on the public to pay the audition fee to operate and independently engage in commercial assets.

Public media

Furthermore, it also has international channels and a news website in one language, providing radio, television and other services to foreign countries.

It is simply the center of Xiahong.


Not only them, but even all animation production companies that sell animation broadcasting rights will automatically skip NHK. _

It’s not that they can’t afford to pay. It’s that they know that they look down on it,

It is precisely because of this that their "Fox Demon" naturally has not forced NHK_

And now, people NH is willing to come to the door,

This kind of honor is like in ancient times when you sold sesame cakes and wanted to sell them to those laborers, the emperor came to eat your sesame cakes in person.

This huge difference makes them seem to be living in a dream, unbelievable. _

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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